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  1. Charges are consumed when you do the stabs before showdown in railjack. So that part isn't a big. And it would seem that the host migration did bug you out of your Convertong the loch so you'll have to run it again.
  2. As stated in the title Voidrig will activate first ability and no matter how many times I do alt fire to throw the canister the animation plays but the canister never leaves his hand.
  3. This is still a problem. Has happened to me six times today. It's not a hard freeze that throws an error or boots you back to home screen, but it always end a host migration. This freeze also occurs in ever hub in the game. Only fix I've had success with is to set cross play off.
  4. Don't know if this happens on other platforms yet but since I've been playing these past three days if any knockdown happens to a specter or called in ally they remain on the ground and do not follow the player anymore. This also happens to loyal Merulina as well considering it doesn't have a knockdown animation. Specters and Merulina do still activate their abilities but outside of that do not move or teleport.
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