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Baro's 50th PC Dissapointment Anniversary Tomorrow


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2 hours ago, Azrael said:

And that decoration for the orbiter is really cool. 

I only have one problem with this....


Some of us can't afford it.


I only have 1 million, that's it. My credits got sunk upgrading some mods and crafting and, at most, I make 10k per mission.


It's a nice decoration but it's only any use to those with a bucket ton of credits, it's completely useless to new players and those of us that aren't good at farming nor have the time.

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15 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

I only have one problem with this....


Some of us can't afford it.


I only have 1 million, that's it. My credits got sunk upgrading some mods and crafting and, at most, I make 10k per mission.


It's a nice decoration but it's only any use to those with a bucket ton of credits, it's completely useless to new players and those of us that aren't good at farming nor have the time.

if you can afford to make 40 plat and buy a credit booster then you nan make 1 mill in about an hour- hour and a half doing akkad runs.

hopefully pedestal prime is something like the quest he gives or the marks where it comes back often, because I honestly want like 20.

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21 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

I only have one problem with this....


Some of us can't afford it.

Yes, I realize that it's not reasonable for everybody. I think it was meant to be a credit sink for veterans with crazy amounts of credits. Some of us have tens of millions of credits, or even hundreds of millions, and people have long complained that there is nothing to do with them. Baro himself was always meant to be a veteran resource sink, and so were primed mods.

These days there are lots of things released through baro that are meant for newer players, or at least are new-player friendly. But it's not surprising that there is a cosmetic item that is expensive to get. Vets have been asking for something expensive for a long time now, you know? Don't take it too personal.  :)

That being said, it IS possible to make a million credits in a day. My favorite trick is one-and-done at hieracon. Go solo, take frost, do one excavator, and leave. Do two excavators if you want endo. Works best with a booster. Give it a shot!

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27 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Yes, I realize that it's not reasonable for everybody. I think it was meant to be a credit sink for veterans with crazy amounts of credits. Some of us have tens of millions of credits, or even hundreds of millions, and people have long complained that there is nothing to do with them. Baro himself was always meant to be a veteran resource sink, and so were primed mods.

These days there are lots of things released through baro that are meant for newer players, or at least are new-player friendly. But it's not surprising that there is a cosmetic item that is expensive to get. Vets have been asking for something expensive for a long time now, you know? Don't take it too personal.  :)

That being said, it IS possible to make a million credits in a day. My favorite trick is one-and-done at hieracon. Go solo, take frost, do one excavator, and leave. Do two excavators if you want endo. Works best with a booster. Give it a shot!

Oh, I don't take it personally.


The only issue I had with it is , it's nice, I want it but my funds are limited.


I know vets need something to spend their funds on and it's only right that DE does throw in something they can buy even though it's barely pocket change to some people. 

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9 hours ago, Azrael said:

I criticize DE's decisions all the time. I just make sure to save my criticism for when DE does something legit bad, instead of when they bring us cool new stuff but my sense of entitlement tells me it's not special enough and I need to act like they're taking something away from me instead of giving me something new.

I think you misunderstood my point.

My point wasn't "Only one Primed mod...meh.". You just happened to quote that part only. Maybe next time, read the whole thing and not just one line? Because context matters, you know.

My point was "Only one mod after all the hype". Having one new mod in Baro's inventory is pretty standard. DE didn't have to act like it is something special because of the 50th visit. As much as I like DE, DE has a pretty bad habit of hyping stuff and not delivering. Why even mention about Baro's 50th visit if he was supposed to have just one mod. That is pretty normal for Baro - to have a new mod every once in a while. There was no reason to even mention about "Baro 50th visit, yay!", let alone hype it.

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9 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

get off your high horse. they barely hyped it at all. Its not like they said "everyone needs to log on for his 50th because were going to give you something you cant live without and will literally change the game" they said it was his 50th and that it would be special. And guess what? it was! 

4 primed mods (2 of which are basically must have)

4 event impact mods

2 weapons

10! cosmetic items!!

prisma shade

and 2 decorations for your liset!


DE basically just said "here have everything good for half the price"

So, in your own words, DE indicated the following -

" they said it was his 50th and that it would be special. "


And for you, cutting prices was the special thing, right?

But what about those people, I being one of them, that had everything except the new things, which included one mod and a cosmetic? Not so special. That was pretty underwhelming.

The problem with your analogy is that you only consider people who did not have the old items.

But you completely neglect those who are regular players and also veterans. They already had those mods and weapons and cosmetics. Especially those players that have played the game for years and played almost all the Events. Price cut didn't matter to them mostly. What mattered to them were new stuff. And after "It would be special", what they got was the normal addition of a new mod and a cosmetic, which they have seen numerous times and is actually the normal trend for Baro.

When Baro was introduced, DE claimed that he will cater to veteran players, which was true for sometime. Then the idea shifted to "recycled old items and event mods and weapons".

I get it. New players need a source for those older event stuff. I am fine with Baro bringing those. What I am not ok with is that Baro brings only those these days. Baro stopped catering to veterans and regular players. Players who play regularly and are veterans do not need Event stuff. It's ok to have those in Baro's inventory, but include stuff that veterans need. New stuff.

