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Lua Principles - Agility bug and frustration


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I was running Lua today trying to get the Drift mods, and twice I stumbled across the Agility test with my squad.  And both times, it took us long enough to try to get everyone up that we ended up encountering a bug, where when a player hops into the bottom-most pipes to begin the pattern, when it's supposed to shoot the Warframe up, the cap closes instead and the first button remains in its inactive mode, rendering it unable to be toggled for opening the organ pipes again.  The /unstuck command worked to get back out, but it seems to be consistent with repeated attempts to climb up.  We couldn't find any way to get our teammates out of the pipes other than the /unstuck command.

When I first encountered this bug I was Limbo, and this was my first time attempting this test, but due to the slippery edges of the pipes kicking me off and causing the test to restart over and over, I ended up triggering the bug and got locked inside the bottom pipe before I could learn the pattern of pipes and buttons.  There was also a latency issue that was causing some minor jerking backwards, further compounding the accuracy of my landings.  I was Valkyr the second time around, and I managed to get up to the very top through use of Ripline when I missed some jumps and landings, but the door closes too quickly for us to figure out who needs to stand where so they can get riplined up through the top door.  They tried to jump up and reach me, but couldn't without the pipes being opened by restarting the whole pattern again.  It was not open long enough for them to all jump up from that uppermost floor level either.  I'd suggest the door should remain open once someone gets through, and really, given how the other tests are open to all other players when one player completes it, this should also allow other less mobile Frame players in the current run to still be able to easily get up to acquire the mod.  We spent a good twenty minutes in each mission trying to get everyone up there to no avail.  Might I suggest that when one person completes it, the pipes all open so other teammates struggling to follow are able to get the mod as well?  It doesn't have to be permanent either, perhaps just a few minutes, but there should be some way for straggling/newcomer players to be able to make it up there as well if a veteran player is assisting them. 

Perhaps some people find this test easy or fun and think others shouldn't have an issue with it, but the slippery edges of the pipes make this test take far longer than it really should, which in this case, opens up the potential for system-breaking bugs.

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Ahh, the Agility trial... Hope I never have to help anyone with that again.

It's possible to reach the second floor without using the pipes. Only one person needs to complete the puzzle, and then the rest can parkour their way up the sides of the pipes to reach the second floor. Ivara can create a path, or Valkyr can get inside and ripline the others in. As long as no one touches the ground floor, the puzzle will not reset.

The test itself is easy to solo. There's two rising/lowering platforms in front of the two lowest pipes. Landing on these platforms will not reset the test. Knowing that makes it so much easier.

Edit: ...what the heck happened to my post count? o_O

Edited by BlitzKeir
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One of the first time's I'd run it (also very recently as I hadn't done Lua puzzles since The Second Dream's eye of death thing), the pipes locked up on us (we weren't inside them), too. 

We thought there was a limited amount of tries and just left, completed the mission and made another run.

To complete it, the pipes need to be opened up in sequence while only one player makes their way up.

When that member finishes, start over with the next player. 

After you get to about halfway, you can bullet-jump from inside the pipe, fly up high, and pivot to land on the ledge up above. From there, you should be able to see and shoot the rest of the panels and drop down, gingerly, into pipes. You can even keep bullet-jumping back up to the landing to stay on the 'top floor'.

You don't have to jump from pipe to pipe if it's difficult.

The rescue on Zeipel, Lua gave as the best odds of finding the Agility puzzle each run.

I hope this helps, despite the bug.

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Well, my point is, it was taking us long enough just to get one person up.  One at a time with the rather high intensity of failure seems to keep leading to this bug.  Having to do it one at a time can take forever, especially when your team is players who are too used to run-and-gun mission clearing and aren't as versed in agility.  Once this bug happens the test becomes indefinitely locked to those who haven't gotten the mod yet in the run.  Under ideal situations it's a fairly easy trial, but it's rare to come across "ideal", such as latency issues or getting a team full of newcomers who had no idea the Principle trials were even a thing.  A lot of players I've come across don't even want to bother with this trial because they want to complete the mission and get out or find a simpler/faster trial (hence why I never knew the organs were more than ornamental, as previous teams I was on just raced clean through).  Having to wait for everyone to individually complete this can get very dull and time-wasting, especially when you're on Plato and find this after all the enemies are dead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few minutes ago I was using Trinity P to play public group Plato with 2 players relatively new to the game/ with not much parkour 2.0 skills. We've found some ayatan stars and a sculpture, and was saving Agility Test the last after killing the enemies. It took me tremendous time to help and guide one of the player who don't really have much knowledge of parkour, but constantly failing coz of the iron skin bug and new to such test, and then BOOM "Mission is about to fail, kill all the enemies before time runs out", like WTF is this a joke? We are about to fail the mission yet we killed all the enemies and didn't afk the whole time, doing your stupid test that requires time. We didn't manage to get all of us to the extraction point and failed the mission.

Now, I just felt guilty and sad that we lost all our stars and the sculpture and precious time just for the test, and angry about the stupid failling-time thing that pulled us away from the reward we earned. I don't know if it is fair to us or not anymore.    ._.

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Yeah...the game is still quite buggy, which is why i reiterate like I have before that DE needs to chill with content pushes for a bit and fix what they have already first.  Not just band-aid patches here and there, but a good clean sweep of existing issues, including terrain hitboxes, Lua test glitches, mission hiccups, enemies spawning too slowly and forcing players to wait at extraction until they finally do spawn, etc.  I've had a time limit suddenly spring up on me at the end of an exterminate on Lua and it wouldn't let me extract until the condition was completed, but...there were no enemies left to kill.   I know sometimes a mission can randomly convert to another, but I think that mechanic needs to be done away with because it's too prone to bugs as the game currently stands.  I did another Lua run and tried to do the Agility test solo with Limbo, and got trapped inside the organ pipes once again.

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