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Include a "No Pit" Option For Simulacrum


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After more than a year Simulacrum was released, I honestly don't see why do pits even exist in the Simulacrum. Imo, the current design of the Simulacrum is one of those times the designers go for aesthetics rather than utility. 

"Trying to test your new hammer build? Would be a real shame if your ragdoll attack knocks them into a pit and it takes like god knows when for them to return to the surface. You might as well spawn a new mob!"

Maybe some players would like to test out builds that actually knock enemies into pits for insta-killing, but for some players such as I'd like to test a heavy weapon build without unintentionally knocking enemies into pits. It's meant to be a testing room after all. Why couldn't we get a testing room similar to the one that the devs use? IIRC theirs seem to lack pits or there doesn't seem to be any near enemy spawn points to be a hindrance when they need to do their own testing.

So pretty please could we get an option to toggle for no pits? 

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I really hate the current simulacrum design. It's not just hammers, any status weapon with impact damage can be very frustrating to test. If we could get a few different tiles to choose from, that would be amazing. Sometimes I want to spawn a bunch of manics and just go ham, for fun. But it's not very fun in that irritating tile. Give us a few maps!

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On 11/2/2016 at 5:35 PM, Azrael said:

I really hate the current simulacrum design. It's not just hammers, any status weapon with impact damage can be very frustrating to test. If we could get a few different tiles to choose from, that would be amazing. Sometimes I want to spawn a bunch of manics and just go ham, for fun. But it's not very fun in that irritating tile. Give us a few maps!

Lorewise they can always go with "Simaris' advanced holographic technology allows you to select your desired testing room" or something along those lines...

But yea, more maps to suit our convenience!

Edited by GiraffaYandereBeetle
Missing a word
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40 minutes ago, Rounpositron said:
  • Bigger Maps with no holes!
  • Increase enemy spawn amount limit!
  • Allow Boss spawns! (Should include Assassins, mini-bosses and Event bosses)

The spawns limit is on MR and some bosses are made o work with their arena like tyl regor

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1 minute ago, Godzilla853 said:

The spawns limit is on MR

No no, you're getting mixed up with levels. The spawn level depends on MR, but the number you can spawn is always 20. There's no real reason why you shouldn't be able to spawn more.

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On 11/2/2016 at 6:33 PM, Godzilla853 said:

The spawns limit is on MR and some bosses are made o work with their arena like tyl regor

We don't need arenas. Just spawn a boss with his/her weapons. Boss abilities can be used, just without an arena (they don't do much, like Perry).

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