Borrowing your words, when DE says "It would be special", I expected it to be special for the veterans like me as well. But then again, I don't expect you and @Azrael to understand things from my perspective, you are too busy with your own.

Edited by DEADSHOT456
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56 minutes ago, DEADSHOT456 said:

Borrowing your words, when DE says "It would be special", I expected it to be special for the veterans like me as well. But then again, I don't expect you and @Azrael to understand things from my perspective, you are too busy with your own.

This is hilarious, because you are literally refusing to consider anybody's perspective but your own. Not everybody already had everything he brought. Not everybody was as disappointed as you were. Some people consider a new primed mod, an awesome new table, and cheap prices on crucial prime mods as well as the entire impact set to be pretty special! But since none of that impresses you, you have to rant on the forums, because heaven forbid you acknowledge that a lot of people like what he brought. I think your problem is that when they said it would be special, you thought they meant it would be special *for you,* and not for the community as a whole. Well, you thought wrong, because he brought stuff for everyone, and it was pretty darn good.


1 hour ago, DEADSHOT456 said:

I get it. New players need a source for those older event stuff. I am fine with Baro bringing those. What I am not ok with is that Baro brings only those these days.

He brought a new primed mod and a very expensive cosmetic that most vets I've talked to like quite a bit. Personally I bought 20. Some people bought a lot more. I also bought extras of the other prime mods so I can sell them later. Once again. your problem seems to be that he didn't cater specifically to you. Oh well, I guess you'll just be sad for a while.

And they barely hyped it. They didn't spend a month getting people wound up, they just mentioned it. You're treating this like a TWW announcement.

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1 minute ago, Azrael said:

This is hilarious, because you are literally refusing to consider anybody's perspective but your own. Not everybody already had everything he brought.

In case you did not understand or do not want to understand, I never said or asked DE to not include old items. I know many weren't disappointed. But some were. But as usual, you will only quote that part where you can forcibly argue with me.

From the very first post, I talked about my disappointment. I never said everybody was disappointed.

There is one simple thing I do not understand about people like you - Why do you care if I am complaining or if I am disappointed? If you are fine with what Baro offers week after week, why do you even care to start an argument? I never said that Baro should not bring older items, it is not like I want something that would hurt you.

What do you want? For me to not have my own opinion? Why are you trying to prove that I am whining? Yes I was disappointed with just one mod and cosmetic. Why do you care? Am I not allowed to be disappointed? Who are you to tell me if I should be disappointed or not?

If my "whining" makes DE re-think their idea of Baro and add more new items along with the old items, how the hell does it affect it in a negative way?

STOP TRYING TO FORCE YOUR FEELINGS ON OTHERS. If you are satisfied, good for you. BUT DO NOT TRY TO STOP OTHERS FROM EXPRESSING THEIR OPINION OR DISAPPOINTMENT, unless and until their idea affects you negatively, which is not the case here.

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5 minutes ago, DEADSHOT456 said:


Dude, you posted in a thread about baro. You expressed great disappointment. I defended his stock. You argued that DE shouldn't have hyped it, and that they neglected vets. I said that they didn't neglect anybody, and that they didn't hype it that much. Now you're telling me to stop expressing my opinions by accusing me of telling you to stop expressing yours. When did I say to stop posting? I'm defending baro's stock because I think that it was pretty good, and I'm tired of hearing the entitled "nothing baro brings is ever good enough" type of talk. Every single time he comes somebody whines about how bad it is. Every. Single. Time. Even when he brings new stuff or slashes prices. And now you're apparently getting seriously upset because I'm defending baro (judging by the BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS you're so fond of).

Seriously, calm down, stop shouting at people, and stop acting like I'm oppressing you. I'm just saying that he brought good stuff, and didn't neglect anybody. That's all.

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30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

You expressed great disappointment.

Yes, I did and I am doing the same now. I am indeed disappointed. I wouldn't have been if I did not believe DE when they said it would be special. It certainly is not special for me. There was many times when Baro brought a new mod as well as more than one new cosmetics. And these were under normal circumstances. If that was supposed to happened, why even say that this will be special and increase our(obviously, our does not include you, since you are satisfied) expectations?

30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

I defended his stock.

And this. Why did you feel like defending his stock? My disappointment did not concern you. You were already satisfied with what he offered. But that does not mean every single player has to be satisfied with his stock. Just like you said, not everyone was disappointed. Similarly, not everyone has to be satisfied. I was not. But why did you feel the urge to defend Baro's stock? Why did you try to prove that I was wrong because I was disappointed. Different people have different things that disappoint them. No one gave you the right to decide if others should be disappointed or not.

30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

You argued that DE shouldn't have hyped it, and that they neglected vets. I said that they didn't neglect anybody, and that they didn't hype it that much.

How did they not neglect anybody when there are quite a few people who are not satisfied with just a D polarity primed mod? Logic?

