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How Do You Calculate Your Effective Health With Armor?



The wiki says "Alternatively, armor can be thought of in terms of its equivalent benefit in health. Each point of armor is equivalent to +1% total Health." 


That doesn't sound right, I thought armor had diminishing return in term of damage reduction? Or is my frost really getting 380% bonus total health?


The other way I thought about calculating it is by using the wiki formula of (armor)/(armor+100) and then multiply health by that number and finally adding health to that last result, but that doesn't sound right either, Aurora Frost ends up with (slightly) less effective health than regular frost. 

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Both are correct. Each additional point of armor gives less damage reduction than the previous point. But since each reduction is relative to a smaller amount of damage taken, it evens out.


Think of it this way: if you are hit with a 100 damage bullet and you have 50% damage reduction, you'll take 50 damage. Halve that again and you take 25 damage, right? Each of those was 50% reduction compared to how much damage you were taking before, but the first was 50% reduction and the second was 75% reduction. Even though the second jump only added 25% more, it was still the same 50% reduction compared to the previous value. So even though each point of armor adds less total, it's always adding the same amount percentage-wise.

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If you have 380 armor that's 79% resistance to find out your effective health its health/.21

More armor is always better in making you live longer  and it will give you more time to find cover after your shields drop.

Edited by LazyKnight
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