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U8 Feedback + Future Suggestions


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I've been here since CBT in January, the life span of the game for me is about to end.
I only have 3 more weapons to max to reach rank 11, which are still pending in the research labs.
I would already be 11 if not for these constraints.
No longer can I continue with the repetitive grinding.

I like the game and it has big potential, but I think the devs are heading to the wrong direction with each patch.

U8 Feedback
My foresight was right about U8 before it came out, it's bad.
1) There was no new form of gameplay being introduced, dojo is boring and buggy.
2) Only added much more grinding, more so than ever before, grind for void keys, grind research materials, grind for void bps, grind for RARE mods that I will never use because they are completely useless.
3) Research weapons which 90% of them are uninteresting and completely useless, a braton or boltor works better and does better in almost every scenario.
4) Galleon ships that nobody really cared about

Endgame/Major Suggestions
There are so many ideas to steal from, games like wow (even though i never played it, it must be good for them to be the world's no.1 subscribed mmo).

1) Daily raid missions/bosses
"BOSS keys" - Cost a certain amount to craft them, unlimited uses but limited to one use per day.
Please no more "pay to win one time use unobtainable by normal means" keys, the void keys on release day was an absolute disaster and not addressed until 3 weeks later.
Doable only once a day, ridiculous difficulty, needs to be epic, needs to give crazy rewards, at least 30min+
Eg. Fight 4 Krils at once, each one being released in a 60second interval.

Bad flaw about current void keys:
1- Farm endless defense for void keys
2- Play void missions to try to get what you want
3- Didnt get what you want and back to no 1.

That is just the never ending cycle of boorish grinding.
Make keys blueprints rare, craft one time, unlimited uses, impose daily/weekly limit on them.
When these keys start to stack up, people will be obliged to log in a day to play for 2-3 hours to do more enjoyable raids, definitely beats doing 20 defense missions in a row.

2) Bosses
Take ideas from games like WOW, Devil may cry, Kingdom Hearts, God of war, Mass effect 3, there are so many games out there that you can take ideas from.
Heck even Megaman legends or Megaman X1-9 series.

Bosses that require tactics and strategies to defeat, force players to sprint around boss fights, avoid multiple obstacles, avoid huge aoe attacks that have markers on the ground, massive amounts of slow moving projectiles like in those aeroplane shooter arcade games.

I can use one word to describe all the bosses currently in the game, KITE.
With attempts at cheap kills with unavoidable attacks, golem constant pulls and poison, ambulas pulls and knockdown, phorid homing attacks and 9999m range unavoidable aoe scream.

And no, hiding behind cover and walls is not strategic, nor is abusing the enemy AI.

3) Weapons
Take ideas from games like borderlands, they have the most interesting and fun weapons to use.
Your weapons are only going to take you so far if you go for the realistic, dark and serious tone of the game.
Right now you are only creating replicas of enemy weapons, which are all done.
Now what? back to skin swap weapons again, with +2 dmg here, +5% crit there, -0.5s reload speed here, -20 fire rate there = new weapon.
The game will get boring VERY fast with boring weapons, which is currently the case with the game.
List of weapons with unique properties from borderlands: http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Special_Weapon_Effects_Borderlands_2

Ricochet weapons
Slow projectile but massive ammo reserves allowing massive spam fun times
Projectiles that split and duplicate mid flight
Overheat based weapon with unlimited ammo

Ammo definitely needs to scale from weapon to weapon as well, the game is solely based on one thing. Ammo Efficiency
A weapon with bad ammo efficiency will almost never be used.
Ammo pickups need to balanced as well.

4) Mods
First off, increase mod slots.
+2 to 6 for weapons and frames as you have introduced forma, we need more slots to further customize each weapon and frame, you could even have 500 mod slots and it would not matter since there is still the energy cost.
Allow players to use 20 rank 1 mods, or use 8 maxed rank mods, improving creativity and possible builds.

Secondly, please stop releasing ridiculous mods, it feels as though they were just put into the game just to pretend there is more content.
Put some thought into it before releasing them, think if anyone would ever want to use the mod in the first place.

