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Could we Maybe fix stealth farming in exterminate a bit.


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So recently I've been using the stealth farming method for my focus farming needs and one of my biggest gripes is how just one enemy no matter how long they have been displayed on my mini map completely unalerted I swing with my weapon and boom stealth multiplier out the window. And no I'm not having this happen just once but multiple times in a single run. 

Also what is wrong with the spawn logic?  In the survivals, sabotage, Rescue, def, and Spy missions I run into scorches and napalms along with bombards and heavy gunners yet when I load up an exterminate mission these units(napalms and scorches) are no where to be found as well as no eximus units.  This completely makes affinity gains very low and makes me have to run at least 6 missions to completion to be finished with farming for the day.  Also at times the mini map will have me kill the second to last enemy and then have me trek all the way back to the beginning to kill an enemy that it somehow forgot.  I'm stealth farming so I'm not moving fast enough for the map to not tell me what I've missed.

Thanks for listening hopefully these problems can be ironed out.

Edited by (PS4)Malik_The_Gent
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Melee kill mobs directly in front of another at a reasonable distance, no response. Snipe a mob with a silenced weapon and the detection / reaction range is FAR higher than melee. Does this make sense?

1) Stop the 'clumping' of mobs. It irritates me to see a group of 8-10 mobs standing in a bunch, forcing me to bypass and return to make stealth kills.

2) Determine a better detection radius for melee / ranged weapons. (or at least make these more rational)

3) Newly spawned mobs will occasionally not show the 'alerted' status, however they are still 'alerted' for the purposes of screwing your stealth multiplier.

4) Please do something about the dynamic spawn deal/thingie. The return of nightmare missions have made this 10x more glaring. (400 kill extermination missions) 

Example: Nightmare mission on Uranus yesterday. ~430 kills necessary.

I got to the end of the mission and had to backtrack a half dozen rooms (in and out of water) 4 times before they had all spawned. Playing solo on a nightmare mission, this was infuriating. I died twice due to eximus units doing their AOE fireblast and knocking me BACK into the water just to force me out again. (and the associated flip/jump/superhero crouch animation which cannot be avoided) Meanwhile their flamethrower buddies and machete chucking girlfriends were having a field-day playing 'pinata tenno'. -- This isn't directly related to stealth, but the same spawn mechanics cause problems there.

Please fix extermination.

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Stealth in general is pretty borked IMO.  Having enemies follow me around while invisible after shooting something is just silly.  I wouldn't really rely on stealth for affinity gain to be honest.  They did so much to ensure that exterm and really most missions cant be focus/affinity farmed hardly at all, especially while solo.

Yeah it needs fixed, a lot of the stealth/invis mechanics need fixed.

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These are some really serious issues because as most people have complained about those who create XP Farms on endless missions the people who actively play the game to farm have been punished so harshly. I mean they even removed the deception mission node which I hadn't realized was gone til last week. I say for focus sake they create missions to help people at least gain half or maybe 35,000 of it through objective based mission or goals. 100,000 focus points to gain with lenes that absorb 1% or 2% of the affinity from enemies with xp gains of 215 at bases isn't  enough. I feel so bad for new players after they 'reworked'(nerfed) focus system. The cap is restriction enough so why nerf lenses. 

Wow apologies got off topic. 

Anyway I've just started running survivals with groups for my focus and sometimes they'll follow instructions other times we get a guy who gets bored and runs off completely screwing spawns. My only suggestion for you is keep at it friend and maybe they'll fix it someday.

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On a related note.

I just ran 6 infested outbreaks in my drive to get the mutagen masses for the new scythe...

Every. Single. Freakin'. Mission. resulted in having to backtrack to kill mobs that didn't spawn on the way to extraction. Every. Single. Mission.

3 solos, 2 full groups, 1 with just myself and one other...


These changes were made so that players doing stealth runs wouldn't run to the end of the mission, kill everything in a single room in 1-2 attacks with range-max melee weapon and rinse::repeat to farm focus.

What's worse, stopping a small number of players who are exploiting with setups that take a ton of time to properly utilize, or punishing every player with a buggy, rage-inducing irritant in every extermination mission? I know which I'd choose.

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Yup, those changes are about eleven months old now and they refuse to fix their 'fixes for our effectiveness'. That exploit definitely had to be fixed but they did it in the poorest way possible and compromised a game mode in the process.

I stopped being cautious during stealth runs because there's simply no reward to it. Thankfully, Banshee can tone down the illogical loss of stealth multipliers to a degree. (You can even shoot them multiple times without being alerted as long as they don't see you in the process.)

I 'recently' made a topic on the spawn mechanism problems:


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On 10/29/2016 at 7:29 AM, Xekrin said:

Stealth in general is pretty borked IMO.  Having enemies follow me around while invisible after shooting something is just silly.  I wouldn't really rely on stealth for affinity gain to be honest.  They did so much to ensure that exterm and really most missions cant be focus/affinity farmed hardly at all, especially while solo.

Yeah it needs fixed, a lot of the stealth/invis mechanics need fixed.

Pretty sure they don't follow you while invis, they just go to the last location you made a sound, like shooting loud weapons.

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9 minutes ago, JalakBali said:

Pretty sure they don't follow you while invis, they just go to the last location you made a sound, like shooting loud weapons.

Well then, for ninjas we sure do have awfully loud footsteps because they follow my ivara unerringly, and since I use prowl I cannot sprint, not that it should make a difference.  No, they follow you.  Silenced weapons, bows, hushed invis on loki, I've tried them all.  Not moving, fire a single shot that doesn't kill but injures and everything is right on top of you in an instant.

Try it.

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