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Excalibur solo t4 survival





with my current build i have around 59.55 min in solo void survival . Now i was wondering if the ''professionals'' could check out my build (excalibur + prisma skana) it's a wannabe exalted blade build (i run about 99% of the time Exalted blade and only blind enemy's i can't easly take and eximus) . my endgoal would be atleast 80 minutes on survival on lua. i would love to have the same results with ''hate'' but i know that won't happen :p . if you have a build for hate that would accomplish this i would be glad to have and try it :D


excalibur :http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Excalibur/t_30_4420223320_2-3-10-3-8-5-4-6-5-12-4-10-19-1-10-27-9-3-57-0-5-59-2-3-479-5-10-481-7-10_57-8-19-7-59-5-2-12-12-8-479-7-4-5-481-7-3-18-27-9_14/en/1-0-5/0


prisma skana:http://warframe-builder.com/Melee_Weapons/Builder/Prisma_Skana/t_30_230000002_224-2-5-226-4-5-238-6-3-239-3-5-307-8-3-327-5-3-358-7-3-360-1-5-733-0-10_733-7-360-6-224-9-239-9-226-9-327-7-238-7-358-7-307-10/en/4-0-81/0

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4 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

Well, the multshot function is not exclusive to a full status build.

The status proc chance, however, is.

4 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

That's actually false

It's not. You will be getting comparable slash proc DPS while doing crit build, but you won't be getting slash procs as reliable as you will be getting them with a status-oriented build.

8 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

decrease your probability of proccing a specific status

Not really. IPS procs' weight is too high to be offset by adding an additional elemental combo. Hell, you won't even offset your other elemental by doing that. Not to mention a Buzz Kill offset.

13 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

EB with 2 dual stats and crit mods will outperform the quadrapble dual stat build, even without Naramon

No, it has strictly worse DPS. And even with Naramon, your DPS advantage will be below 2%.

17 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

Not using the blind does not make your slash procs magically disappear

It does not. It does, however, make them 64 times weaker.

18 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

Even without the blind, you can generate slash procs that are capapble of dealing several thousands of damage per tick

With corrosive, you also can generate them. However, you also get access to amplifying them for free, and a direct weapon DPS far exceeding the DPS of said procs, even under Viral.

21 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

Also, to pick up your argument, it "drops your non-Naramon DPS considerably"

It's the opposite, though. Corrosive is vastly superior in comparison to viral as an actual damage type. Especially in the Void.

22 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

That's the epitome of inefficiency to me

"The epitome of inefficiency" is to run out of Life Support due to not having high enough kill speed. Radial Blind will not give you that speed. And, due to the way solo survivals work, your Radial Blind will not be "more efficient" compared to Spin Blind.

24 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

I use max. TF,Intensify, r2 Blind Rage and Power Drift for a total of 227% power strength.

I would rather have my 215% and minimal costs on my Slash Dashes and Blinds.

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On 26.10.2016 at 6:56 PM, Epsik-kun said:


" The status proc chance, however, is. "

Touché. Though, my whole point is that those 12% extra status chance are not worth the addition of blast into the proc table.

"It's not. You will be getting comparable slash proc DPS while doing crit build, but you won't be getting slash procs as reliable as you will be getting them with a status-oriented build."

" Not really. IPS procs' weight is too high to be offset by adding an additional elemental combo. Hell, you won't even offset your other elemental by doing that. Not to mention a Buzz Kill offset."

Again, it's a loss of 12% status chance vs a gain of 9% crit chance (without naramon) and +1.8 crit multiplier (I'm sure you are aware, but both of those can affect the damage output of slash procs).As for the "reliability" you speak of, we're looking at ~43% for slash to occur on a proc, on a x2 dual stat mod build vs ~36% on a quadraple dual stat build. That's a difference of 7%. And it's not like those values are static, either. If we look at the chance of at least 1 slash to occur among 2 procs, it's ~68% vs ~%59 (inbefore complaint, Buzzkill was included in all calculations). That's already a 9% difference. Now, that might not sound like much, but from 7 to 9, that's an increase of ~29%.Not to mention, you add a superflous status to the table that has a 15% chance to occur on a proc.Having a less diluted proc table is better in the long run, and considering the massive damage you get through "crit procs", saying slash procs on a x4 dual stat mod build would deal comparable dps is just not right. Back to the "superflous status" though,before you behead me. In an attempt fo find out at which range the knockdown on the "E-hold"- combo would trigger, I found out that it does in fact knock down enemies, even at point blank. There's literally no reason to utilize blast, at this point.

"No, it has strictly worse DPS. And even with Naramon, your DPS advantage will be below 2%. "

" With corrosive, you also can generate them. However, you also get access to amplifying them for free, and a direct weapon DPS far exceeding the DPS of said procs, even under Viral." 

" It's the opposite, though. Corrosive is vastly superior in comparison to viral as an actual damage type. Especially in the Void."

