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Radial Blind OP on Solar Rail Junctions?


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On 11/10/2016 at 0:28 PM, armedpoop said:

They are supposed to be, but they arent. They were added in and were weak, people still had issues with them, so they got nerfed almost instantly and have become even weaker as a result. 


Personally I feel like something like this that can literally halt a player's starchart progression doesnt need to be any "harder" than it is currently. 

Except, the fight itself really doesn't halt you that much. The grind to get the fight, on the other hand, pretty much slows you to a crawl. I mean, to unlock Phobos, you have to farm 150 kills in a single mission, open 3 void relics, and scan 3 Cephalon fragments on Mars.

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I simply one-shot every single specter with a bow or a sniper. They're pretty much supposed to be easy, or else new players wouldn't be able to deal with them fast enough. 

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Any frame that can go invisible, force a finisher (for example through sleep effects, or Ash's teleport), or be invincible, can cheese the mission. Just underneath that is any frame that can use cc to lock down the specter has a super easy time of it (for example frost's freeze). Specters should have some sort of cc resistance, yes, but go after the problem by targeting the ENEMY, not by saying that certain abilities are OP. Saying Radial Blind is OP is like saying hysteria, sleep arrow, or even freeze is OP. In a 1v1 situation, warframes mop the floor with anything that isn't a boss, and even placeholder bosses like the Sergeant.

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