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{XB1} Knights of Alfheim

(XBOX)RG Nadiko

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To seek out dominant clans and destroy them. To find the most challenging opposition and achieve total, un-contested victory through whatever means necessary.<K.O.A> will humble the arrogant, put the claims of elite organizations to the test. <K.O.A> will seek out natural leaders and provide them with the means to challenge the established order Action, not words, will establish your worth.

<K.O.A> will raise an army of dedicated, disciplined players who share our passion for competitive play.<K.O.A> exists to provide an arena in which all members can improve themselves and our community.

We will achieve these results without needless elitism. <K.O.A> will always welcome the new player, and train them to take on the best. This is our greatest strength. All members of <K.O.A> have a responsibility to themselves and their fellow members to improve their game-play and to pass on what they have learned.


Great Clans are built through the dedication of its members. All players are expected to demonstrate competency in all aspects of their play. PvP and PvE ability are expected. Guild resources are provided in order to ensure that access to critical information is readily available.

Personal initiative is expected, research anything and everything you can about your warframe. Take advantage of our expansive guild member base to learn from those demonstrating leadership

PVP - Because we have a number of players that enjoy competitive play, we encourage anything PVP related. We as a clan understand that the better PVP player you are, that leads to a much better PVE player. Look around at the best PVE players you know. Chances are they excel at PVP as well. PVP makes you better aware of your surroundings, your survivability, and makes your reaction time that much greater.


We do not intend to let the game or clan rule your life. We have only 2-3 mandatory raid nights. Raid times are typically 3-3.5 hours. Because of only having 2-3 nights of required raiding per week, you are expected to come as prepared.


Gaming ultimately is about entertainment, enjoying the company of others and feeling of accomplishment that comes from achieving common goals. Real life always comes first. <K.O.A> members should always balance game-play with their real life obligations.


Absence of over two weeks must be made known to your officers or you will be removed. Extended leave for military service, medical illness or other legitimate reasons are understood.


Our community accommodates both hardcore and more casual players. All members are required to participate in guild events and activities, and above all else, support our PvP campaigns.

<K.O.A> has always been a community above all else. Social networking, making friends and enjoying yourself remains an important aspect of <K.O.A>.


<K.O.A>Officer Corps: Work to create the most organized and active clan possible, to provide direction and act as mentors to our members. Lead always through example


The members of <K.O.A> have spent countless hours building a powerful Clan. Apply only if you intend to become a contributing member of our community.

Edited by (XB1)RG Nadiko
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<K.O.A> Has 2 unique ranking systems both our pvp and pve ranking systems have paid positions for pve simply join the clan become a Knight Captain by leading clan raids and get paid 100 plat monthly 

or you can compete in our pvp ranks by simply addinging my self or a High Council member to an XB1 Party and let us know that you want to become a Prisma Elight so that you may fight to become Knight Prime and earn 300 monthly plat if you can successfully defend your title until the first of the next month

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<K.O.A> is having a survival mission tournament. We are giving away 100p daily until Friday to the winning teams. to participate simply join the clan make a squad of at least 2 go and do any survival mission screenshot your best time and send it to me if your team has the best time on the day you did that mission you will win 100p split 2 ways that's 50p a person for a team of 2 for that day and can win that same amount of plat the following day until this friday

Edited by (XB1)RG Nadiko
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