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Devstream #79 Overview


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I've always liked Limbo but compared to Zephyr who despite being a dinosaur now could still be considered a fun frame, while he suffers from a how the hell do I work this thing complex with the general public. He's utterly useless against nullifiers and possibly scramba/combas (haven't played him in awhile), and is made of glass anywhere outside his safe zone. Even blipping enemies into the rift with him is risky if he can't immediately 1 shot them. He could easily fall into the role of sniper.....but that's a different mess all together.

Although Zephyr does seem to be getting a lot of attention lately with deluxe and tennogen skins. A rework might not be that far off.

Never heard any complaints about Nezha. Seemed really balanced when I played him and he's tops in terms of speed. Also infested can't touch him.

Oberon just needs a tune-up. A few number tweaks and maybe change his hairy carpet to something less filthy looking.

Hydroid is another one that just needs a few tweaks. Although undertow might get an overhaul seeing how blatantly stupid it is. Puddle prime when?


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Warframe Rework Topic:

Zephyr is ok and only needs some tuning. I constantly use her 3 and 2, 1 is situational but ok. Only her ult doesn't feel like a proper 4.

Nezha is a top-tier frame. Every skill is awesome and the frame overall is pretty balanced.

Oberon utterly lacks a "killer application". People were always complaining that he is worse than Trin, Saryn and Nyx at what he does. Now he is also outclassed by Nezha, which is healer/DD/CC/anti-proc frame too. Nezha fills the same niche, is much more fun to play, his builds are more versatile, building him around one ability/aspect doesn't ruin others unlike Oberon. I know, the fun is subjective, but being proc immune + very mobile + having heal+teleport+AoE + best looking hard CC is much better than camping carpets + slow heal + soft CC.

Hydroid has the same problem as Oberon. His abilities (except 2) revolve around camping the spot, building around one ability ruins others, need augments to make his 3 and 4 useful, his heal doesn't work on companions and  3 as a whole has huge downsides. His skill set would be a nice for melee-focused tank, but Hydroid is squishy. He used to be more durable and damaging version of Nekros, but now Nekros is MUCH more durable, has better CC and can deal huge damage, as he doesn't need to 3333333 non-stop now. Nekros shadows now follow him reliably and teleport on recast, which, combined with Desecrate rework, means so he is not forced to camp the spot anymore, unlike Pilfering Hydroid.

Nullifier Topic:
Someone mentioned that Nullifiers affect all frames equally (invis-frames, frosty, mirage, ash, ember, etc), prevent cheese and force people to think and change tactics. It is simply not the case. Simulorage is not affected by Nullies at all (she kills them and their bubbles instantly), for invis-frames Nullies are a minor annoyance which only forces them to have high RoF weapon as a backup, Nullifier don't pursue invisible frames, so it's extremely easy for them to avoid touching bubbles and kill Nullifiers. Frosty is somewhat affected, now he is forced to use medium-smallish bubbles, catapult-build is no-no for defending objectives against Corpus, same thing with Limbo. Ember and Ash still kill everyone, they just need high RoF weapon.

Who are actually affected: Buff-reliant melee frames (Riftwalker Limbo, Chroma, Speed Volt, Eternal War Valkyr, Wukong), CC-reliant squishies (Banshee, Vauban, Equinox, Nova), low RoF weapon users (bows, launchers, snipers, some semi-autos) are pretty much hard countered by nullies, high RoF low base damage crit-weapon users (your ammo hog was not ammo-hoggy enough so we added more ammo-hog to your ammo hog).

Comba and Scrambus are much better counter to stealthers (some of them), but they are also flawed in general: they can dispel without needing LoS and there can be no way to destroy bubble without entering it. Which is pretty annoying to say the least. They are durable, in addition to that Scrambuses are crazy fast and can follow you ANYWHERE. They counter bow users just as Nullies do. Good luck hitting the helmet of erratically moving damage sink, that actively pursue you, actively dodge and carry OHK weapons. At high level some Scrambus variations are simply OP and require some kind of cheese to kill.

TLDR: Nullifiers severely reduce warframe and weapon variety, tactics variety, are annoying, unfun and are not even good at preventing the cheese and ability spam.

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