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Troll Frames.


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Mag, Vauban and Loki. Their abilities need to be changed so they do not affect friendlies. Really tired of dying due to a Vauban using vortek next to a boss and ending up getting obliterated. Really getting fed up with the jump pad as well and tesla mines being placed on warframes. Really getting old with Mag being able to continuously pull friendlies around just to irritate other people. Loki's switch teleport is just as bad.

I absolutely HATE playing with Vauban players due to how easy it is to troll everyone. As soon as I see a Vauban on my team, I leave. A large majority of Vauban players are just trolls from what I've seen. Mag trolls aren't as common but still an issue. I've only seen a couple Loki trolls.

DE needs to fix this issue. Abilities are being used in the wrong ways and it is starting to ruin the fun for some of us.

If anybody replies and says that doing this is "fun", well it's not for the people who is on the receiving end.

Edited by ikillyou1990
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just a new toy for they to play with. they will get bored and leave.

the last thing you wanna do is see how effective it is and encourage them to keep doing it.

the best thing you can do is just a clan and never deal with it again.

just saying.

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just a new toy for they to play with. they will get bored and leave.

the last thing you wanna do is see how effective it is and encourage them to keep doing it.

the best thing you can do is just a clan and never deal with it again.

just saying.

It should not come to that though. It should not be so easy to troll.
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No thanks, their good when used in there intended way. Today I was revived by a Loki who switched teleported me out of 3 Toxics. Mag can pull people to safety. Vaub vortex on the other hand could be fixed to not effect friendlies.

How about make it so it will only work on downed players? That would be much better then leaving it as it is..
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Only seen one Vauban constantly trolling with Vortex, and that might have just been some kid or something, since he did everything else very poorly. Also had one Mag pull me repeatedly into the junk-mincing chasm on the extraction point, but I was just puzzled, rather than annoyed.

Never had a Loki troll me, though.


I think a simple switch in the options approximately like "Allow friendly physic powers" would kinda solve this. Keep it off while playing with clan/friends and activate it if you think you'll run into trolls. It's a workaround at best, and, I admit, pretty silly.


Sounds like you had a particularly bad run, though.

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I will admit the vortex is annoying, but I have learned to only use it away from friendly's when necessary. Most of the time I rely on Bastille.


Mag is handy to pull you out of the pooper when your down or stuck.


Loki is very handy at getting clan members quickly to secret rooms.


As for people who troll in these games just start reporting them, otherwise only play with friends.


I will also admit to placing blue balls on everyone's crotches cause it's fun.

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bounce if used correctly, gives everyone excals super jump to get them to higher places and can be quite tactical, its' the people who place the bounce pads on closed doors that are trolls.


Vortex, i accidentally use it because i see the horde of enemies, but i throw it too close to my allies every now and then and i wind up floating around in zero G while they're bleeding out unintentional "trolling" as some people would call it.


but there's lots and lots of trolls in this game we'll just have to deal with them.

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I have not seen many Vaubans/ Lokis/ Mags trolling in any of my games. The only time was when my clan was running a Xini defense and our Vauban decided to drop 2 vortexes on top of each other because of panic mode, didn't end well.










Then again I've done some questionable things while playing as a Vauban....



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Given that as a Loki I often use it to reposition allies to help them get the best use out of their abilities, or switch them out if they get stuck, or help them get places they otherwise couldn't, I'm gonna have to say no to that one. Mag's pull is pretty helpful on allies as well, Bounce is designed to affect teammates but Vauban's Vortex needs to not affect allies and I have no idea why it does in the first place.

Just because someone can troll with certain abilities doesn't mean they need to be changed.

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Having vaubans throw teslas on you is awesome, what are you complaining about. It just means you can spread the murder faster. Nobody cares about your Kills or Damage Percents. Just keep the pod safe and stop whining.


See, you need to look on the bright side of thing. For instance. Vauban puts a vortex down. I want you to run up to it, and jump kick over it.

Now you're flying. In slow motion. And can shoot all sorts of things from your new floating vantage point. It's a bit of good with some bad. Yes, A******s can inconvenience you with vaub's powers, but most of thetime that won't be a problem.


I play frost all the time. I could dump massive snowglobes all over xini, so that no one could shoot anywhere. But you don't hear people whining about frost trolls :T

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