Not at all. If we look on the weapon's stats alone, crit surpasses quadraple status, in terms of dps.Even if we do factor in enemy resistances, the crit route would come out ahead, in most match-ups. Admittedly, corrosive does do a better job against the "more important" match-ups. The tougher units, mostly. Then again, if we were to rely on enemy weaknesses alone, nothing's stopping you from equipping corrosive on the crit build. Personally, I just utilize viral because of the synergy with the bleed DoTs.(assuming you're speaking of blast when you speak of "amplifying"---> refer to prior statement regarding the "E-hold"-combo) Also, let's be real here, the moment you can't kill S#&$ with viral anymore, is the point where you won't be relying on raw damamge anymore, anyway.Exalted Blade's innate raw damamge is just that strong.And quite frankly, viral scales much better as a status proc than corrosive. Especially in EB's case. EB is more about impact per proc ("impact" as in how much it affects the enemy ; keyphrase - slash procs that tick for an unholy amount of damage) , rather than the amount of procs. You won't be stripping a lvl 200 bombard off its armor any time soon.

""The epitome of inefficiency" is to run out of Life Support due to not having high enough kill speed. Radial Blind will not give you that speed. And, due to the way solo survivals work, your Radial Blind will not be "more efficient" compared to Spin Blind."

Well, before i get to this, why does  it feel like you're trying to attack me? I hope that I did not offend you in any way.

To be honest, that sounds like a huge exaggeration to me. We're talking about a 0,5-ish? sec difference in the duration of the casting animation, due to the spinblind being affected by attack speed. That shouldn't have much of an impact on killing speed. If anything, I'd think that the regular blind would do better, since it can affect more enemies per cast, thus you'd  have to cast it less often. Especially when I look back on my own experiences with solo runs. Don't go bonkers on me if this is inaccurate, but as far as i remember, there are less enemies in solo runs and they tend to not cluster, as they do in 4-man missions. Better conditions for the option with the further range, no?

"I would rather have my 215% and minimal costs on my Slash Dashes and Blinds. "

I have max effiency as well, though?Also, if you only used TF, as you said you did, you'd be at 155% power strength.


PS.: Could we make this the last one? Replying is becoming quite the chore. XD

Edited by iSmallfry
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8 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

As for the "reliability" you speak of, we're looking at ~43% for slash to occur on a proc, on a x2 dual stat mod build vs ~36% on a quadraple dual stat build. That's a difference of 7%.


With Buzz Kill offset, it's 37.6% chance of an occurring proc to be Slash for x2 dual-stat compared to 32.6% for x4 dual-stat build. Chance for a single strike (be it melee or wave) to proc a Slash is 8.3% for x2 dual-stat build and 11% for x4 dual-stat build.

x4 dual-stat build has a 34% higher chance of proccing Slash with every strike.

49 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

And quite frankly, viral scales much better as a status proc than corrosive

Not even close, actually. Viral is pretty much useless in Endless missions, as the only thing it provides is like 5 minutes spawn shift in terms of enemy EHP. Corrosive, however, becomes exponentially better as the enemies' EHP rise. You seem to miss that point.

52 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

You won't be stripping a lvl 200 bombard off its armor any time soon.

You won't. You'll need like 3 corrosive procs on him total, and he'll die even without Blind or Naramon really quickly. Bombards are pretty weak actually. And the main difference between Corrosive and Viral is that you can skip Blind against level 200 Bombard with Corrosive, but you can't with Viral (well, unless you like wasting your time).

1 hour ago, iSmallfry said:

nothing's stopping you from equipping corrosive on the crit build

It's an inferior build.

58 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

EB is more about impact per proc

That's wrong. Very wrong. Your Blind amplified procs will stop oneshotting Heavy Gunner Eximus somewhere around level 300. Then, you'll have a really brief period (5 minutes max) of only critical procs oneshotting them. And then, you'll need multiple procs either way.

16 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:


Going for the combo will drop your DPS by an order of magnitude at least. And no, it doesn't knock down enemies point-blank. It blows them back. As in "sends them flying all over the map, so you won't be hitting them anytime soon".

17 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

We're talking about

We are talking about a double-damage strike that replaces useless animation, lesser energy cost, and most importantly - the absence of finishers which will only slow you down. And the main reason for that lies in solo Survival being quite sparse in terms of enemies. Were you to have a crowd to blind - the actual Radial Blind would be effective. In solo survivals, however - you are very unlikely to get full value from the Radial Blind - be it due to enemy positions, Nullifiers, LoS, or something else. Not to mention, that vast majority of the time you only need to Blind one, maybe two targets - everything else can be killed without the blind even on level 500.

22 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

Not at all. If we look on the weapon's stats alone, crit surpasses quadraple status, in terms of dps.

I have to admit, I was wrong about my DPS calculation, as I forgot we are talking about a build with Buzz Kill, while I was talking about a build with Life Strike for some reason. Critical build indeed has about 25% higher DPS post-Naramon and about 9% higher DPS prior.