Acrobat(RARE) - If i wanted to wall run longer I would have put in a max marathon or quickrest mod that do a better job and cost less energy.
Handspring(RARE) - This should not even have been a mod, it should have been part of gameplay to add to the depth more to it.
Warm Coat - Because I can tell when ice levels are going to happen, and even so 12% for 9 energy.
How about more like 90% for 4 energy.

Resist mods - 3% per level it way too low for anything and 18% at max.
It needs to be at least somewhere between 50%-70% at max.
Its really funny when I look at this mod, alright I have 3% poison resist, now its time to go punch toxic ancients.

Take ideas from game like Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Path of exile, Torchlight.
Mods in a sense work like prefixes and suffixes on their armor and weapon.

Shadow Slash - each melee attack has a 50% chance to create a shadow that does the same melee attack. (basically "multi-shot' for melee but very much cooler).

Chance to block dmg/evade/negate damage/reflect/deflect
Chance to cast on hit - "Ember - Firebal", "Volt - Shock", "Frost - Freeze", "Saryn - Venom"
Chance to cast when hit - "Iron skin, Molt, Snowglobe"
Damage reduction
Double jump
"Magic Find" mod aka Increase Quality/Quantity of drops mod (For a game revolving entirely around grinding stuff, im surprised its not in the game yet after 5 months).
"Material Find" mod
"Credit find" mod
"Bonus exp gain" mod

You guys NEED to start work on endgame soon, or players will just come and go.
U9 from what I get from the previous livestream was the "improve everything we currently have" update, if that is truely the case I wont be staying for it.
There is absolutely no reason to stay playing in the game after completing a certain amount of content and Im already far past that point.

Minor Game Play Suggestions

1) Different colours for clan chat
Too confusing when 20 people talking with the same colour, self changable or colours by rank.
My clan only has a peak of 30+ active members at any one time, I cant imagine having 50 or more.

2) X ray mod vision and loot radar - Removed a few months ago and Steve said it was supposed to be implemented into loot radar, Loot radar should at least show mods in minimap because mods are the loot.

3) Male/Female warframes
Ember for female, Blaze for male, both having their own skill set but inter-changable between frames.
Players then have the choice of playing a male/female frame, therefore creating a new frame from scratch just for the sake of making an opposite gender frame wouldnt be wasted.

4) Make frames more unique with passives
Currently the notable difference between frames apart from skills are, move speed, hp, shields, armor, energy.
Make them even more unique with passives.
Eg. give Rhino resistance to knockback/knockdown, Frost ice resistance and ice maps, Ember flame resistance and fire maps, Volt electric/shock resistance, Ash bonus attack speed, Vauban bonus reload speed(since he is an engineer he should be good working with guns). etc.
There is so many more ways to make them unique.

5) Change scavenger artifacts into ammo regeneration, stackable by 4 players so it will finally be useful.

6) Fix the Dojo
Random dead ends caused by cross connectors beside clan hall.
It needs a long hallway, the short hallway has to scale properly to 1/2 of cross connector/room size.
Dueling room takes more space than a cross connector/lab even though in the mini map it looks exactly the same if not smaller, same issue for building a great hall. - Fixed!
Fix all the room sizes for Dojo, everything has to be properly based on a grid system.
Just see how games like warcraft, red alert and starcraft work.

7) Normal to Prime upgrades - Wasting the reactor is fine, but spending 8 Forma on a frame then having a prime version released at a later date would definitely be frustration if it ever happens in the future.
Holding on to my Forma because of this.

8) Reward/Livestream alerts changed to 24hrs instead of 12hrs - Addressed!
Alerts being from 2am to 2pm for Asian countries is unfair, people have work and school and not everyone is aware of the livestream to wake up at 5am to do it.
Worst if the mission turns out to be a mobile defense that takes 15-20 mins just to complete.
A working or schooling individual in my country wakes up at 6-7am to go to work/school and finishes work/school at 5-6pm, reaching home only at 7pm.
It is completely catered to the USA players, being 2pm to 2am past their peak period while being unearthly hours for asian countries.

