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Excavation Power Cell Pick-Up Lag


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As per the title... it is quite frustrating when solo excavation missions to do the 'everyone-complain-new-get-prime-parts' relic farming. Doing these missions is fine with me but when I have to pick up a power cell, my character need to stop the gun shooting/melee swinging animation and then have the 'put back the gun and melee weapon' animation BEFORE I can pick up the power cell! lol

A lot of time my character was hit like a sitting duck because of that. I feel that it is very r3tarded to have to stop those animations first before we can pick up the power cell. I know that is logic to do so but this is a game.. so real life logic some times doesn't have to be in-game.

I think the picking up of our stolen weapons by the grineer dog trainer is good as we no need to experience the above while doing that.

Whenever I feel frustrated in getting something in the game... I always think "this game is free"... and it holds me back a little not to be so harsh on the game BUT this is really frustrating lol

Edited by kyori
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