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Ash Redone


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with the upcoming Update, which is supposed to have a heavy focus on balance and bringing older heroes up to the effectiveness of the newer ones, i wanted to review and summon up a lot of the discussions i had with some people about Ash. 

With a a little luck one of the Devs may see this post and might consider our/my suggestions.^^


Ash Redone:


In generall Ash is a nice Hero and especially his Stats are already very nicely balanced. So the suggested changes are wanted mainly on his Abilities, to make them as effective as they should be, considering his role in the Game.


Power1: Shuriken

-while Shuriken already has seen a buff, tweaking it once more is necessary. The main Problem is that besides his Ult, this is Ash´s one damage Abiltiy, but considering that purpose, it´s still to unreliable. 


->Ash should throw 3 Shuriken in a cone that can´t home in on the same Target. The dmg itself is fine, but killing (or damaging on later levels) only 2 enemys is just not enough, considering the amount of opponents you face in this game.

With 3 Shuriken this abilty would give him a little more crowd controll, while also making postioning more important. Synergy with BUllet Attractor would be nice, to make it into a nice Nuke in early game. 

Another thing that was mentioned is, that the throwing animation is a little dull and a more "ninja style" throw would be nice, to really give the player the feel of throwing a deadly weapon.


Power2: Smoke Screen

-Smoke Screen also has already some nice utility, but should be a little amplified to make it really a tool to rely on.


->a larger screen, increased stun and invisibility duration as well as increased damage while attacking out of the invisibilty, would make this a deadly tool. Also seeing the outlines of Ash as a player would help a lot instead of controlling a completely vanished charackter.


Power3: Teleport

-this is one of the most disscussed powers of Ash, while it offers great mobiltiy in most peoples opinion it falls flat to it´s potential.


->The main Problems are targeting issues and range, so increasing the range is probably the most important thing and changing the targeting to be a little more fogiving, so you don´t need to be so incredibly precise with it. It´s important that the mobilty aspect of this abilty is keot as it is, but giving Ash a ~300-400% damage buff on it´s next mellee attack would make teleport into a nice way to initate on a target and would fit very well with Ash´s theme of being a deadly ninja that uses the element of suprise to his advantage.

Another great suggestion was,being able to target allies through walls, after all it is called a "Teleport".


Power4: Blade Storm

-while being reworked right now it is hard to make a apporpiate suggestion without knowing whats going to come. 


->one thing that should be changed for sure is the range on which he can jump to the next target, as long as an enemy is basicly in the same room as Ash he should be able to Telport to him. It is very weird that he stops teleporting to enemys when they are not in a certain range. Blade Storm has already a disadvantage in being very slow, meaning that it takes quiet long to kill a bunch of enemys with it. While changing it entirely is not needed, since it´s a fun abilty to use and a quiet powerfull one as well, the range is definetly a big downside. Also the Fisheye perspective is horrible at the moment, the best thing about Blade Storm is probaly how cool it is^^, so being able to really enjoy the animation would be much apreciated.

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I agree on some of these things, but his nr. 3 should be changed so that be doesn't do that stupid front flip animation, cause it slows him down so much making it useless for initiating on an enemy, and they should probably make it so he appears BEHIND the target. And for his 4th abillity, I don't know what you mean with fishy perspective, it increases FOV so you can see it more easily, what they SHOULD fix about it, is the speed, the range, maybe increase amount of targets that can be killed and the small faults with him going inside walls, levitating and such. And improve the killing animation maybe, seems kinda dull to see him teleport from enemy to enemy poking them with his sword or whatever melee weapon you're using. Or perhaps they'll rework it entirely and make it something cool like a Shuriken Storm? They can have him stand in position, throwing out Shurikens at high speed all around him? I don't know, lol.

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It's already been stated that Bladestorm will be getting a bunch of new animations like those seen in the trailer. Gameplay-wise, the only skills that need fixing are Teleport and Bladestorm. Teleport needs to have a shorter/removed animation, increased range and better targetting. Bladestorm just needs a bunch of fixes for bugs.

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The new animations they're adding to blade storm look amazing. However, beyond that it still needs tweaking. It only affects a few enemies and takes FOREVER to get through. What i don't want is another CC attack (miasma, radial javelin, sound quake, etc.). I think the long casting animation could be offset by extending the range and make it do more damage / prioritize higher level targets.

I agree that a great way to tweak teleport would be to remove the animation, make you appear BEHIND them, and/or give you a stealth attack bonus (150% melee damage).

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