9) Dont randomize defense maps
Only randomize pod location or make map type selectable, else make certain maps fixed on certain planets.
The touch up done to the very first ice world defense map is amazing.
The water and new additions to the map just feels very refreshing to play, yet I only have a 33% chance of getting it each time I create a game.
Why are you limiting the enjoyment for players, it kills the game for me.

10) Fix connectivity issues
Unable to join the games of more than half the players in my clan list, applies to Dojo as well when the host is incompatible.
I dont know how is the game ever going to be released on PS4 if people are not able to join each other, its already been 5 months this way since CBT.

11) More live stream platinum prize, less each person - instead of 1000 for 5 people, make it 500 for 10 people or 250 for 20 people. People from Asian countries staying up till 2-4am to watch this should have more chance of winning something.

12) Warframe mods need to work with ALL skills - Continuity, stretch, Focus.
Continuity doesn't work with Tesla etc

13) Mastery Ranks - Need perks, passive shield/hp gains to all frames.
If Bruce lee mastered 20 types of martial arts over 20 years, you would expect his overall "fighting power" be higher than someone who only knows karate.
At least give it some other use than unlocking weapons.

14) Dual weapons recipe - Stop requiring individual weapons because some have sold them.
I sold my Bronco long ago during CBT, you guys released Dual Bronco, so I had to make to make 2 single broncos just to make the dual bronco just for the master and then SELL IT after maxing it.
Exactly same scenario happened for Dual Vipers.
Plus you require an extra weapon slot just to craft it.

15) Disappearing mats - Increase time by at least x3 or stay out forever
Just completely needless with the already overly obsessive material grinding required, imagine drops disappearing after 15 seconds in games like diablo and borderlands.
There is always some bugger ahead destroying crates that will drop materials, why should players be punished when others are being idiots.

16) New alert system feedback from the stream
So what I got from the live stream was:
"If X alert appears today, reduce chance of it appearing again in the near future"
Which also means once you miss it today, you are screwed until the next earth year cycle when it shows up again.

17) No to grappling hook
Just feels completely out place in a "Ninja park-our game".
Next are you going to release jetpacks?

18) Last logged in to clan list/profile
Too difficult to manage clan and kick inactive members.

19) Blocking needs improvement
Increase damage blocked to between 70% - 90%, introduces more skill and tactical gameplay.

Deflect laser weapons back like Star Wars maybe ?

20) Jump shoot
Needs to be able to shoot in a neutral jump without rolling.

21) Sprinting
Every time I sprint over something higher than 2cm my character does a roll, this needs to stop.

22) Snipers need innate puncture
Adds more depth to the weapon, if you are skilled enough to line up a shot with multiple enemies you should be rewarded
Like in Counterstrike, scoring a double kill with a single shot with the AWP is the most rewarding feeling ever.

23) Equipped mods stay in the inventory list, thus allowing other frames to equip the same mods.
Eliminate the need to remove mods from other weapons just to equip it on a weapon I want to use.

24) Arrange mods by rank, its annoying to scroll through 30 pressure points just to find my maxed one in between somewhere, they should be sorted by highest rank to lowest rank.

25) Rework of the "brain dead" skills.
I was so glad when DE finally decided to rework iron skin, before it was just a press to derp skill plus with energy siphon and multiple teammates it can be permanently active.
Im looking at link and snow globe, while many people may disagree and pick up their pitchforks at me, these 2 skills are completely brain dead and overpowered whether you like it or not.

Link should be only a certain % redirected.

Snowglobe should function somewhat like iron skin, absorb a certain amount and with a secondary effect of exploding(dealing aoe dmg) when reaching its damage limit to enemies nearby.
% slowed for enemies in the globe need to be reduced as well, at the moment anything that steps in is completely derped and unable to do anything.

Else make it so that you cannot shoot outside from the insides, thus players will be more strategic and tactical about using it.

