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[WC] Armed and Unarmed CQC Sparring Weapons - 3/29/2017 - Added Evergreenmind's Artwork


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Overview: Briefly and broadly, the concept will cover Tenno armed and unarmed fighting styles. Mostly, they will emulate and respect the martial arts systems of South East Asia (which fascinate me), but will include any style I can create a unique place for. These martial arts share a rich history, and descended down from older Indian combat and arts. As an observer, not an aficionado or practitioner, accept my apologies for anything I get wrong moving forward. Feel free to let me know if I botch any Tenno lore, too.

Origins and Lore: Each Tenno school formed their own specific martial arts and close quarters combat systems (IE: each school could have up to 5 or 10 different disciplines). Under the watch of their Orokin overlords, they drew from a vast Orokin library of ancient Earth disciplines as well as current methodologies on combat. (This digital and physical library is the very same that taught the Tenno all about the Sentients and the Tau system, and informed Ballas and others on the myriad folklore and myth behind each waraframe concept.) With each CQC movement-combat system, there came a need for a signature weapon. That's where the fun comes in.

To recap, it looks something like this:



  • Shinzun Madurai (CQC system 1. Uses unique weapon A.)
  • Shinkun Madurai (CQC system 2. Uses unique weapon B.)


  • Shinzun Vazarin (CQC system 1. Uses unique weapon G.)
  • Shinkun Vazarin (CQC system 2. Uses unique weapon L.)

Note: Focus schools do not tend to always directly relate to the weapon concepts below. I wanted to spread the weapons out over the existing schools for 'balance' or whatever.


Weapons Concepts:

Name: Fidelis


Name Meaning: "Faithful" and Diminutive of "Semper Fidelis", "Always faithful" in Latin.

Category: Melee

Subcategory: Sparring

Stance: Trenchant Claw. Sparring stance for Combat and Tactical Knives and their unique CQC movement systems. Stance focuses on blinding fast hand-to-hand maneuvers, brutal bladework, and weapon disarmament.

Faction: Tenno

Tenno CQC System and Weapon Bio: Shinzun Madurai.

This style utilizes Ushtar's signature weapon, the Fidelis, a Tenno karambit and the embodiment of sublime, brutal efficiency. The style focuses on the use of the Fidelis weapon weaved through devastating CQC combinations to disarm, dismember, disembowel, dismantle, and finish an enemy with brutal efficiency in the blink of an eye. Even without the Fidelis, this style can dislocate joints, shatter limbs and bones. 

Martial Arts Influences: CQC movement system strongly based on Indonesian Silat with edged weapons. **See Author Notes at the bottom. 

Weapon Influences: Weapon based on Indonesian karambit: the blade is world-renowned, is a farming tool (of various sizes), self defense weapon, and a devastating combat and tactical knife resembling a Tiger claw or tooth. It operates as an extension of the body, and its innate and natural grip style (and the inability to easily disarm its user) are essential to the effectiveness of the weapon. This is not a dagger. It's a knife. It's shorter than all Warframe daggers, and naturally curved.

The innate toxin within the Fidelis is inspired by other toxin-enhanced WF weapons, and an Indonesian poison dagger known as the Kris.

Weapon Stats:

Mastery Level   5
Weapon Slot    Melee
Weapon Type    Sparring

Attack Speed          1.50
Physical Damage    45.0
Impact                      5.0
Puncture                  10.0
Slash                       40.0
Crit Chance             5.0%
Crit Multiplier           2.0x
Status Chance        30.0%

Slam Attacks
Elemental Type       Toxin
Elemental Damage   80.0
Radius                    4 meters

Slide Attacks          30.0
Wall Attacks           30.0
Finisher Damage    50.0

Unique Mechanic: Undetermined.

Known Users: Ushtar.


Name: Lewaiku


Name Meaning: "Beautiful death" in Yoruba, a West African language primarily used in Nigeria. (LAY-WAH-EE-COO / LEH-WAH-EE-COO) 

Category: Melee

Subcategory: Sparring 

Stance: Constricting Grace. Sparring stance for Improvised Rope, Syandana, and Scarf weapons and their unique CQC movement systems. Stance focuses on fluid movement, limb capture and limb breaking, strangulation, and hand-to-hand combinations.

Faction: Tenno

Tenno CQC System and Weapon Bio: Shinzun Vazarin.

Using the Lewaiku scarf/syandana, this style focuses on controlling, manipulating, and defeating the enemy largely with the use of their own body weight. Lewaiku's destructive power is concealed by a weapon that seems harmless, and deceitfully graceful movement system complete with flourishes and feints. The Lewaiku itself is a high-tensile strength, lightweight, alloy-fabric and was worn as both scarf and syandana. In the hands of a Tenno master, and using an enemy's own attacks and weight against them, this accessory captures, controls, disarms, strangles and breaks necks. 

Weapon and Martial Arts Influences: Strongly based on improvised cloth, scarf or rope weapons in Filipino Kali.

