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I haven't been able to complete a single archwing mission ever since the control changes


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6 hours ago, JSharpie said:

That's two highly different extremes. Q and E are already bound in gameplay to something else, instead of introducing two new keys for rolling, they introduced one.

Is using Q and E for rolling common in other games? I've only ever played games where rolling is controlled with the mouse.

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1 hour ago, SortaRandom said:

Is using Q and E for rolling common in other games? I've only ever played games where rolling is controlled with the mouse.

only in dedicated space games.

edit: even then, no not really, rolling is usually done with the mouse.

Edited by JSharpie
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My two cents.

I never really had any problems with the old Archwing. I didn't love archwing, but I didn't hate it either... Found it enjoyable to play from time to time, felt responsive and easy to manoeuver, never had any issues with the game mode as a whole. Wasn't broken in any way imho.

With the "new" improved archwing, I absolutely loathe it now... I actually quit alerts when I realise they are archwing, that's how bad it is imho.

Here's the issues -

1 - The camera is way too close - Seriously, did anyone even playtest the gamemode, especially when using melee... Camera is so close behind the character that you pretty much only see your frame when doing melee... And since the character does this huge swing move where he basically teleports forward to an enemy everytime you do a melee attack, you're left seeing an extreme closeup of a guy flailing about and teleporting all over the screen... It's borderline unplayable, you lose all spatial awareness when using melee. Gunplay is tolerable, but even then, sometimes you get the camera so close that simply moving about the map has the player take 60% of the screen... It's space, long distances and all that... Why is the camera so close ?

2 - The six degrees of freedom works only in exterior tilesets - Whenever you're in missions that take place inside bases, where you have to navigate corridors and other interior structures, the six degrees of freedom only makes things extremely confusing and hard to navigate. Before, I was able to speedrun these "trench" run missions with ease, avoiding all the pipes and other hazards thrown all over the place... Now, I constantly get stuck in the scenery, flip upside down and get lost in interior tilesets. Six degree of freedom should be only avialable in interception or other missions that take place in an exterior location, and especially not in missions where you  have to rush an objective in some trenches.

3 - Motion Sickness - This is partially linked to both previous issues. When you combine a camera that's way too close to the avatar and the ability to go 360 degrees, you get a high potential for motion sickness. Motion sickness makes this mode litterally unplayable for a siginficant portion of your userbase, which is a very serious issue that should have been fixed immediately after archwing 2.0 was released and not left ignored for months.

4 - No actual benefits to the new system - Here's the thing... The new archwing 2.0 breaks more than it fixes. Who wants to constantly have to stop their archwing so they have the time to slowly rotate back to neutral position... Nobody wants to navigate corridors backwards because you're half sideways, nobody wants a vomit inducing camera. What little immersion is gained in open mission types like interception is lost when you factor in the motion sickness, the disorienting nature of it and everyhing else.


Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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