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Endgame revitalisation


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I, and a fair few other high MR players that I know of (clan/alliance members and Youtubers), are at a bit of a loss for what to do with all these fantastically crafted frames and weapons that we have since the reworking of the void system made playing endless mission types as long as possible rewardless in real terms, so I had a think and thought this idea was worth sharing:

Make it so players can pick up more than 10 reactant on endless mission types (survival, defense, excav, intercept) for use opening relics later on back on your landing ship. Maybe make it so you can only store a certain amount of reactant at any one time similar to the traces (10 or 15 *MR for example) or have it cost slightly more reactant to open a relic (12 or 15 instead of 10) and have it so that any relics opened on the players ship can only be claimed by the player. This would make it so there was a purpose for all the frames and weapons that have 2+ forma and give the older players something to put time (doing the endless missions endlessly) and more money into the game for.

This could be accompanied by tweaks to the drop rate for reactant every 5 mins/waves or 300 cryotic etc if desired.

What do other Tenno think? how would you tweak/amend this? I have tried to bare in mind that DE is a business whilst bouncing this idea off people aswell as that I'm considering trying other games through sheer boredom.

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Why does everyone want to equate end game to void parts? The void was never meant to be end game. DE has their own plans in mind and I'm thinking we'll see the first inkling of it come TWW. No more endless void missions, I'm glad their gone.

Edit: I swear people are having false memories of what the void really was. It wasn't a challenge, it was how well your team could synergize their cheese together. You didn't need to be good at the game to last in those awful endless void missions.

Edited by JSharpie
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noone would run fissures anymore, because they have stockpiles of reactant, and everyone would run out of relics almost immediatly, suddenly void fissures are deadzones and prime parts become too easy to obtain too fast. the price of all primes will drop fast, new players will be screwed over because they cant sell their primes for S#&$, and chaos would ensue.

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45 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

I swear people are having false memories of what the void really was. It wasn't a challenge, it was how well your team could synergize their cheese together. You didn't need to be good at the game to last in those awful endless void missions.

This, I agree wholly. They say it like it's real endgame, but it's just cheesing as far as you can before your team itself gets cheesed back.

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Engame.... I really dont understand why players are so sick about it!, endgame still here! ... I mean, are u looking for high lv?, so u can go to neptune, void and play it for hours!!..

I remember players feeling upset bc they played t3suv for hs and only got S#&$ (bad items), now they want it again!, I'm confused.

it is my point of view. 

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Who said this idea was to equate endgame to void parts? It's a reward for staying longer in missions and pushing yourself/the game as far as you can, creating your own endgame rather than having it limited, monotonous and relatively unrewarding. Nowhere else is this offered in the game to replace the void that was, Sorties cap out at lvl 100 as do arena's on Sedna, the only way to get harder and harder content is to stay longer and longer in the scaling mission types and see how far you can push it. There's currently no worthwhile incentive to push a survival past 5 minutes, or a defence past 5 waves. This was a suggestion to put an incentive in so that the vets don't disappear, leaving the game, DE's revenue stream and a load of new players who have to work out the same stuff all over again because there's no-one to teach them anymore.

I'm sure that DE does have their plans, but they've kinda killed the game for a significant chunk of their veteran fanbase atm as far as I can work out, grinding void relic drops for plat isn't really a worthwhile option as the effort required isn't reflected in the amount of plat being earnt selling them (anymore at least) and once you've collected the new prime parts when one's released every 3 months the game goes 'back in it's box' and isn't played till the next prime release, if at all. The market for prime parts (certainly on xbox) definitely dropped a large chunk when the prime drop system changed.

Perhaps the thread title wasn't the best with hindsight. Maybe 'Void Revitalisation' would have been better.

This idea is just to give the vets a slightly better class of reward to work at. It could be diluted by having a chance for the relic to give 8-1200 endo or rarer mods if opened on the ship or big resource rewards etc, that should keep people doing the sab cap and ext fissures for the uncommon and rare rewards as there will be a better chance at getting the drop you want from them.

I did ask for suggestions for alterations, not just saying 'it won't work' or nitpicking the terminology I chose. Maybe try being constructive (1 of the 4 of you half managed it) and build the idea instead of trying to knock it off at the foundations. Alter it, limit part's, extend ideas. To my mind the game lost something to keep me playing, and potentially paying, when the void system changed. This is a suggestion to possibly, hopefully recapture what I and others feel was lost.

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