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Feedback after circa 100h of game. WARNING: Massive Wall of Text (but with paragraphs ;))


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So, I finally reached 100th hour of game and to celebrate this great event I decided to bore the heck out of you by sharing my thoughts and feedback. But before i begin, let me get few things straight.

1. I do like this game. I am bordering on loving it. I played it much more than Borderlands, Modern Warfare 3 MP, Left 4 Dead 2 and few other succesful MP games.

2. I will do some comparisons to other games. Not because I think that DE is doing it wrong and XYZ is doing it better. Rather because I need some point of reference, so everyone can get my idea.

5. (Three, Sire!) 3. Just wanted to do Holy Grail reference.

4. I know that it is beta. No need to remind me.

Art assetes.

It is kinda difficult to judge those, because I belive that some of them are placeholders - like ship annoucer.

1. Graphics - really good, with great lighting effects. I got my computer few weeks after release of darkSector, and Warframe runs great in full detail in 1920x1080. When things start to get hot, I get some FPS drops, but it's not a major issue.

2. Music -great, nothing to hate here, moving along. Maybe some more tracks would be nice, but I belive they would keep coming.

3. Sound assets - stated many times, that more lines for Lotus are required. Keep her vo. Also there should be different announcers for each faction, maybe even varying for bases/waships/cargo ships. Maybe some creepy "Voice of Legion" like that from System Shock 2 or Homeworld: Cataclysm (

1:20) when you play agains Infestation?

IMHO some guns are lacking. Snipetron probably is supressed, but with lack of stealth this "pssyk" gets annoying. Also latron could use bigger "ear-punch".

4. Art style - reason I started to play.


1. Co-op as a whole. As far as i am concerned, there is limited possibility to do some proper coop. More often than not it is "who kills more". You can revive fellow Tennos, heal them or use some support skills, and that's it. This could be solved by introducing missions which force cooperation. I'll copy my post from old topic:

I have this idea of missions that will force cooperation - you have to split into two fireteams. One stays near extraction area and protects civilians from waves of Infected, each wave stronger, and other is looking for parts to repair escape shuttle. Or something like terror mission from XCOM - you have to find and save as many non-combatants as possible - you can go in one team, but there is no way that you can save all, so you have to split your party. Or even combine those two missions - first you have to bring civvies to escape point, than Lotus informs you, that shuttle is busted.

That would make sense lore-wise. Tenno are in dire need of "good press", so If Corpus/Grinner soldiers and crew will abandon freighter with civvies on board because of Infestation attack, Lotus may send crack commando to evacuate non-combatants. (Cue A-Team theme)

Another idea of introducing coop, skill-based this time, would be introducing some skill-synergy. For exampe Ember throws fireball at ally, granting him flaming attacks. Or Firing up this "Ring of Fire" skill with Excalibur inside. If he uses Radial Javelin, javelins not hitting an enemy will explode like fireballs.

2. Missions. They are varied, but some feels the same. Also there is no incentive to explore map. I am guessing that Evolution engine is capable of rendering much bigger maps that it does now, so why not introduce some kind of "Exploration" mission of space derelicts? No mission indicator other than evac point. Players can roam such "space-hulk" in search of bluperpints, forune and glory :). IMHO such missions should be alert-events - so noone can moan that he is being forced to wander map with no clear indication of what to do.

What annoys me is that some of missions does not make any sense. Take down enemy munition officer - Infestation does have those? Or attack on Rubedo mining outpost - but there is not even single piece of rubedo and this mission is on space ship. Yes, i know - new tilesets, but those mission alerts can be disabled until they will make some sense.

Duplicated mission objective - reroute this ship and after rerouting it I have to reroute it again. I know that la donna e mobile, but rly Lotus? Or capture captain and than capture him again.

Multiple types of enemies on one mission. Some of those does not make sense either. I guess from whatever lore that exists that Grineer are dependable on Corpus tech - so why attacking each other? Or is there some explanation? And i think that when new enemy type starts spawnig previous one stop. Rarely I see small scale battles between two factions, more like on some point they change.