Of course DE did not hype it like TWW(which they fialed to deliver, multiple times). But there was not reason to say Baro would be special when his stocks are pretty damn normal. When they said special, I thought maybe Baro would bring quite a few new things. I did not think that DE would say that Baro would be special and then proceed to add just one mod and a cosmetic that they do under normal circumstances as well.

30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Now you're telling me to stop expressing my opinions by accusing me of telling you to stop expressing yours.

But you are trying to stop me from expressing my disappointment. WHy do you care if I express what I feel? Why did you even quote me in the first place? I never told you to be not satisfied. Then why are you defending Baro's stock and trying to tell me to be satisfied, otherwise, I am just whining? And no, do not deny that part. You did say that "There will always be someone disappointed" in your very first post where you quoted me. Why do you care so much if others are disappointed or not. You are satisfied, good, just move along. Let others express their satisfaction or disappointment.

30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

When did I say to stop posting?

And when did I say that you said to stop posting?

And to be honest, even if you would, I wouldn't listen and keep posting if I felt like it.

30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

I'm defending baro's stock because I think that it was pretty good, and I'm tired of hearing the entitled "nothing baro brings is ever good enough" type of talk.

Then don't open complain threads. If you are tired of the complains, just ignore those threads. If someone is complaining, they may have a reason to. Who are you to decide if they are right or wrong?

30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

And now you're apparently getting seriously upset because I'm defending baro

Yes, I am indeed. Because there is no reason for you to defend Baro. You are satisfied, fine, I am not. So what? I do not tell you to not be satisfied.

And those who complain about Baro are far from wrong. When DE introduced Baro, they said "Here, this is for veterans". For sometime, that was true. And then, Baro began to bring 5 old stuff and barely 1 new stuff.

30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Seriously, calm down, stop shouting at people, and stop acting like I'm oppressing you.

I am acting like you are oppressing me?

The thing is - Yes, you are labeling me whiner just because my opinion differs. So, maybe stop poking your nose into others' opinions?

30 minutes ago, Azrael said:

I'm just saying that he brought good stuff, and didn't neglect anybody.

Again, stop stating your opinion as a fact. He may have brought good stuff for you, but not for me and quite a few other people.

Edited by DEADSHOT456
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Pedestal Prime is nice and all, but Shelf Prime would have been more useful. I'd rather use my empty wall space to store knickknacks instead of cluttering up the floor. (Yes, I am aware that it is possible to assemble makeshift shelves out of displays, but it is an immensely tedious process.)

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5 hours ago, DEADSHOT456 said:

So, in your own words, DE indicated the following -

" they said it was his 50th and that it would be special. "


And for you, cutting prices was the special thing, right?

But what about those people, I being one of them, that had everything except the new things, which included one mod and a cosmetic? Not so special. That was pretty underwhelming.

The problem with your analogy is that you only consider people who did not have the old items.

But you completely neglect those who are regular players and also veterans. They already had those mods and weapons and cosmetics. Especially those players that have played the game for years and played almost all the Events. Price cut didn't matter to them mostly. What mattered to them were new stuff. And after "It would be special", what they got was the normal addition of a new mod and a cosmetic, which they have seen numerous times and is actually the normal trend for Baro.

When Baro was introduced, DE claimed that he will cater to veteran players, which was true for sometime. Then the idea shifted to "recycled old items and event mods and weapons".

I get it. New players need a source for those older event stuff. I am fine with Baro bringing those. What I am not ok with is that Baro brings only those these days. Baro stopped catering to veterans and regular players. Players who play regularly and are veterans do not need Event stuff. It's ok to have those in Baro's inventory, but include stuff that veterans need. New stuff.

Borrowing your words, when DE says "It would be special", I expected it to be special for the veterans like me as well. But then again, I don't expect you and @Azrael to understand things from my perspective, you are too busy with your own.

im a vet as well. iv been playing for 4 years. you cant expect DE to cater to a vet. for 99% of the player base this was a really, really special visit. and a new primed mod is more than enough for vets. 

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18 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

you cant expect DE to cater to a vet.


And just so you know, the idea of Baro and Primed mods were specifically developed for veterans. DE said it themselves, many times. So, Baro is actually supposed to cater to veterans and as an added bonus, should be a source of event items for newer players(which it already is).

18 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

for 99% of the player base this was a really, really special visit.

First, can you prove what you said? Do you have data or statistics to back up what you claim? I don't think so. So, don't use "magic" numbers and percentages.

Second, relay chat says otherwise. In all 3 major regions - NA - East, Europe and Asia. And I hope you know the fact that Forums are indeed the vocal minority. Ingame chat gives a much better idea of how people feel.

18 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

and a new primed mod is more than enough for vets. 

First, as I said, Baro was developed for veterans. You speak like DE is doing veterans a favor by including one new primed mod.

Second, having one new primed mod and one new cosmetic is not special, that is pretty normal. If that was what DE planned, there was no need to say that 50th visit would be special.

Third, you do not get to decide what is enough for others. You were satisfied with one barely useful mod, good for you. That does not necessarily mean every other veteran out there needs to be satisfied with one mod.  What happened to Prisma and Mara series, why is DE not developing those series and adding more weapons?

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