Weapon Stats:

Mastery Level   5
Weapon Slot    Melee
Weapon Type    Sparring

Attack Speed          0.80
Physical Damage    25.0
Impact                      30.0
Puncture                 0.0
Slash                       0.0
Crit Chance             30.0%
Crit Multiplier           2.0x
Status Chance        10.0%

Slam Attacks 
Radius                    6 meters

Slide Attacks           20.0
Wall Attacks            20.0
Finisher Damage    75.0

Unique Mechanic: Purification. The alloy fabric has properties that attract and filter contaminants from the atmosphere in a 20 meter radius. Purification reduces Toxin, Corrosive, and Radiation in the immediate atmosphere around its user by 25 - 30%.

Known Users: Undetermined.


Name: Wraak


Name Meaning: "Vengeance" in Afrikaans, a Southern African language, formed from Dutch settlers language. 

Category: Melee

Subcategory: Sparring 

Stance: Winged Death. Sparring stance for Combat and Tactical Knives and their unique CQC movement systems. Stance incorporates traditional knife usage, enemy disarmament, hand-to-hand attacks, and ballistic blades fired by a spring-loaded triggering mechanism.

Faction: Grineer

Tenno CQC System and Weapon Bio: Shinzun Zenurik.


A Tenno pried this super-heated ballistic combat knife from the cold dead hands of an elite Grineer commander. Re-purposed beyond traditional Grineer uses, Tenno formed a close quarters combat system around the Wraak: Shinzun Zenurik. The system resembles Filipino Kali, and incorporates powerful Wraak strikes, slashes, and thrusts amidst hand-to-hand combat.

Unique mechanics:

  • Ballistic Wraak: Alternate fire sends the blade at a single target. Damage % +. 100% knockdown.
  • Explosive Blade: Super-heated blade releases a blast of fire on impact.
  • Extra Blades: The user carries 10 extra Wraak blades in a holstered cartridge or pouch.
  • Retrieval: Fired blades can be retrieved by walking/running over the marked weapon (like the Javlok).

Martial Arts Influences: CQC movement system strongly based on either Filipino Kali with edged weapons.

Weapon Influences: Weapon based on the Russian Spetznaz ballistic knife. Operates as a traditional CQC knife, but its shape allows it to be fired like a bullet.

Weapon Stats:

Mastery Level   5
Weapon Slot    Melee
Weapon Type    Sparring

Ammo                    5 blades
Attack Speed          1.25
Physical Damage    50.0
Impact                     15.0
Puncture                 35.0
Slash                       35.0
Crit Chance             20.0%
Crit Multiplier           2.5x
Status Chance        5.0%

Slam Attack Radius  6 meters

Slide Attacks           50.0
Wall Attacks            50.0
Finisher Damage    100.0
Charged Throws     100% Knockdown Chance

Known Users: Undetermined.



Animation reference GIFS:


Traditional Grineer use:


Fancy Tenno finisher (seen used on Corpus goon above):


Possible disarm:


Possible CQC combination ending in a ground finisher with the Wraak:





Name: Zortzi and Osem 


Name Meanings: Zortzi and Osem mean "Eight" in Basque and Slovak (respectively) and are a reference to the Muay Thai, "The Science (or Art) of Eight Limbs". 

Category: Melee

Subcategory: Sparring

Stance: Unyielding Thunder. Sparring stance with its own CQC movement system. Utilizes the whole body--knees, elbows, shins, etc--as opposed to just punches and kicks, and emulates Muay Thai.

Faction: Tenno

Tenno CQC System and Weapon Bio: Shinzun Namaron.

This style utilizes two unique weapons to the Shinzun Namaron CQC system.

The Zortzi features fist gloves and shin and foot guards to deliver increased power and impact. Zortzi's guards aren't meant for protection, but increasing the warframe's blows. The material, constructed by Tenno artisans, harnesses both momentum when the weapons are wielded and impact from each successive strike.

The Osem garbs the Tenno's fists, feet, and shins in a synthetic razorwire (which was modeled on an Orokin-era material). Osem's razorwire deploys itself from pads at the Tenno's command, and binds their warframe's wrists, hands, knuckles, feet and shins in its force-multiplying, slashing power. 

Both weapons are only harnessed by Tenno using Shinzun Namaron.

Martial Arts Influences: CQC movement system strongly based on Thailand's Muay Thai and its progenitor Muay Boran--a catch all for many older, more brutal systems (which employed the rope wrappings) that gave rise to the modern Muay Thai.

Weapon Influences: Zortzi is based on modern Muay Thai gear (hands, feet, shin guards), while Osem is based on Muay Boran's rope wrappings for hands (I added the feet/shin wrapping for this fantasy version).

