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Master Thief, Tower, And Mats... Oh My!


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So, this is not a compliant...  It is more of a curiosity. I spent a long time farming Master Thief, and I am happy I have acquired it, I now only have one or two more mods left to acquire.  So I have maxed it out, and equipped it and expected 40% of the red lockers to unlock for me.  After going through one mission I counted it out and my actual unlock was more like 1in10 to 1in5 area.  I know how RNG works and I am not really complaining about this but what I did notice is that most of the lockers dropped only health, credits, and ammo.  I had one already unlocked locker give me some materials, but through the whole mission I received no materials.  Then I thought I could use it up in the tower and I realized that Materials do not drop in the tower missions at all.  For the mod cost, EVEN with a polarized slot I don't know if it is worth it without these lockers giving us more materials because that is the thing that most people need and I think would use this for.


So the question is, am I the only one that finds that this mod is not really usable unless we are getting more materials or maybe mods?  My figuring on this is that these are locked lockers and that is were the good stuff would be hiding right?  I mean if I had a Stretch mod and I wanted to keep it safe I would lock my locker, but if its just ammo in a military installation that needs to be defended well, then I am going to leave the ammo in an unlocked locker.  I guess I am from the stand point of, in a mission if I am going to run to every room and try to unlock every locker I would like to be rewarded.  I have 3 million credits, I can't take the ammunition with me, so what is the incentive? 


I think that if we are going to spend 7-14 points to fit this mod that we are hoping to find something that we can take with us.  Ammunition is great, but I rarely need ammunition and even if I do it would be easier to carry an ammo can.  Bottom line, we need to incentivize locked containers, a chance to take something with us, Mats, Mods, Ammo Cans, and Team Health Restores are all incentives that I think would make for some great treasure hunting prizes.  


P.S. please add materials to the void missions! 

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Yeah, many of the lockers are opened outside the accessible map area.

You know all those red doors locked away in the depths of the void? There are actual rooms behind those, with lockers.

After all, opening an extra 40% of only the 20% you can access isn't much, just as you say.

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 Actually, in a few situations, the lockers just never open.  Someone figured out that there are dummy lockers.


 Next to that, yeah it does seem that most of the unlocks only do the credits and ammo thing.  I have had some give materials but not very many.


 And yeah, it's kind of lacking in the void because well, the void only gives credits and ammo, no possible resources.


 Maybe the mod needs some attention, but more likely, the lockers need more attention.  Because regular lockers are pretty lacking also.

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Actually, in a few situations, the lockers just never open.  Someone figured out that there are dummy lockers.


 Next to that, yeah it does seem that most of the unlocks only do the credits and ammo thing.  I have had some give materials but not very many.


 And yeah, it's kind of lacking in the void because well, the void only gives credits and ammo, no possible resources.


 Maybe the mod needs some attention, but more likely, the lockers need more attention.  Because regular lockers are pretty lacking also.

The Void gives mods.
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I am holding back on the farming of Master Thief, didn't drop in 100 waves on Outer Term, 10-20 a time and everyone who has it has not reported a single mats drop.

Probably stick with 25% speed and 90% stam regen and fly with Ash or Ember, be faster farming than opening dud boxes.

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I use a maxed out Master Thief and yes I have noticed most of the time the drops are generic stuff.

Not materials but there are materials dropped from these lockers.


Certain maps and areas in the maps can yield more lockers to unlock with Master Thief.


Grineer Galleon tile set can yield a lt of material in the first place but also can offer a lot of lockers to be unlocked with Master Thief.


Go to a place like a corpus tile set and find only one or two out of many lockers in locker rooms will unlock with Master Thief.

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Ok, everybody stop.  It is NOT bugged.  It DOES open 40% of lockers.  About 2/3 of the "lockers" in the huge locker rooms (6 rows of 6, you know the ones) are not lockers, but props that look identical to lockers.  If you ignore those rooms you will find most of the lockers you try it on will open.