It will work as a double edge sword if used incorrectly, sounds pretty fair to me..
Current version gives almost complete invulnerability for your entire team for 30seconds is nonsensical.
You can make all kinds of cool enemies and bosses in the future, but what point is there when players just press 3 and stand in it

Loki's invisibility provides a certain amount of invulnerability but he is still killable by certain aoe and melee attacks.
But if you have to, make it so that once Loki attacks an enemy, it takes 5s before enemies "realises" his position and start attacking him like how invisibility works in games like Crysis.

Edited by chuuburg
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Repeating "Take ideas from [insert Game here] doesn't get your point across.


It's just annoying to read.





Take ideas from games like WOW, Devil may cry, Kingdom Hearts, God of war, Mass effect 3


Take ideas from games like borderlands, they have the most interesting and fun weapons to use.


Take ideas from game like Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Path of exile, Torchlight.

Edited by Dreviore
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Repeating "Take ideas from [insert Game here] doesn't get your point across.


It's just annoying to read.




But, it's true.


Whilst I agree with most of the post. Stuff like the grineer Galleon, it was necessary because the grineer didn't have their own ships and used corpus ones. IMO it was a good addition to make sure Lore/immersion isn't broken as much.

The grappling hook is an OK idea if they manage to limit it somehow, making sure that wall running is still the your first option when doing a puzzle or escaping enemies.

I also agree that resistance mods are way too bad and pretty much worthless, would rather equip max vitality than 18% resistance to poison. Handspring I found quite annoying because you would think a ninja can jump back up :S


The idea of new alert system is better, you just looked at one side of it. If you get a scavenger artifact then you have less chance of getting that next time. So after a week of incredibly useless drops, you are going to get a good drop, instead of right now just keep on getting useless drops.


Another thing bugging me (MINOR, but important) why does gas from toxic ancient affect cryopod? Is the cryopod that bad that it cannot keep a freaking gas out? I mean, it is like laser guns having travel time -.-"

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your feedback is too vague and broad, you dont address specifics and just blandly toss out ideas as some sort of quick fix. "just look at borderlands!" you mean borderlands the game where no gun matters because the differences between the guns is so insignificant you can just toss one for another at any time and not notice a difference?


borderlands was a commercial success because it catered to a casual audience. this is a niche game,. that kind of crap wouldnt fly here


the fixes this game needs the dev team is not prepared to do, it needs complete overhauls on the melee system, movement system, ui system, and gunplay/abilitiy system.


the premise and art assets are there, it has no plot, and all it offers is an endless grind to get better gear to , guess what, grind some more.


the gameplay is boiled down to a third person shooter which every game does better


things like making a 5 second grappling hook that 1 coder could make in 1 week does not address the large issues with what the movement system has

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your feedback is too vague and broad, you dont address specifics and just blandly toss out ideas as some sort of quick fix. "just look at borderlands!" you mean borderlands the game where no gun matters because the differences between the guns is so insignificant you can just toss one for another at any time and not notice a difference?


borderlands was a commercial success because it catered to a casual audience. this is a niche game,. that kind of crap wouldnt fly here


the fixes this game needs the dev team is not prepared to do, it needs complete overhauls on the melee system, movement system, ui system, and gunplay/abilitiy system.


the premise and art assets are there, it has no plot, and all it offers is an endless grind to get better gear to , guess what, grind some more.


the gameplay is boiled down to a third person shooter which every game does better


things like making a 5 second grappling hook that 1 coder could make in 1 week does not address the large issues with what the movement system has


Oh boy, you clearly did not play borderlands, please do not post about something you have no clue about.

Borderlands has the most interest guns ever in any game and I've played almost every major release fps and 3rd person game.

EVERY unique and above weapon had some sort of unique properties, in case you think im crapping about, here.



Borderlands catered to a casual audience and Warframe isnt ?

Oh right I wasnt aware Warframe was a super hardcore game that requires you to play 10 hours a day.

Warframe is a F2P game and has a good concept, is probably more appealing to the casual audience then borderlands.

The things lacking are the interesting elements and the incentive to keep playing, it gets stale too quickly.