3. And this bring us to Alerts. Aside form "?" those are absolutely useless. With current economy I have absolutely no incentive to do mission with 500 creds reward. i rather go and kill boss in hope of some BP and much higher Affinity bonus. Maybe such missions should reward playesr with partial BP? This would probably enrage some people "What, we have to craft plans that will allow us to craft parts to craft something else?", but other than this there is no point in doing those alerts. Maybe reward us with some resources pack?. Speaking of resources...

4. Crafting. For me the overall idea is super cool. I don't mind three days + 12h waiting for new warframe, quite opposite. If I could get new one in 12-24h this game would become very boring very fast.

The problem I have is with resources. Rubedo is black gold of Warframe, and other res are kinda "meh". i have about 11K of polymers and ferrite. I think that resources for each warframe should vary - Ash being more ninja/lightweight (or so I think, it is still crafting) could use more polymers, while Rhino ferrite and alloy plates. Also, when i have crafted my WF there is not much to do with it. I think that some "reforging" mechanics wold be cool ie. I get some "shield capacitor" BP - i can craft it and then "re-craft" my warframe with it, thus permanently increasing shields. Such BP should be very rare and limited, so player could not get uberframe from times of shield multiplication :) Also numbers of recrafting of each WF should be limited, maybe also some "cleaning" item which removes recrafted parts could be introduced.

5. Guns & blades. Guns are lacking. Most of pistols are ok, each of them has fans - i love akimbo furises (furii? :D) and lex, some prefer aklato, some bolto. The biggest problem I have is with rifles and co. I tried 6 of them and so far only gorgon and hek stuck. I have Latron on level 27, but only because it gives some challenge. I guess that Mass Effect 3 weaponry could be good example of varied and fun arsenal, but it's not fair to compare established IP with beta. Just a thought that guns needs more diversity. Also sniper scopes. Please? Pretty please?

Blades are great in design and...that's it. They have their differences in speed, base damage, charge speed but that's it. I guess that they could some additional effects, like heat sword leaving some flaming trace behind it, Pangolin sword could give you additional "scaled armor" effect when in use. Blades in such game should be practical and awesome. Now they are practical but boring.

6. Combat. Nothing to hate here either. I would love to see more moves when in melee combat, definitely not DMC style. Also leaning lef/right when shooting. Maybe some wall-running?

7. Enemies & AI. Devs stated that more diversity of enemies is coming, so i won't elaborate on that. Maybe Bosses should be more like Jackal and less like any other enemy with HPx100. What i don't like is that bosses are using skills of warframes. I guess that it has in-game explanation, like everone and their sister is trying to use Orokin tech, but still.

Regarding AI, sometimes it's very clever, sometimes it's stupid. Once I ran into room ahead of my team and there was massive lag-spike, so enemies didn't registered me. It was awesome to see them not rushing blindly towards doors, but taking postions behind various covers and waiting for us. other great thing (i don't know was it accident, or planned action) I saw was when two grineer shield bearers created shield-wall - moving side by side they were hard to take down.

About AI stupidity enough was said, and DE are aware of issues of enemies ignoring closest Tenno, or running in the center of room for no good reason.

8 Maps. Overall map design is great - after 100 hours of game i don't get bored "oh, another elevator, same as one before...". It is still fun to play. i can't wait till new tilesets are introduced. I would love to see some more thrashed ships, derelicts, and bio-structures of Infestation - i am imagining something like "Body of the Many" from System Shock 2 (look it up on yt). What i don't like is "ship on fire hazard" - it looks more like "someone spilled some slag from bucket, be aware, cleaning crew is on move". I would like decompressed areas with hull breaches, whole floors on fire (or at least 75% :D), explosions, parts of Grineers flying back nad forth, jumping down crashed elevators shafts...