The point here, however, is that direct DPS hardly matters, because if it did matter - 90% elementals would've been the way to go. The damage difference is more than compensated by Blast procs - it's a fact, not an opinion. I've tried builds with and without them, the difference is absurd.

37 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

I have max effiency as well, though?Also, if you only used TF, as you said you did, you'd be at 155% power strength.

If you have max efficiency, 4 slots on Strength, and extra mod on Duration (to bring it up to 100% or higher, as it'll be the only way for you to get minimal cost Exalted Blade) - you are losing some serious utility for a pretty meager damage increase.

155% is my universal build. Solo Survival build has 215% as it runs Intensify, Transient, and Power Drift. Extra 15% are from the helmet.

45 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

Could we make this the last one?

We sure could. However, your main argument against x4 dual-stat combo is a result of the math done wrong. I believe, you didn't test the x4 dual-stat build outside of Simulacrum, and when you were doing the testing you were doing it on Bombards at best. Meanwhile, as pure damage build might seem better than Status build on lower levels - all alterations of full status EBlade build might seem better under some specific circumstances. But the fact is, in solo Void Survival, x4 dual-stat Corrosive + Blast combo isn't outperformed by anything (in terms of EBlade builds of course). It just offers too much utility on the enemy level range from 40 to 500. I might see Gas EBlade outperforming it if you'll burn through energy pizzas like crazy. However, I am not sure that Gas won't fall off terribly somewhere around enemy level 400.

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On 27.10.2016 at 9:19 PM, Epsik-kun said:



Oh boy, you just know how to push my buttons. Been a really long day, but I just feel obligated to answer to your statements.

"With Buzz Kill offset, it's 37.6% chance of an occurring proc to be Slash for x2 dual-stat compared to 32.6% for x4 dual-stat build. Chance for a single strike (be it melee or wave) to proc a Slash is 8.3% for x2 dual-stat build and 11% for x4 dual-stat build.

x4 dual-stat build has a 34% higher chance of proccing Slash with every strike."

Just for argument's sake, let's assume your math is correct. Your values end up proving my point, after all. According to your numbers, the 12% status chance you gain by taking up 2 additional mod slots, in reality, increase your overall odds to proc specific statuses by a very miniscule amount. In slash's case, the most favored status proc, we're looking at a difference of 2.7% , for it to occur. I don't know about you, but taking up 2 mod slots for an increase of 2.7% in probability, doesn't exactly sound efficient to me. I mean, what a difference will those 2.7% actually make, in practice? Will a melee weapon with 5% base crit chance suddenly start critting all over the place, when equipped with a True Steel? 'Cause that's the kind of difference we're talking about. Speaking of crits though, in crontrast to the 2.7%, you could have gained a bonus of +60% crit chance and +90% crit damage, using those 2 mod slots for crit mods. And unlike that 34% you've mentioned, those 60 and 90% do make quite the difference. We're talking about an actual difference of 9% crit chance (the gap will actually widen with Naramon activated) and an additional crit multiplier of 1.8. Don't even try to downplay those values. For somebody who praises a difference of 2.7% so highly and claims that those 2.7% justify the use of 2 additonal mod slots, those crit bonuses must make a difference of several worlds and then some. Now, you may argue that x4 dual stat also adds +120% blast damage, but those do not affect the damage of slash procs, unlike crit. Also, we've already agreed on crit being superior in terms of unconditional, raw damage. In fact, even with enemy resistances considered, blast is down there as one of the S#&$titest damage types. As for the proc, I'll get to that later, so don't bother.

-2.7% chance to proc vs + 9% crit chance and +180% crit damage - still looks like you would outdo a full status build with a crit hybrid build, in terms of slash proc dps, to me.

"Not even close, actually. Viral is pretty much useless in Endless missions, as the only thing it provides is like 5 minutes spawn shift in terms of enemy EHP. Corrosive, however, becomes exponentially better as the enemies' EHP rise. You seem to miss that point."

What I actually meant by that, is that we're talking about a level range where heavy units reach tens of thousands of armor. A single corrosive proc won't help you deal any meaningful amount of  damage via raw damage. At that point, your highest source of damage are the armor-ignoring slash procs. Especially with stealth multipliers, whether they are gained through knockdown,stealth or blind. Said heavy units actually don't have all that much HP. They gain most of their EHP through armor scaling, so it makes sense for a form of damage that completely bypasses armor to do best against them. A single viral proc straightout halves the HP slash procs have to take down, greatly increasing their effectivity and scaling in general.That aside, viral procs do a whole lot more on unarmored targets than corrosive. Shocking, right? Obviously those aren't as much of an issue as armored targets, but as somebody who keeps referring to lvl500 enemies, you should be aware that they will be able to take quite a few hits, at some point.

"You won't. You'll need like 3 corrosive procs on him total, and he'll die even without Blind or Naramon really quickly."

