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GIANT AYATANS (caps for symbolic emphasis)


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Now Ayatan Statues are a cool idea, and they have a lot of potential should the output of different types of statue and their uses(?) be sustained. But that's an entirely different point. 

What I want in the now are dojo-specific Ayatan statues that are HUGE (think Rock Sculpture size) and require from 10 to as much as 50 (or even 100 (for the most rare and rewarding ones, not all of them ahem keep your grind in check good sirs/madames)) Ayatan stars (perhaps a new type that's an obligatory sortie/trial reward (obligatory meaning you'd receive one/some alongside your normal sortie or trial reward (perhaps only sometimes))). As well as this the (Giant) Ayatan sculptures themselves could be high-level boss drops (for the less valuable ones) or sortie and trial rewards, which promotes clanlike-activity and rewards a large member count and dedicated membership.

Now while I apologise for the somewhat scatterbrained structure there's more I'd like to say.

As well as being a-huge I have a few other uses in mind of the Giant Ayatans (Gaiatans?) such as their kinetics. While some of them may just light up and play some nice atmospheric music as well as moving some of the statues could be used to construct parkour courses and trap rooms (which would make duels much more exciting) and allow intra-community contests to take place too! I'm excited, but it is an idea with a rather short-term germination, so of course open to criticism. Have fun as my idea takes over your life, dear reader! (I jk)

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Another interesting idea but when i think dojo sculptures i think of atleast the size of the trading kiosk and requiring like a dozen or more stars and it starts playing orokin music maybe? Like the machines on Lua specifically in that music puzzle room.

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Well, your idea gave me another idea: 


how about out these huge ayatan statues be rewarded for the top clans in some contest or something, DE said something about clan PvP and I think these could be a cool reward, you can use them as a deciration for the clan dojo or sell them to give a huge amount of endo to all the clan members 

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20 hours ago, Omnipower said:

Another interesting idea but when i think dojo sculptures i think of atleast the size of the trading kiosk and requiring like a dozen or more stars and it starts playing orokin music maybe? Like the machines on Lua specifically in that music puzzle room.

Yeah, that's a good image of what I have in mind :D

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19 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

Well, your idea gave me another idea: 


how about out these huge ayatan statues be rewarded for the top clans in some contest or something, DE said something about clan PvP and I think these could be a cool reward, you can use them as a deciration for the clan dojo or sell them to give a huge amount of endo to all the clan members 

That's also an awesome idea, limited-addition Gaiatans for the top performing clans. Gets me even more pumped for trying to get this into DE's sight!

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Problem with previous competitions with unique statue reward brought out hackers and exploiters by the dozens just to win over the legitimate clans putting in the actual effort.  This is why later events added statues of various ranks as mission goals.

The initial idea of just larger sculptures for the dojo however is a good idea as it rewards all clans that put the effort in.

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