It was meant to be slightly vague yet I touched on the more important points, If i wanted to go full specifics it would go on forever even I would get bored reading it.


Repeating "Take ideas from [insert Game here] doesn't get your point across.


It's just annoying to read.





Maybe if you actually read below the paragraphs of "Take ideas from [insert game here]" you would see the pointers.

I've already stated so many things that could be taken from the games and what made them interesting.

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liked it! and could add the stalker mode (we could forge a stalker and invade missions friends or online players to kill them and pick rare only ones) as in resident evil 6

think about it.


sorry my english T_T

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liked it! and could add the stalker mode (we could forge a stalker and invade missions friends or online players to kill them and pick rare only ones) as in resident evil 6
think about it.
sorry my english T_T



That would be nice but it will fall under pvp.

Dont think the Devs want to go there right now, maybe in the future though after PVE has been polished up.

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You certainly put a long list and for what its worth +1 to your post. There were some points that i agree with you. While some may say your idea is "vague" seriously, the list has 24 items. it covers about game play, UI, mechanics & game content. How do you go over the details for each category? it'll end up as a novel. =p


..and Wow, i couldn't believe reading about that comment on borderlands 2 as well. Borderlands is a 4 player co-op FPS game as well. It has tons of weapons. i beg to differ it as a "commercial success".

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I agree with everything you just said. I stopped playing a week ago and just come on the forums to check for updates now. If De just fixed everything on that list I would so put another 80 quid in to this game.



You certainly put a long list and for what its worth +1 to your post. There were some points that i agree with you. While some may say your idea is "vague" seriously, the list has 24 items. it covers about game play, UI, mechanics & game content. How do you go over the details for each category? it'll end up as a novel. =p


..and Wow, i couldn't believe reading about that comment on borderlands 2 as well. Borderlands is a 4 player co-op FPS game as well. It has tons of weapons. i beg to differ it as a "commercial success".


Thanks for the replies, I will try to keep this thread up for a few weeks to DE can take notice.


If everything or majority is implemented it will make the game much more enjoyable.

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+1 Nice post, lots of stuff has been said before of course.


And wow, mastery 10. Im almost 7 myself. My only suggestion is don't play to grind, play with friends and to have fun. Be patient and wait for the end game content to come, the game isnt done. And its great you've spent so much time doing so much in the game, but that really isn't the point of warframe really. Zen.

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23) Equipped mods stay in the inventory list, thus allowing other frames to equip the same mods.

Eliminate the need to remove mods from other weapons just to equip it on a weapon I want to use.

Already made a thread about this.



You also forgot that avatar images cost money to get. No one is going to waste money to get alternate avatar images.

Edited by Lukap99
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+1 Nice post, lots of stuff has been said before of course.


And wow, mastery 10. Im almost 7 myself. My only suggestion is don't play to grind, play with friends and to have fun. Be patient and wait for the end game content to come, the game isnt done. And its great you've spent so much time doing so much in the game, but that really isn't the point of warframe really. Zen.


I've seen so many friends and clan members play for 1-2 months then just stopped playing altogether, its quite sad.

We used to have so much fun thrash talking together, really hope they start improving the enjoyment value of the game so people will stay.




Well said! I don't quite think gender swaps are necessary (they would be nice)


Also YES to the prime BS. It should be a skin option that slightly raises stats. I don't want to sacrifice my 4-Forma'd Nyx for a prime version.


Gender swaps are not necessary to me as well, but too many people have called for it.

So its just an idea for them if they ever wanted to, it brings a whole need customization value to the game as well since the different abilities can be shared between the male and female frames.

We could mix and match by using ember's overheat with the ultimate on male frame.



Already made a thread about this.



You also forgot that avatar images cost money to get. No one is going to waste money to get alternate avatar images.


Modding system definitely needs a huge improvement.


As for the avatar I'm fine with them, but maybe being cheaper wouldnt hurt.

They are completely aesthetics which is okay to be plat only, as long as no pay to win is involved.