This actually made me chuckle. Considering the abysmal chance for corrosive to proc, even on your x4 dual stat build, needing 3 procs before you start to deal proper damage, is not something that supports your claims, to be honest. Heck, Even slash, which is by far the most likely to occur, only has a 11% chance to proc, according to yourself.Yes, viral's chance to proc is just as abysmal, but you only need for it to proc once.

"Bombards are pretty weak actually."

I know. I decided to go with those specifically, because of their characteristic of having a humongous EHP, despite their comparatively low HP pool (refer to statement regarding enemy armor scaling and the synergy between slash+viral).

"And the main difference between Corrosive and Viral is that you can skip Blind against level 200 Bombard with Corrosive, but you can't with Viral (well, unless you like wasting your time)."

Not only is that a huge exaggeration, viral will do just as good (or bad rather), as corrosive. I mean, you should know yourself, that at that point "direct DPS hardly matters ". You will do more "direct damage" with corrosive, but viral will enhance the effectivity of those slash procs, we love so dearly. That said, it's still entirely possible to mod for corrosive, even on a crit hybrid build. I believe what you were referring to, when you spoke of those lvl 200 enemies, is that blast proc in your x4 dual stat build.As stated before though, I'll get to that one, later on. ( Obviously, I love wasting my time. Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here, trying to respond to even the most ridiculous of claims)

"It's an inferior build."

According to you anyway.

"That's wrong. Very wrong. Your Blind amplified procs will stop oneshotting Heavy Gunner Eximus somewhere around level 300. Then, you'll have a really brief period (5 minutes max) of only critical procs oneshotting them. And then, you'll need multiple procs either way."

You've completely missed the point. Nobody ever tried to argue that you'd, at some point, need more than a single slash proc to kill an enemy. I merely pointed out the nature of EB status builds, of only proccing occasionaly, but those occasional (slash) procs dealing massive amounts damage, as compensation for not proccing as numerously, as other status weapons might would. Due to the comparatively low rate of procs, statuses which are most effective when "spammed", might only be suboptimal, at best.

"Going for the combo will drop your DPS by an order of magnitude at least. And no, it doesn't knock down enemies point-blank. It blows them back. As in "sends them flying all over the map, so you won't be hitting them anytime soon". "

This is ridiculous on so many levels. Knockdowns don't stack ontop of each other, so you'd only have to trigger the combo once.The loss of a single "spam E"- combo every now and then, could hardly be considered a loss of "DPS by an order of magnitude at least". In fact, you should do much better with the "E-hold"-combo, in theory. After all, it's basically a knockdown on command, which will always occur after 3 hits (which are all affected by attack speed, even the delays in-between swings gets reduced; with max attack speed the delays are virtually gone).Blast procs on the other hand, are heavily dependant on rng. More often than not, you'll get to the knockdown much sooner, using the "E-hold"-combo, considering blast's low chance to proc, on EB. Now, the reason I added "in theory", is that I do have to admit that it's quite tricky to get the timing for the combo right, once you've hit max attack speed, but once you've got the timing down, that's not really an issue. In that regard, blast is much more comfortable, as it trivializes the process of knocking enemies down and doesn't require you to actively do so.Though, at tha point, it's merely a utility kind of thing, for lazy people. As for "sends them flying all over the map", that's a huge overstatement, seeing how the furthest I've yet to fling an enemy away, was about 5-ish meters. Of course, it's not exactly pleasant, but "so you won't be hitting them anytime soon" certainly does not apply, epsecially to EB, as it features energy waves that travel for 40m. That said, unless an enemy spawns right into you, there's no reason you couldn't just use the combo, as you walk up to them.

"We are talking about a double-damage strike that replaces useless animation, lesser energy cost, and most importantly - the absence of finishers which will only slow you down."

A double-damage strike that requires you to be in point-blank range. What a weird thing to rely on, for somebody who seems to have troubles bridging a 5m gap.less energy, in exchange for a massive reduction in range and duration. As for finishers, they actually speed things up against those lvl 200-500 enemies you love so much. Not only do they deal massive amounts of armor-bypassing damage, they literally take 1-2 seconds to  perform with max attack speed. Most importanly though, those that survive such a finisher are knocked down as well. Shouldn't that be right up your alley?

"And the main reason for that lies in solo Survival being quite sparse in terms of enemies. Were you to have a crowd to blind - the actual Radial Blind would be effective. In solo survivals, however - you are very unlikely to get full value from the Radial Blind - be it due to enemy positions, Nullifiers, LoS, or something else. Not to mention, that vast majority of the time you only need to Blind one, maybe two targets - everything else can be killed without the blind even on level 500."

I kind of agree on that one. Though, I'd like to pull the "playstyle"- card. What I like to do, is ignoring the bullet sponges and taking care of the enemies that are easily killed first, for a steady supply of life support. Once there are 3 or more heavies in the vicinity, I'll use the blind and take care of them in one fell swoop.

