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Radiation sortie testing


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Today's sortie 3 was a radiation hazard rescue sortie. However, in my run, all of the panels to hack to free the prisoner were located inside the bubbles of radiation, and were therefore impossible to hack without dying. I feel like there needs to be more safeguards and testing against this sort of thing happening.

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2 minutes ago, Endorphinz said:

and were therefore impossible to hack without dying

I, and probably countless others, did it just fine. It was honestly the easier of the sorties today, IMO.

Take nearly ANY DR ability, use Diamond Skin, or throw down several healing/shield pads before hacking. Hell, do all 3. 

There were numerous ways to go about not dying while hacking. Just because you or your squad couldn't do it does not mean it was impossible. It wasn't even very hard. 

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7 minutes ago, Endorphinz said:

I feel like there needs to be more safeguards and testing against this sort of thing happening.

I actually want more of these things happening.
What ever happened to the challenges in the game? People just expect to take in their Loki to a sortie rescue, go invisible and hack consoles, then just finish the mission all in 5 minutes or less. Booorrrriiinnnggggg

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I suppose I worded it badly. While certainly not impossible, I expected to have to deal with dodging radiation bubbles, and quick hacking to release a prisoner, so I geared up as such. I didn't know I was expected to be able to tank radiation damage, and poor design like that is frustrating.

Sorties are still plenty challenging themselves, the threat of being one-shotted by a mook is present. Just because you personally can face-roll them with your simulor-mirage combo doesn't mean they're not difficult for others.

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If you're dying due to the hacking taking too long, I'm fairly sure that ciphers would be a viable solution. Personally, I just used frost to tank the damage without having to resort to ciphers.

Edit: Sorry, I forgot that ciphers can't be used on sortie missions. Anyway, I'm pretty sure a tanky frame is really the only requirement to survive the radiation.

Edited by Tradden
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2 hours ago, Endorphinz said:

I suppose I worded it badly. While certainly not impossible, I expected to have to deal with dodging radiation bubbles, and quick hacking to release a prisoner, so I geared up as such. I didn't know I was expected to be able to tank radiation damage, and poor design like that is frustrating.

Sorties are still plenty challenging themselves, the threat of being one-shotted by a mook is present. Just because you personally can face-roll them with your simulor-mirage combo doesn't mean they're not difficult for others.

I hit every sortie except spy because I'm bad at spy with Excal Prime, Dex Sybaris, Lex Prime, and either Nikana Prime or Glaive Prime. I completed the radiation sortie going down twice, and dying once. No one in my squad had a cheese build.

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