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I can tell that this is the short, short version of what you are trying to say. I like all of it. I'm rank 5 right now and beginning to lose interest.


Those of you who are opposed to drawing on elements from other games. Ask yourselves this, "What made those games fun, engaging and interesting?"

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I can tell that this is the short, short version of what you are trying to say. I like all of it. I'm rank 5 right now and beginning to lose interest.


Those of you who are opposed to drawing on elements from other games. Ask yourselves this, "What made those games fun, engaging and interesting?"


Yup, I dont know whats the deal with some people.

Every great and successful game stole and modified their ideas from other other games to become better.


Also, Added in 25)

While many may disagree, it is clearly needed and I believe DE would agree since they already done off with Iron Skin.

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To the OP, I don't have much time to comment but  various parts I agree with because it would add more depth to the game for enjoyment. or even jsut general shenanegans with trying things with what works with one gun but not another or other weapons. unfortunately at DE's pace and their current weapon and skill balancing, I'm looking for other games while I wait for star citizen.

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Hmmm, judging by the grammar mistakes, semi-single race favoritism racism, and many not very well thought through, or at least poorly iterated, suggestions suggests that you were almost passing out as you were writing this. Try prewriting this in Microsoft word or some other writing document based program, working on it for a few days, then posting it, seeing as you suggest you are very hard pressed for time.


Come back when its easier to read and more precise

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2) Yes. Also needs to auto-mark mods/resource in range, for other teammates.

5) Yes

8) Yes

9) Yes, favorite defense map is F on the wiki, big open area with rectangular walkway. Would love to be able to only do that.

10) 100% MUST happen.

13) Yes

14) I've yet to make any, but please make it happen before I do.

15) 100% MUST happen. Can't tell you how many times I was just about to reach a mod or resource, only for it to despawn at my feet.

17) Yes, I too have my concerns about it.

20) This is so annoying.

21) This is even more annoying. If I can run up a ramp why can't I run down it?

23) 100% MUST happen. Is this really that hard?

24) Yes. Also make it so duplicate cards show up first in the fusion list the same as equipped mods are now.


Everything else just does not apply to me or I just don't care about it. Like blocking, I repeatably forget that's even a thing.

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To the OP, I don't have much time to comment but  various parts I agree with because it would add more depth to the game for enjoyment. or even jsut general shenanegans with trying things with what works with one gun but not another or other weapons. unfortunately at DE's pace and their current weapon and skill balancing, I'm looking for other games while I wait for star citizen.


Game has great potential, Dev team is great but just working on the wrong things, hopefully in 3-6 months the game will become enjoyable again.

I too am looking for other games to play, that seems to be the course of majority of the players.


Hmmm, judging by the grammar mistakes, semi-single race favoritism racism, and many not very well thought through, or at least poorly iterated, suggestions suggests that you were almost passing out as you were writing this. Try prewriting this in Microsoft word or some other writing document based program, working on it for a few days, then posting it, seeing as you suggest you are very hard pressed for time.


Come back when its easier to read and more precise


I think you are on the wrong forums, the game you are looking for is Grammar Nazi for Derpson.

Buzz of moronic troll.


2) Yes. Also needs to auto-mark mods/resource in range, for other teammates.

5) Yes

8) Yes

9) Yes, favorite defense map is F on the wiki, big open area with rectangular walkway. Would love to be able to only do that.

10) 100% MUST happen.

13) Yes

14) I've yet to make any, but please make it happen before I do.

15) 100% MUST happen. Can't tell you how many times I was just about to reach a mod or resource, only for it to despawn at my feet.

17) Yes, I too have my concerns about it.

20) This is so annoying.

21) This is even more annoying. If I can run up a ramp why can't I run down it?

23) 100% MUST happen. Is this really that hard?

24) Yes. Also make it so duplicate cards show up first in the fusion list the same as equipped mods are now.


Everything else just does not apply to me or I just don't care about it. Like blocking, I repeatably forget that's even a thing.


Blocking is most disappointing, it has a great animation but just entirely useless.

Would be great if it would be like star wars.

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