"The point here, however, is that direct DPS hardly matters, because if it did matter - 90% elementals would've been the way to go. The damage difference is more than compensated by Blast procs - it's a fact, not an opinion. I've tried builds with and without them, the difference is absurd. "

Would whole-heartedly agree, if it wasn't for the "E-hold"-combo.

"If you have max efficiency, 4 slots on Strength, and extra mod on Duration (to bring it up to 100% or higher, as it'll be the only way for you to get minimal cost Exalted Blade) - you are losing some serious utility for a pretty meager damage increase.

155% is my universal build. Solo Survival build has 215% as it runs Intensify, Transient, and Power Drift. Extra 15% are from the helmet."

I agree that the strength bonus is meager, at best. Then again, I didn't really care for any additional utility. Similar to you, I skip survivability mods entirely, because of Naramon. Even with an extra duration mod (Constitution), I have enough space to include P. Flow. As for range, I didn't need any, as I'm very comfortable with the base ranges of Slash Dash and Radial Blind. Having 12m on the dash, makes it fairly easy to maneuver in about any eviroment for me. 25m on the blind, is all I need. I usually kill enemies at a 10-15m distance. The duration being a little over 14 sec, most of the time, I wouldn't be able to get rid of all the enemies anyway, were the radius any bigger.

I see. Personally, I like x2 Arcane Strike sets for my Excal.

"your main argument against x4 dual-stat combo is a result of the math done wrong."

That's rich. Remember when you went "No, it has strictly worse DPS. And even with Naramon, your DPS advantage will be below 2%." with oh so much conviction? How can you still be so confident that you were the one to do the math correctly? That aside, even by your numbers, the +12% status chance proved to be laugable in practice, at best. The slash procs on a crit build would still outperform those of a x4 status build, overall.

"I believe, you didn't test the x4 dual-stat build outside of Simulacrum, and when you were doing the testing you were doing it on Bombards at best. Meanwhile, as pure damage build might seem better than Status build on lower levels - all alterations of full status EBlade build might seem better under some specific circumstances. But the fact is, in solo Void Survival, x4 dual-stat Corrosive + Blast combo isn't outperformed by anything (in terms of EBlade builds of course). It just offers too much utility on the enemy level range from 40 to 500"

Admittedly, I really did test it in the Simulacrum only. Until today, that is. Though, I did test it on all kinds of enemies, including eximus variants.

So, as implied, I did 2 solo Mot runs to compare the 2 builds today:

1 with a x4 status build:


1 with crit hybrid:


(I tried using Wyrm P., in an attempt to trivialize the knockdown process, to some extend.Turns out, that A****** truly "sends them flying all over the map, so you won't be hitting them anytime soon")

Mind you, I'm not saying the x4 status build can't do any better than that. In fact, I'm pretty sure, both builds could go for much longer, damagewise. I was just too tired to focus for any longer. During the full status build, I forgot about lifesupport altogether. As for the crit build, I didn't realize there were no more LS-capsules in the room i was staying at and thus, didn't reach the nearest capsule in time, when I needed it.

Anyway, I did get a pretty good comparison up to lvl 150-ish enemies:

-both just oneshot enemies in lower levels.

-crit does slightly better in mid-lvls (not like it matters, though; both totally tear through enemies).

-once you hit around 120-ish, both builds start to fall off.

At that point, you can do fine without the blind, using knockdowns (be it through blast or "E-hold"). Though, I've found blinds to just be that much more efficient for me. I've mentioned my habit of "collecting" heavies before. Doing that and just oneshotting those heavies in 1 go, using a single blind, did not only save time, but seemed to be quite efficient in terms of energy as well, in the longrun.

1 more thing I'd like to bring up, Naramon is rather unreliable without a crit-based build. I mean, even with crit hybrid I lost stealth a few times until lvl 70-ish. I would end up killing enemies with too few hits for it to garuantee stealth, in lower levels. On full status, it's on whole another level, though. Pre-70 enemies, I was hardly ever in stealth. It gets better post 100 but I would still end up losing stealth and dying, at times. Once you've lost Naramon, things become akward.

Reminds me, proof that those were solo runs on MoT:


"I might see Gas EBlade outperforming it if you'll burn through energy pizzas like crazy. However, I am not sure that Gas won't fall off terribly somewhere around enemy level 400 "

Tested it in the Simulacrum. Wasn't too impressed.

Lastly, I would like to ask you for a favor, if you don't mind. Of course, you're free to answer to my post, but please do not quote or tag me. I know for a fact, that I probably won't be able to resist arguing back, if I read your post.


Edited by iSmallfry
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11 hours ago, iSmallfry said:

at a difference of 2.7%

We are looking at a difference of 34% chance of getting a slash proc that kills stuff vs 25% damage increase that's largely ignored by the enemies.

11 hours ago, iSmallfry said:

That's rich.

