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2 hours ago, (XB1)Evil Angel 108 said:

The SORTIES seem a bit boring and bland after a while.. I think you should add a lot more content to sorties to make them not feel like a regular mission.

hits the nail right on the head. not only are they unintresting bullet sponge hells but they are completed in almost the same fashion as regular missions. ex:

spy - just bypass fighting complete the objective done.

assassinate - bypass almost the entire horde of enemies kill boss done.

Same same same. scaling is abnoxious and just making enemies so hard to kill unless you CC lock and empty whole clips doesnt make it challenging, it makes it an annoyance. grinding/playing/farming should be a fun experience not a chore.

Rather than having 3 different missions since its a daily. just make one mission that has multiple objectives. exterminate >spy > mobile defense, interception > survival > capture set at 40 -60 there is absolutely no reason to have it be higher.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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