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Clan Missions i know its to early. But think of possibilities


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On the Dev stream i saw mission type/Tileset/Enemy/VIP/Ally:

1. As Warlords or those giving permission, can we send a mission text through clan members inbox.

2. Can we have all spectors or all sentient missions. Or Have them VIP

3. Our syndicate leaders , darvo/maroo, or any random operative can play a role in the mission.(Defense, rescue choose who to rescue)

4. To Be able to have all rathuum on either factions as a VIP 

5. To Be able to have VIPs in lets say spy or rescue.

6. The empty Rescue containment cell could i put enemies in it?(sentient ,stalker, Alad v)

7. Can i make a stalker accolyte mission?

since its daily rare caches should be there.

the whole idea of mission builder raised the bar




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Also something that would be a cool idea is that you would be able to set that around a certain wave/minute mark a wave of special enemies spawn, like at wave 15 you get a army of 15 Bursa's, at 25 minutes you get 10 hostile Clem's, something like that

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28 minutes ago, ariivanasan said:

i hope this missions will be a good spot to farm stalker, zanuka g3 weapons

I think stuff like this may receive the G3 treatment. Their appearance in "A Man of Few Words"  was guaranteed so they don't drop Brakk parts there. That could happen with this too.

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41 minutes ago, ariivanasan said:

i hope this missions will be a good spot to farm stalker, zanuka g3 weapons


11 minutes ago, TheScytale said:

I think stuff like this may receive the G3 treatment. Their appearance in "A Man of Few Words"  was guaranteed so they don't drop Brakk parts there. That could happen with this too.


And even if it drops, your cruel clan leaders have to put them in the missions.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Nzza_News said:


Also DE should keep making enemies that have lore like the executioners .



I guess that will happen with the new Index coming, I'm also curious to see what they will do with that gambling element they were talking about.

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