It indeed is. My math was done right in both cases - I only had a mistake in the actual build I was comparing. I know from where all these numbers come from - you don't.

11 hours ago, iSmallfry said:

So, as implied, I did 2 solo Mot runs to compare the 2 builds today

Mot doesn't have level 150-ish enemies on the hour mark. You pretty much hadn't tested a thing. Actually, I have no idea how one can manage to run out of LS in an hour with Excal. Running out of LS capsules in a room during a 100 minutes interval is also not a thing that's supposed to happen.

Honestly speaking, both of your results (as well as "I usually kill enemies at a 10-15m distance" statement) make me wonder whether or not you know how to do solo Survival with Excal to begin with. "level 150-ish" enemies aren't what the build targets, these can be dealt with by a universal build and Life Strike melee - you don't need a dedicated build for them.

This is who the build targets:




This is what kind of results you're supposed to get with it:





11 hours ago, iSmallfry said:

Lastly, I would like to ask you for a favor, if you don't mind. Of course, you're free to answer to my post, but please do not quote or tag me. I know for a fact, that I probably won't be able to resist arguing back, if I read your post.


"I don't really have valid arguments to defend my point in the discussion, but I would like to save the last word for me" isn't a good mindset.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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On 30.10.2016 at 0:06 PM, Epsik-kun said:

We are looking at a difference of 34% chance of getting a slash proc that kills stuff vs 25% damage increase that's largely ignored by the enemies.

I get it, 2.7% supposedly equal 34% of 8.3%. This won't however increase the impact those 2.7% will have in practice. I went over this in detail, in my previous post. Those 25% refer to the raw damage part. The fact that those 25% additional damage will obviously scale better on unarmored targets than additional blast damage aside, I've stated many, many times that it was never about that increase in raw damage. It's about the huge damage increase for slash procs that proc off critical strikes, and the chance for that to occur. It's about the reliability of Naramon's stealth.

On 30.10.2016 at 0:06 PM, Epsik-kun said:

It indeed is. My math was done right in both cases - I only had a mistake in the actual build I was comparing. I know from where all these numbers come from - you don't.

As far as I know, using incorrect variables in one's calculations, is indeed considered a mathematical error. Speaking of which, I didn't think it was worth mentioning but considering the topic, I'll do so anyway. 2.7% actually equal 32.5% of 8.3%. I believe you've calculated 2.7% in relation to 8%. The result would have been 33,75%, which you would then have rounded to 34%. Now, you may argue that it was on purpose and that you've merely rounded 8.3% to 8%, but seeing the inconsistency in your equation, makes it pretty clear, that it was an oversight on your part. You didn't indicate those 34% to be an approximate value, either. And yes, obviously I do not know where your numbers came from, exactly. I neither know the exact formulas you've used, nor do I know how you did the math around them or whether you've come to the correct results, in the first place. I can speculate, at best. For all I know, you could have pulled those numbers out of your &#!. But yeah, clearly we've been using different formulas, seeing how our results differ that much.

On 30.10.2016 at 0:06 PM, Epsik-kun said:

Mot doesn't have level 150-ish enemies on the hour mark. You pretty much hadn't tested a thing. Actually, I have no idea how one can manage to run out of LS in an hour with Excal. Running out of LS capsules in a room during a 100 minutes interval is also not a thing that's supposed to happen.

Honestly speaking, both of your results (as well as "I usually kill enemies at a 10-15m distance" statement) make me wonder whether or not you know how to do solo Survival with Excal to begin with. "level 150-ish" enemies aren't what the build targets, these can be dealt with by a universal build and Life Strike melee - you don't need a dedicated build for them.

This is who the build targets:

  Reveal hidden contents



This is what kind of results you're supposed to get with it:

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm not sure why you're even trying so hard to flail around your e-peen. One of the runs featured a build identical to yours, so the deciding factor would have been player performance, rather than a difference in build performance. That being the case, you showing off your results means little to nothing. I've straightout admitted it to have been a failure on my part, rather than the build not performing well at that point, as well. That being said, let's get to your e-peen-driven statements which top the charts, in terms of ridiculousness and irrelevancy:

-The general level around the 60 min mark will be 120-130-ish - I'll give you that - but there will be a few eximus units around 140-150-ish, which is why I said "up to", as in the enemies with the highest levels being around 150-ish, and talked about lvl 120-ish enemies in my review, rather than stressing the lvl 150-ish enemies.

Here's a picture of a level 145 eximus spawning around the time I achieved in my run with the full status build:


Looks close enough to 150 to be considered "150-ish" to me. In fact, I've encountered a lvl153 gunner about 1min later, but decided to go with this one, as it's closest to the run I did, in terms of time. Glad you fact check,before making your claims...

"ermergerd x4 status op! sooooo many more slash procs! such reliable, much wow!!!" - Turns out, that even by your math, it's merely a difference of 2.7% chance to get a slash proc and now you're clinging to those 2.7 equaling 34% of 8. Guess what, 1 is 50% of 2. 50% sounds awesome and all, but it won't make the value of 1 any higher than it actually is.

