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Attention All Rushers And Explorers, Okay I Am Going To Say This Once And For All


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Dear Rushers: you have a very good game play style that suits you and it is very time efficient in that manner please rush with other rushers or take one for the team when the majority wants to explore you have 4 choices to choose from online, private, invite only and solo


Dear Explorers: you guys also have a very good play style that isn't as time efficient but you sure do get a hell of a lot more out of the game but not everyone in the game is exactly like you so extend people the same courtesy if the majority of the team wants to rush just rush with them this run and leave the team no one is forcing your hand to play online.


Dear people begging for a nerf on rushing: SHUT UP!, your opinion is wrong i am sorry to say this but your opinion is actually wrong, rushers have just as a right to this game as you do so shut the hell up already!, rushing doesn't need to be nerfed and thats final everyone has their own different play style.


Dear people wanting a kick button to kick explorers: You need to SHUT UP TOO!,  exploring is its own play style and they have a right to this game as well, just because you disapprove or don't like that game style doesn't make it wrong.




All In All Guys:  No matter what the game style or play style it is. No certain style of gaming is wrong except for one, the only wrong style of gaming is the complaining one when all you do is complain about other people so either shut your mouths and abort the mission or be courteous  and just finish the mission how majority of the team wants it then switch to private or solo.




I know this isn't gonna solve any problems, it might create more.

I know some of the things i said are harsh but i am just being bluntly honest with you guys.

I know the only way to solve this is to make it possible to specify if you are a rusher, explorer or you simply don't care and go with the flow.


I myself prefer sometimes to rush and sometimes I wanna turn the whole tile set upside down looking for the tiniest and every single loot there is. so i get both sides but neither sides are wrong neither sides need to be nerfed and neither sides are wrong in their play style, i mean come on what's the point of a game if you can't play the way you want to.


Before replying to this please understand that I am writing this because i am simply FED UP with all the crap rushers and explorers are giving each other both are viable play styles, so stop this war you're trying to have and just hope DE finally listens to us and lets us specify if we are rushers or explorers either you stop with this complaining of yours and having a ton of complaint topics started isn't going to solve anything and its just annoying so if it makes you any better direct all your crap towards me i don't mind reading every single one of your replies but i am tired of browsing the Forums only to find crap about rushing and exploring being annoying because neither is and both are good way to play this very fun game in your own way which you probably consider fun.

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You are gonna say this once and for all... ? lol


And what's the point behind this post anyways? There are plenty enough posts with solutions of all kinds while this frankly .... well i don't know what the point of this post is


And what are you fed up with anyways? play more with a clan and forget whatever problems you thought you had.....

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You are gonna say this once and for all... ? lol


And what's the point behind this post anyways? There are plenty enough posts with solutions of all kinds while this frankly .... well i don't know what the point of this post is


And what are you fed up with anyways? play more with a clan and forget whatever problems you thought you had.....


I don't wanna assume anything here but it doesn't sound like you read this post at all, What I am fed up with is crap from everyone on the game and in the forums about rushing and exploring and it leads to very unnecessary arguments and its annoying so i have found a way to stop this from my gaming experience as i rarely every go online unless its just a simple run where i could care less what happens, All I am trying to say here is nothing needs to be nerfed and people should quit arguing over which play style is better because both are good and bad in their own ways and both are very viable playstyles

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You are gonna say this once and for all... ? lol


And what's the point behind this post anyways? There are plenty enough posts with solutions of all kinds while this frankly .... well i don't know what the point of this post is


And what are you fed up with anyways? play more with a clan and forget whatever problems you thought you had.....

I'm not agreeing with OP, because at this point he is just kind've complaining, although I'm fairly annoyed also by the amount of rushers v explorers threads.


BUT! at the same time not everyone WANTS to be in a clan, even DE has gone as far as saying that while this is a game that really focus's on teamwork, there are definitely people who enjoy soloing, and they don't want to force people into clans just to enjoy the game......so.......yeah, just putting it out there that the only solution shouldn't be "join a clan"

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You are gonna say this once and for all... ? lol


And what's the point behind this post anyways? There are plenty enough posts with solutions of all kinds while this frankly .... well i don't know what the point of this post is


And what are you fed up with anyways? play more with a clan and forget whatever problems you thought you had.....