9. Stealth. Yes please. :) Maybe not something like splinter cell or thief, but silent takedowns, crashing sensors with uploading some junk-data, and so on. And i know that stealth is work in progress, just tossing some ideas and support


10. Warframes and their skills. Design - love every single one. Maybe some changes in head area of trinity and ember would be neat, but aside from that, nothing to complain. There are probably tens of threads about skills , and everyone has different ideas. Two thing I would like to see - Excalibur's slash-dash as second skill, and maybe jump as first. Ember's overheat changed to "molten armor" and used as permament buff with permament -50 to your energy pool until hit by Ancient Disruptor or deactivated by player :)

11. PVP - before you start bashing me, let me say that I hate PVP's. I stopped playing Diablo 2 because i got sick of nerfs and buffs and of my build becoming obsolete in matter of hours because of some tweaking. Hours of grind wasted. The only PVP i see in WF is L4D versus type mode. 4 players play as tenno and do normal missions, 4 others possess elite grineers and tries to stop them. No problems with OP skills, no problems with grinding. Tenno gets killed, tough luck, Grineer gets killed, player possesses another. This could be activated/deactivated if someone wants additional challegne or just chilling with friends while slaughtering mobs.

12. UI. Please for the love of God - mod sorting and filters!

13. Movement. i think that introducing some very basic "parkour" elements would be neat ie. why my WF has to climb on very low barrel or railing? I could jump on it, and AFAIK only virus i am currently infected with is cold, and only enhancing equipment i wear are my glasses.

And thats it, more or less. I could elaborate on every of this point, but this are things that came to my mind while writing and I belive that they are most important.

I'm sorry for wall of text, language mistakes and if this post seems too demanding - this is not what i intended. I really love this game and I am planning to buy Master Founder pack, even though in polish currency it's about two or three times more expensive (relatively speaking).

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Gah, wall of text...

I'm gonna read it and share my opinions when I'm done.


Moments later:

Okay, I have to read your post over and over again, I keep forgetting what I just read.



Missions with time limits or just number limits to complete objectives by searching for something.

Maybe you have to collect a certain amount of credits or datamass packets within a preset time, or collect them a certain amount and then you are rewarded depending on how fast you were.


I'd like if it was possible to choose from your own music library what song plays when.

This is what GW2 has.

Also I want elevator music.


Melee has a bit more depth than guns and are more fun to use.. except when you realize that the risk/reward isn't in balance and you want to be as effective as possible.

I say it'd be nice if the weapons were merged, so you could use your melee weapons also in ranged combat. This way melee weapons wouldn't be left unused, but instead you'd be using them all the time!


Something what doesn't involve that much hiding, but instead being more able to distract enemies.

Now if one enemy sees you, he knows exactly where you are for the rest of the game.

Well, I think that was all I wanted to say, for now.

Edited by Kaiku
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Great feedback. I particularly like you ideas for:

1. Co-op as a whole: yes more synergy between players is needed. Also, more defined class roles, to add variety, are needed. That way, there could be different approaches to completing missions (e.g. Ash sneaking into a room heavily guarded with sentery guns and disabling their targetting system via a control console). But make it where Ash isnt needed to complete that mission (e.g. using that same scenario, Volt could go into the room and use her electronic exploding skill to disable them).

5. Guns & Blades: can't add anything here, just agree.

9. Stealth: I would also like to see some of the "smarter" AI start shooting randomly in your direction if they see you go into stealth. Or, at least have them say something like "where did he go" and start looking around. But any change from the way it is now would be welcome. The AI are just a little too "dumb" and oblivious to anything going on around them.

(0h god, i'm gonna say it)

11. PVP: I've been whole-heartedly against pvp in the game (and I love pvp). But I would support your pvp suggestions any day of the week.

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Its a really good feedback and i agree 100%. I hope your suggestions are going to be implemented in game!

Also, i really like how devs pay attention to every feedback people post. In most game forums walls of text like that (even that insightful) would be just ommited.

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Bookmarked - thank you, have jet for a few hours so I promise I'll read more in detail when I get back!

Its a really good feedback and i agree 100%. I hope your suggestions are going to be implemented in game!

Also, i really like how devs pay attention to every feedback people post. In most game forums walls of text like that (even that insightful) would be just ommited.

And that is why I wrote this - because dev team actually care for feedback provided by players. This is biggest asset of this game.

I am curently playing one particular game about driving a tank and killing other tanks in 15 vs 15 matches (no name, they will track me and delete my account :P and i like my Wor..ekhm clan in this game) and while game can be fun (even if it is PVP - but there are no "builds" and "grind for certain artifacts") the community and dev contact with it is worse than tragic. Noone gives half damn about what community suggests even if hundreds of thousands players suggests, asks and demands.

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