"x4 dual stat so stronk raw dps,much stronker than stoopid crit" - Nope, it isn't. "Direct dps not worth shiat anyway!" - Funny how you've started stressing that over and over again, after being proven wrong.

"Blast proc masterrace! Knockdown=free damage!!!" - E-hold. "E-hold shiat!got nothing on le blast!" -It's much more reliable, overall. "...."

" Crit is useless!" - It makes Naramon more reliable and can actually increase slash proc damage. "So what if it increases direct dps? Raw damage be shiat anyway!" -It's not about the raw damage it provides... "It increases raw damage by 25% BUT full status gives you 2.7% more chance to proc slash!!!" - It does not only give you more raw damage, it can also affect slash procs and helps you keeping up Naramon's stealth more reliably. "...Direct Dps is shiat."  - Yeah, I know.  I've been saying that since post 1. "2.7 equals 34% of 8, therefore x4 dual stat is op. 25% raw is worthless."- ... Okay.

"Corrosive>Viral on EB!!" - Sure, it does enhance the amount direct dps you deal, but what happened to direct dps being largely ignored on higher levels? Viral on the other hand, increases the effectivity of slash procs and helps it scale better. "..."

... Guess you don't fact check, after all.

-How i ran out of life support in an hour? Simple. As you've said many times yourself, enemies are scarce in solo runs and whether enemies drop lifesupport or not, is entirely up to RNG. If RNG does not favor you, you won't get around activating a capsule. I didn't pay attention to my lifesupport-meter and thus, ran out of lifesupport. Again, this was a run using the very same build you've been praising all this time, so it's not about "full status>status/crit" or vice versa, in this case.

-I stayed in a room that only had 2 "capsule spots" to begin with.Those capsules did not respawn in that room and I had failed to notice. Then again, it was never supposed to be a "tryhard" run to begin with. I just wanted a direct comparison to a full status build and wanted to know at which point my damage would start to choke. I did not reach that point. That said, you claiming that you're not supposed to run out of capsules in 1 room, in "mere" 100 min intervals, is just hilarious, considering 1 of your pictures showing that after 40-ish additional mins, let alone a single room, you were completely out of capsules and lifesupport. That shows how that was the very limit you could have reached in that run, and was by no means as casual, as you make it sound.

-"10-15m" was referring to the fact, that I personally focus on getting rid of multiple enemies at once, rather than going for single targets. It's not until level 250-ish, before i get close to maximize damage output. Until I do get to that point, I simply try to position myself in a way where i can run my waves through groups of enemies. Usually  from a 10-15m distance, to hit as many enemies as possible. So yes, I do kill from that distance, for the most part.

-lvl 150-ish enemies were relevant, in this case. Your main argument for a full status build featuring blast, was that the knockdown would enable you to clear  up to lvl 200 enemies with ease, so you wouldn't have to rely on the blind up to that point. So, was I able to kill those lvl 150-ish eximus units with the knockdown? Yes, I was, but the same applies to a status/crit build using E-hold. Also, it's by far not as fast, as just using blinds. Yes, that's not as energy efficient, but to quote you: " "The epitome of inefficiency" is to run out of Life Support due to not having high enough kill speed.". All that, leads me to your first picture. No, that're not the enemies your build is designed for. Again, you were all about getting stealth multipliers via blast procs and not having to use blinds until lvl 200+. The picture displays you hammering away at a blinded enemy with a slash proc ticking. At that point, blast procs are irrelevant, as you get the multipliers through your blind. In that scenario, a status/crit build would operate in the same manner. It should also perform better in terms of slash procs, considering the crits and viral procs.

On 30.10.2016 at 0:06 PM, Epsik-kun said:

"I don't really have valid arguments to defend my point in the discussion, but I would like to save the last word for me" isn't a good mindset.

'Cause flatout ignoring 90% of the content, picking out random phrases out of context and giving irrelevant answers to said phrases, are such valid points, right?

Me having no valid points, is clearly not the case. I just feel like we've been going in circles for quite a while now. As no new points are being made, I do not see any reason to continue this. I told you, you may have the last word for yourself, for everyone to see. I simply wish for the bliss of not knowing about what you're saying. Chances are, I'd have difficulties not giving my 2 cents.

Think about whether further trying to provoke a fight is a "good mindset".

Hopefully the last one.


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7 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:


Darling, seeing as autistic you got in your denial of explicit facts - I indeed see no point in continuing the conversation. You've proven your incompetence - congrats.

Wow, this is by far the most severe case of psychological projection I've ever seen.

"seeing as autistic you got" - At least you tried...


Speaking of incompetence when you couldn't even get that one line correctly...The irony.

Your heavy bias towards your own opinion does not qualify as "explicit fact", either.

Glad we can agree on putting an end to this.




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enjoy the meme
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

You stayed 45 min longer in the crit hybrid than the 1st one.

