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Archwing Nightmare Alerts should drop Archwing Nightmare Mods


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Just finished a Nightmare archwing mission for Stunning Speed.  First off, NO INDICATION THE MISSION WAS ARCHWING, this needs fixed please.

Secondaly, despite the archwing surprise it was the hardest and most fun nightmare I've done.  Though I did it with EZMode Itzal, I stayed invis, revived my mates, murdered all with fluctus, it was still crazy hard for me.  I really enjoy archwing though so I probably had more fun than the others did.

Another quick gripe before the main topic, the mini map was crazy unreliable.  I was topsy turvy constantly which is fine, I expected that but the mini map didn't help at all.  I ended up going the wrong direction over half the time trying to orient my direction towards my team or the red dots.

Anyway I really think if we are doing all that effort using archwing we should be rewarded with archwing advancement in some way.  Do we even have archwing nightmare mods?  I don't recall offhand, either way we need to orient rewards based on the mode being played.

That's all.

Edited by Xekrin
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