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Why Can't the Old Void and New Fissure System Coexist?


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I miss the community building and camaraderie the old endless Void missions had.  Most of my in-game friends were met through the Void because during the setup and during the run, people actually communicated with each other.  Sometimes game related, but often random and off-topic conversations throughout the run.  With the relic system, everyone is just rushing to get theirs and no one talks.

Don't get me wrong though...the old Void was far from perfect.  RNG was horrible and it often felt like time wasted however; I think a few adjustments could help remedy this:

  • Rare drop rate could be improved the longer you stay...say 3% increase in rare chance, 3% decrease in common drop chance every 15 waves/minutes after 15.
  • Also, rare drop tables could be every 15 waves/minutes instead of every 20 (so good drops would be 15, 30, 45, 60, etc instead of the old 20, 40, 60, etc).
  • Every 5 rounds we could get the timed drop choice menu based on what keys were brought (like the current relic system).
  • Bear in mind how the Void is separated in the new star chart.  Lower level relics could only be used in the lower level Void tiles, and higher ones only in the higher tiles.  So the rarer prime parts would start in an area where enemy levels are already 40+ at the first wave/minute.

Current relics could be used as Void "keys", but you could also use them for fissure runs.  That way, if a person wants to farm one specific thing, they can improve their relic and run fissure missions; but if that same person wants to run an endless defense, survival, or intercept mission and get prime drops for ducats or to sell, they could do that as well.

It seems like a win-win to me.  People who enjoy quick fissure missions could still have their quick runs; but people who like running endless missions (with good rewards) with friends and potential friends can do that again.  Yes, endless missions would net more prime parts per relic, but it would be a trade-off for time invested.

I haven't ironed out all the details, but I think this is a good start to get some type of discussion going.

If anyone from DE reads this: This is not an attack on SotR...SotR has its uses, as it does make it easier for newer players to get prime gear.  This suggestion is more for veterans and people who enjoy the community aspects of Warframe.  The old Void system did have its flaws, but it was great for the community and with a few adjustments it could be even better.

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it is true that the new system killed the social aspect of void runs

the new fissures are great for getting the part you want but terrible for social interaction, you're in & out done

sadly alot of ppl have stopped playing because of this particular loss of social engagement

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Because we'd choose the less grindy old void system then they new system. The new system seemed like it was desinged to make WF a solo game. No key sharing, no helping new players to rotation C, no challenge, no need for a "team" (frost, DPS, support, etc). The old void would be far superior in terms of getting ducats, while the new system would be used when you needed that one super rare part giving players the best of both worlds and almost no real grind. DE needs some grind. They should just go back to the old void. It was much cleaner (just wait until they vault the 12+relics for Nxy, Scindo, and Hikou and release 12 new ones for the new items, change a bunch of items from "rare" on those relics to common like the soma stock so they can put all the new stuff in rare slots (like Vauban, etc). The new system is very poorly thought out and it's turning off all the veterans I know.



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I dont see this new system as easier to get the part you need.  I am still having to grind just as much to get the part and everybody is using 4 times the resources.  This new system is set to just jump in random groups and hope for the best.  Trying to keep track of what drops are best for ducats is just about impossible now with so many possibilities of drops each tier.  

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The loss of the social aspect is definitely the worst here. Teams used to talk about all sort of crap over a long endless void session, now all I've ever seen are things like "[x]/10" and "extract".

And while I can't really say the same for the other game modes, Void Survival was one of the most fun things in the game to do, especially T3S and T4S despite how frustrating the loot drop often was.

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On 8/15/2016 at 4:03 PM, Jakku said:

Ok so here goes nothing, you use one/1 relic and is guaranteed one/1 prize.

So why is it that when four/4 relic(s) are used you still acquire one/1 prize .

This alone is making myself think that the drop table(s) are a sham in terms of item use and effort, let alone the fact that there is no real selection in what you get what so ever.

The selection in a four/4 man party is only due to multiple/ different relic(s) used with prize (s) that are not similar to your own.

And therefor you get to pick a prize (one/1 prize) out of  4 relic(s).

Why is it this way and why are you selecting a single item out of 4 item(s) that should be guaranteed to the player.

*I find myself only doing captures solo due  to the fact of being guaranteed 1 item (one relic/1 item) per void fissure mission.*

It is as if teaming up means nothing anymore due to this fact of less quantity and more effort and time.

The old ways of void was five minute(s) or wave(s) per said reward be it what ever the tier and/or mission it was (Defense, Survival ect).

This new way is one/1 reward per fissure, no matter how many in the party.

This to me is ground breaking in terms of playing to achieve any what so ever ducat(s) and or set(s) of item herein.

If nothing is to be done then I for one will definitely have to solo more mission(s) as stated previously, because if it is a single item each time then why bother.


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On 8/14/2016 at 1:19 PM, _Je_Suis_Bruxelles_ said:

 At least in my case , it rings true : One doesn't know what he has until he's lost it ...

I miss the 40 waves of T4 Def , 40 to 60 minutes of T3-T4 Surv... I feel that we need an incentive to ride the Big Waves again...

I'm not advocating going back to the Old Void . I would like something like a significant increase in affinity every 5waves/minutes , or maybe a slight increase in obtaining a Rare drop from relics as mission advances ...

ATM,there is nothing in Warframe that gives the same adrenaline like the famous wave 40..risking to lose all for a greater prize...

The old way of void after an T3D 100 wave.


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