As for the void, this IS a problem.  Lockers in the void serve basically no purpose right now.  There are no resources, and mods cannot drop from them.


The only fix we need is to add the chance of mods to void lockers.

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Ok, I want to preface this with the understanding that I absolutely love this game and only wish to help make it better.  The beta process is hard and only through constructive discussion can we give the devs actionable information.  So I would like to keep this thread constructive, supporting suggestions or constructively discussing them.  The best things will come from constructive discussions


With that in mind I would like to say that I defiantly think that the Corpus levels will defiantly be reworked in the future and that those lockers will be addressed or looked at then, maybe changing there look, or making them open-able.  The thing here is that if we don't discuss problems in a way that give solutions then things will just be complaints or whining and that wont get anyone anywhere because then we end up with devs doing what they think will work best instead of options that the community have come up with that are workable in ways. Obviously not everyone will be pleased all of the time but this is the best way to address issues at this juncture so I think that the level reworks are comming, so do we have ideas that will make the "prop" lockers not feel like the mod isn't working? Maybe making the lockers look damaged?  I mean how many industrial places have you been to that have lockers that ALL work, I mean on drilling rigs, doors are missing dented don't close don't open etc... this would add character AND would not leave master thief users feeling like it isn't working.


In regards to the mod cost, I don't have an issue there so long as it works, and there is incentive as discussed prior.


When looking at the tower missions, I know that they are still working on these which is why I brought up adding things to those lockers.  I know most people I play with by pass the locker rooms because they never have much in ways of incentives and that makes me sad.  These big wonderfully developed levels with so much character have rooms that are by in large ignored, and I for one would like to bring an end to that.


So please lets continue forward constructively, hash out ideas, and solutions so that when the devs look at the thread they have real information to work with.  This is the best way to contribute at this time in my honest opinion.

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Most of the new mods they have added lately are useless, handspring, warm coat, master thief, the different elemental resistance just garbage.


Mikki79 do you have thoughts on how to make these particular mods more use-full?  I have had some thoughts on some of them, and depending on the way that the calculations happen I know that in the corpus level Diamond Skin with frost can make for a really useful damage reduction.  I know that the numbers seems small at times but look at it this way:  When armour tanking Frost with a maxed Steel Fiber mod and his Halo Helmet reduces incoming health damage by 80% if you added in Diamond Skin this adds 18% laser resistance.  Now say you take 100 damage, that would be reduced to 20 damage, then you take 18% of that and that is reducing it to almost 16 damage.  now that's only if it is taking out of the net. if the 18% is taken from the gross damage that would mean that it would reduce the damage from 100 to 82 damage and then 80% from that would be 16.4 damage  while this still is not huge it is still a substantial reduction.  The problems that I see is this means that your stuck only getting this resistance to your health and that is only useful when you have a healer in the mix.  If they were resistances to shields would that make them better? should there be ones for the shields instead? could they be higher percentages?  What are your thoughts?  Do you have a thread already dedicated to this matter that we could discuss it further?


well im using it for last week and i must say i had maybe one rare material out of these extra lockets, personally im fealing really disapointed after maxing this mod :(

Well I can not say for sure, but I am sure that in the future it will be better.  What do you feel could be done to justify the expense?  Do you have any idea of what you would like to see come out of these lockers more often?

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first off all its not really 40% in void im checking everything most of the time and its opening max 2 on 10 lockers, even if we dont count that large lockers places its still not opening 40% of lockers for sure, thats one issue, second is that crafting materials are droping really rearly from lockers also adding small chance to drop some mods would be not bad idea, all that makes mod that cost 13 points (without polarization) feal really usles or etleast to expensive to equip

Edited by Ovun
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as of the latest update they have marked the "broken" lockers, this for me is at least a start and I would like to thank DE for listening to our voice.  I hope that more updates will provide future changes to help make this mod more attractive.  But this was a good first step.

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