"hi, i like to rush. it hurts the game but i dont care because you cant stop me. watch as the player base is destroyed from within because i am an impatient git."

no thanks. one way or another they need to be stopped. and you are right it will hurt the rest of us.

better that than not having an "us" at all. as people constantly give up because one douchebag thinks he has every right to screw over his teammates. IN A CO-OP GAME.

too many gaming communities go to crap because a select few refuse to play by the rules. because making a mad dash to the finish in a game with no clear end-game makes all the sense in the world.

they will either be stopped or people will stop playing. the game will eventually plateau, new blood will slow down and they will need to figure out how to maintain. and that wont happen with people outright cutting people out of a run in a very real and direct way.

nerf the ever loving hell out of rushing. run a stake thru its heart and burn it with cleansing fire.


people like you annoy me to death just because you aren't a rusher doesn't mean that rushers are pure evil or need to be nerfed or destroyed everyone has their own damn gameplay style



I'm guessing that's what :P ..all I have to say in response is: you either have to be more considerate and stick with the majority in the group or "be a git" and play solo in a coop game instead of creating your own solo game. Philleapa and MetalGerbil are essentially saying the same thing, there's just a bit of misunderstanding because of the harsh language I guess.

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You are gonna say this once and for all... ? lol


And what's the point behind this post anyways? There are plenty enough posts with solutions of all kinds while this frankly .... well i don't know what the point of this post is


And what are you fed up with anyways? play more with a clan and forget whatever problems you thought you had.....

I think the message is : "Please, can't everyone do some effort to play nicely together. You just joined an explorer group ? Rush less, help them explore faster. You just joined a rusher group ? Why not learning from them how to go faster ?"

Well it's just a "Please, learn to play together."

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I'm guessing that's what :P ..all I have to say in response is: you either have to be more considerate and stick with the majority in the group or "be a git" and play solo in a coop game instead of creating your own solo game. Philleapa and MetalGerbil are essentially saying the same thing, there's just a bit of misunderstanding because of the harsh language I guess.


I think the message is : "Please, can't everyone do some effort to play nicely together. You just joined an explorer group ? Rush less, help them explore faster. You just joined a rusher group ? Why not learning from them how to go faster ?"

Well it's just a "Please, learn to play together."



I fully agree with the both of you idk if what i had said might be misunderstood because of the angle i had taken, but something set me off when i read yet another thread and someone said to nerf the living hell out of rushers, they literally said to nerf the hell out of rushers and if you wanna see it i bet i can find it again if i tried but seriously who is to say one gaming style is better than the next all I am really trying to say is what both of you guys clarified So Thank You Guys +1 to both of you idk if i worded it wrong or anything but I appreciate your help guys

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I fully agree with the both of you idk if what i had said might be misunderstood because of the angle i had taken, but something set me off when i read yet another thread and someone said to nerf the living hell out of rushers, they literally said to nerf the hell out of rushers and if you wanna see it i bet i can find it again if i tried but seriously who is to say one gaming style is better than the next all I am really trying to say is what both of you guys clarified So Thank You Guys +1 to both of you idk if i worded it wrong or anything but I appreciate your help guys

It was probably said out of anger and frustration, much like how I want Loki's teleport nerfed because of trolls. There's always easier ways to fix these things without nerfing and ruining it for either sides.

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It was probably said out of anger and frustration, much like how I want Loki's teleport nerfed because of trolls. There's always easier ways to fix these things without nerfing and ruining it for either sides.


Very true no need to start an all out nerf war and bring this game to ruins by nerfing the crap out of everything which i sense coming from this balancing pvp crap, but no need to change the subject, I Agree with you as well Thank you for responding :)

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balancing pvp *sigh*, honestly I hope they don't take all frames down to the same level. Not to say frames should be set apart like the supposed vauban god tier, but they should all remain with heavy pros and cons fitting of their style. IE: vauban can spam traps and be fast, but he should also be made of glass, rhino should be slow and tanky but also able to absorb a TON of damage and if modded properly deal out just as much. I actually think that'd be a fun match-up :D. trapper v tank ^_^, does vauban trip on a banana peel and get smashed into a million tiny pieces or does rhino fall prey to vaubans large array of traps >:D

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balancing pvp *sigh*, honestly I hope they don't take all frames down to the same level. Not to say frames should be set apart like the supposed vauban god tier, but they should all remain with heavy pros and cons fitting of their style. IE: vauban can spam traps and be fast, but he should also be made of glass, rhino should be slow and tanky but also able to absorb a TON of damage and if modded properly deal out just as much. I actually think that'd be a fun match-up :D. trapper v tank ^_^, does vauban trip on a banana peel and get smashed into a million tiny pieces or does rhino fall prey to vaubans large array of traps >:D


Funny way of looking it but i do agree with you on the fact that they should stay set apart rather than bring them down to the same level, let the guy who can dodge more bullets and do more damage win, anyways getting off topic now a bit, i really hope they don't start nerfing anything that is remotely useful as that would ruin this game for good and i think they are a lot smarter than that.