Don't be misled by the pictures. As stated, both runs ended due to me not paying attention to lifesupport. Pretty sure, both builds could have gone beyond that.

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18 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

Understanding that you're irrelevant is indeed a big step forward. Going so far, as to deny your existence as a whole, might be going too far, though.

Is this some kind of self-motivation? I don't need to know the reasoning of your inferiority - I can live without it, thank you.

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20 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

I think you're getting caught is some sort of weird delusions. Maybe you should see a specialist. Really.

The projections of your own shortcomings onto others are getting worse, I see. It's so tragic, whitnessing a great mind that once produced masterpieces, such as "seeing as autistic you got", being reduced to such a pitiful state. Then again, "you're getting caught is some sort of weird delusions" isn't too bad, either.

Here we go, again:


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11 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

The projections of your own shortcomings onto others is getting worse, I see. It's so tragic, whitnessing a great mind that once produced masterpieces, such as "seeing as autistic you got", being reduced to such a pitiful state. Then again, "you're getting caught is some sort of weird delusions" isn't too bad, either.

Here we go, again:




I think you might be repeating yourself. Had you run out of funny words to say and pictures to post, darling?

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22 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:


I think you might be repeating yourself. Had you run out of funny words to say and pictures to post, darling?

While a previous comeback was referenced, the actual punchline was another one. My bad, to think that I expected you to grasp that much...

Then again, I might have been too much in awe of your creativity, when it comes to comebacks, to come up with a better one, myself.

"Y u b talkin 2 urself" is just so very clever and overflows with originality.

On a side note, I can't believe I'm actually sitting here, wondering whether you're going to get the sarcasm. So yeah, in case you didn't get it, there you have it. It was supposed to be a sarcastic remark.

Also, because it never gets old:


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2 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

While a previous comeback was referenced, the actual punchline was another one. My bad, to think that I expected you to grasp that much...

Then again, I might have been too much in awe of your creativity, when it comes to comebacks, to come up with a better one, myself.

"Y u b talkin 2 urself" is just so very clever and overflows with originality.

On a side note, I can't believe I'm actually sitting here, wondering whether you're going to get the sarcasm. So yeah, in case you didn't get it, there you have it. It was supposed to be a sarcastic remark.

Also, because it never gets old:



It actually amuses me, how far can you degrade in self-humiliation only to save the last word for yourself. It might not appeal to the oh so great mind of yours, that after you resorted to idiotic attempts of twisting my words in a way not every kindergartener would do, I had ceased trying to talk any sense to you seeing as it was completely meaningless.

And here you are, the one who asked for the end of a conversation at least three times in a row - replying to all my posts, trying to think up some sort of a "burn" and using the memes in attempts to be seen ironical. Barking like a trained dog.

Will the dog answer to this post as well? The last word has to be saved after all.

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1 hour ago, Epsik-kun said:

It actually amuses me, how far can you degrade in self-humiliation only to save the last word for yourself. It might not appeal to the oh so great mind of yours, that after you resorted to idiotic attempts of twisting my words in a way not every kindergartener would do, I had ceased trying to talk any sense to you seeing as it was completely meaningless.

And here you are, the one who asked for the end of a conversation at least three times in a row - replying to all my posts, trying to think up some sort of a "burn" and using the memes in attempts to be seen ironical. Barking like a trained dog.

Will the dog answer to this post as well? The last word has to be saved after all.

Wow, the self-projection is just too real. Trying your darndest to twist my words, is exactly what you've been doing, mate. Even now, you're desperately trying to reverse the roles. Needless to say, you've been failing miserably. This is not only shown through your latest posts, such as "Why are you talking to yourself in second person? ", which was your immediate response to being called out on your psychological projection. Throughout the entire Excal discussion, whenever crit came up, in context of enhancing slash procs through critical strikes or to make Naramon more reliable, you kept trying to dismiss it, as me praising the raw damage increase and proceeded to point out that raw damage is worthless on higher levels, despite me saying the very same thing, since post 1. When I reviewed my test results, comparing both builds directly, you took the pictures I included as proof, that I actually did go out of my way to test the builds, and tried to somehow turn it into an e-peen contest of who could do a longer survival run, completely overgoing any points made. Funnily enough, points you did not "address", you flatout ignored.

I did ask for this to end, true enough. How exactly did I do so, though? By asking you to not quote or tag me. Why, exactly? Because I have difficulties leaving idiocy of your magnitude uncommented, which is why I wanted to avoid it, by not being aware of it.

Another splendid example of you trying to twist my words, by leaving out the crucial part of what was said. Nice try, though. With that, you've earned yourself another one:



What a cute attempt to force me into a situation where I wouldn't want to reply. Then again, why are you suddenly the one to bring up the topic of ending this conversation? What exactly happened to " "I don't really have valid arguments to defend my point in the discussion, but I would like to save the last word for me" isn't a good mindset. " ?

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