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Solo Survival Spawn


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I am really hoping DE can fix the enemy spawn in solo survivals. I enjoy long runs but don't know anyone in the game who does too. Now at first I took a bow as that is what I wanted to use and then someone told me I need to kill quicker. Ok I took the Tonkor and Staticor and lasted longer but still the same issue.


Now fighting with melee at the start does help, but I have all these weapons and I want to use alot of them instead of bringing the same loadout everytime. Even with the Tonkor the most enemies I had were 8 or so. This means as soon as I have to move away from that area its game over.


I have seen long solo runs on the leaderboards and I don't know how they do it. Infested doesn't seem to be as bad, they keep coming. But the others just do not spawn enough regardless of kill speed/weapon etc.

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3 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

its even more pathetic when you go melee only bad spawns and no ls drops  might as well make the game mode endurance and do away with life supports packs altogether.

Yes that would be an idea, however people could go afk and just let the timer run, which they would do for fame. I'm challenging myself more so give me a chance. The same with endless rewards in general.


Also it seems to dry out after 20 mins Rot C. I counted almost 30 enemies as I killed them. No energy, 6 LS. Come on.

Edited by (PS4)HR_Pufnstuf_1984
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I don't have this problem. Which missions you were doing?

The usual method people use for long survivals:

 - Mirage/Simulor (stupid meta)

- Ash (stupid spam 4)

- Shadows Steps (melee all the time, boring for me)

- Ivara (i like for use bows, and the different play style)


I have fun do 30 min on Ani with Titania and Sobek. 


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1 hour ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I don't have this problem. Which missions you were doing?

The usual method people use for long survivals:

 - Mirage/Simulor (stupid meta)

- Ash (stupid spam 4)

- Shadows Steps (melee all the time, boring for me)

- Ivara (i like for use bows, and the different play style)


I have fun do 30 min on Ani with Titania and Sobek. 


I used Inaros, Ash and Oberon all on Titan/Saturn. I wasn't spamming bladestorm but still killing at a decent rate. 


30 min is ok, its after that. Best I managed was 51 min before I had to change rooms and lost the poor spawn I already had. Yes killing naturally slows down but I feel there should still be life support as I'm still in the action fighting.

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