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De gustibus non est disputandum


No idea what you mean man i put it into google translate and i got nothing so i removed the "De" part and i got this "taste is not disputed" (says that it translated it from italian to english) so I am not sure what you're trying to say, I guess you trying to say taste in game style isn't disputed but i maybe and probably are wrong, but thanks for reading and responding

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I fully agree with the both of you idk if what i had said might be misunderstood because of the angle i had taken, but something set me off when i read yet another thread and someone said to nerf the living hell out of rushers, they literally said to nerf the hell out of rushers and if you wanna see it i bet i can find it again if i tried but seriously who is to say one gaming style is better than the next all I am really trying to say is what both of you guys clarified So Thank You Guys +1 to both of you idk if i worded it wrong or anything but I appreciate your help guys

You're welcome.

If I may propose something to be clearer when you write, I would suggest that you use more of the "dot". Your sentences are mostly mixed. And for someone that isn't trained in such reading, it's very difficult to read.


Back on topic : yes, we shouldn't discuss about tastes (that what means the sentence in ancient latin) but we can discuss about why the rushers and explorer can't stand being together.

What would be a nice addition to the game is a little check "I want to play fast" and another "I want to explore". So if you're only a rusher, you onlycheck the first one, if you're an explorer you check the second, if you don't care check both. Then the matchmaking would try to put you in group that are in the same mood.

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You're welcome.

If I may propose something to be clearer when you write, I would suggest that you use more of the "dot". Your sentences are mostly mixed. And for someone that isn't trained in such reading, it's very difficult to read.


Back on topic : yes, we shouldn't discuss about tastes (that what means the sentence in ancient latin) but we can discuss about why the rushers and explorer can't stand being together.

What would be a nice addition to the game is a little check "I want to play fast" and another "I want to explore". So if you're only a rusher, you onlycheck the first one, if you're an explorer you check the second, if you don't care check both. Then the matchmaking would try to put you in group that are in the same mood.


Well as some of the repliers have already detected most of this was written out of frustration and for me I wrote this around 1 O'clock ish my time so i didn't really have the mentality to punctuate what i wrote, so sorry about that miss hap.

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But yes the thing that ceases to amaze me is how DE still hasn't really addressed this issue very much even with the single most common suggestion being that people wanna say that they are either rusher or explorers before the match making system does its business.

I mean the only thing rusher and explorer will really agree on just about 100% of the time is that it would be easier if there was a button or a check box to tell whether you are a rusher or an explorer or will go with the flow and I haven't heard DE on this issue at all besides the nerfing of slide and the un-nerfing of the slide most recently. 

But in there most recent live streams this has never been mentioned i have yet to figure out why there are crap tons of threads about rushers vs. explorers and all they did was nerf slide idk if i missed something but thats all i have found on them trying to solve this issue.

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Well as some of the repliers have already detected most of this was written out of frustration and for me I wrote this around 1 O'clock ish my time so i didn't really have the mentality to punctuate what i wrote, so sorry about that miss hap.

No pun intended, I'm sorry and apologize if you felt my sentences were displaced.

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No pun intended, I'm sorry and apologize if you felt my sentences were displaced.


No harm done at least most of the people who replies here were considerate i shall extend the same courtesy.

I say nothing wrong with your sentences but i do tend to write a little funky and have a lot of run on sentences most of the time which is why i usually spend about a whole day going through papers i write.

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I agree with OP, the rusher vs explorer war is quite pointless. But...


Vote kick is needed for afk people - i joined quite a few games, where host was standing afk on defense spawn, making it unable to start or poeple in normal just afk'ing out the map to just have galaxy explored.


Also because you are rusher/explorer shoud not limit you to "solo only", i think there needs to be a better balance or option to extract yourself only, when you reach end of mission alone, but leave other players in the game (host migratioooon)... it can be against design idea devs have, so it probably wont happen.


Only thing that needs nerf, is high attack speed slide jump melee, that pretty much gives you ability to jump accross most of the room with super speed in matter of seconds.




but yeah, many people are b*tching around with no objective criticism, full of subjectivity and feeling of entitlement, what can you do...

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We don't need a thread about meta-complaints. The issue is known, the stances are, too. Thank you for the intent, OP, but a complaint thread about complaints is not helping or changing anything.


Locking this.

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