Zortzi Weapon Stats:

Mastery Level   5
Weapon Slot    Melee
Weapon Type    Sparring

Attack Speed          0.90
Physical Damage    50.0
Impact                     50.0
Puncture                 2.0
Slash                       2.0
Crit Chance             15.0%
Crit Multiplier           2.0x
Status Chance        5.0%

Slam Attacks 
Radius                    8 meters

Slide Attacks           100.0
Wall Attacks            100.0
Finisher Damage    75.0

Osem Weapon Stats:

Mastery Level   5
Weapon Slot    Melee
Weapon Type    Sparring

Attack Speed          0.90
Physical Damage    50.0
Impact                     35.0
Puncture                 2.0
Slash                       35.0
Crit Chance             5.0%
Crit Multiplier           2.0x
Status Chance        50.0%

Slam Attacks 
Radius                    8 meters

Slide Attacks           100.0
Wall Attacks            100.0
Finisher Damage    75.0

Zortzi Unique Mechanic: Stored Power. Successive combo kills with the Zortzi stores Impact Damage. This is with and without Body Count/Blood Rush combos. Every successful kill in a successful combo adds 15% Impact Damage, and stacks up to 10 times for 150% extra Impact Damage. Once the cap is reached, it can be held as long as the Tenno doesn't lose their combo counter. (Resetting the combo counter, dying, both reduce Stored Power to 0%.)

Known Users: Lopata likely uses a version of Zortzi or Osem in her 4th ability, Cimmerian Form. 


Reference Images:


Karambits (Fidelis, also as shown in Ushtar's art) or generally as a double-sided, non-folding, knuckle-point weapon:




Spetznaz Ballistic Knife (Tenno Wraak):

Scroll down to #9 in this list.


Mauy Thai gear (Zortzi and Osem)



As grabbed from this gear website.


Scarf / Syandana weapon:

Easy enough to visualize, so no image. However:


As for the razorwire, here's some background on rope in Muay Thai before modernization:



List of Real Life Martial Arts and CQC Systems Inspirations for the Topic So Far:


The broad martial arts styles I'd like to focus on are:

Muay Thai (Thailand martial arts system that emphasizes stand-up striking and clenching, takedowns, and is very much akin to boxing and kickboxing, but incorporates striking with various other body parts that the other two arts don't use. The system is referred to as The Science (or Art) of Eight Limbs due to that fact. Does not use weapons.)

Silat (Or Pencak Silat. An Indonesian discipline that has dozens upon dozens of variations. Practiced open-hand/hand-to-hand and with weapons.)

Kali (Also called Eskirma and Arnis: A broad catchall for Filipinio martial arts. Practiced open-hand/hand-to-hand, but also particular effective with edged, impact, and improvised weapons. Filipino martial arts are also known as Blade Culture.)

Krav Maga (No weapons in this list are actually based on this yet, but I refer to the military/police combat version. Israeli CQC system developed for the IDF--Israel's military--, a self defense system, and in its own right, a mixed martial art that isn't a sport. It combines several disciplines into an effective, confrontation ending combat system capable of causing permanent damage to vital body parts.)

Others if they inspire me.


Silat (practiced open-hand and with weapons):
















Karambit style based on Kali systems/used in conjunction with them (practiced open hand and with weapons):











Pekiti-Tirsia Kali (primarily used by militaries, actual combat. Practiced open-hand and with weapons.)









Kali De Leon (practiced open-hand and with weapons.)










Muay Thai:






Grand Tuhon on karambits, (and using them in conjunction with Kali, especially as a Filipino):




Author Notes:



**I should note that Grand Tuhon Gaje despises the karambit as the weapon of assassins and criminals (the other Indonesian weapon, the Kris, I want to leave out of the concept as its place in Indonesian culture is pretty high up, very well-respected with a storied history. Also, I like karambits!)

From the looks of it, Gaje otherwise has an ongoing dispute with Doug Marcaida (whose videos strongly influenced this entire concept a year ago when it was just Ushtar + karambit). Grand Tuhon Gaje is the grandson of the founder of that system of Kali (there are others). He trained Mr. Marcaida and is displeased that the fellow Filipino took what he was taught, combined it with karambits and teaches it to Westerners outside of military setting (I believe) as a combat art (he seems opposed to sport and pastime/recreational use since Mr. Marcaida learned Kali directly from his system of Kali, Pekiti-Tirsia).

Mr. Marcaida seems to have taken the more modern approach of drawing in other elements to make the system something unique.

As a non-practicing Westerner, I can only say I respect both men's views. I've come across these subjects as a casual MMA observer, and in film, but that's about it. 

***I'd urge you to do a little reading, video watching, on the subjects involved mainly because it's a pretty cool, educational trip down the paths that formed these CQC and martial arts systems. Many of these systems were formed out of necessity, basic human survival, and to fend off invading armies and colonization. Many, if not all, of these systems are a point of pride for their respective nations, and their sovereignty, self-preservation and defense. If implemented in Warframe, I'd hope they could retain a healthy respect for their real life origins.

****I really only started out wanting to learn more about the karambit and the CQC system Mr. Marcaida used in those videos I'd first watched a year ago. What happened inevitably led me to make a broader topic, instead of one on just Tenno karambits. I mean...when do I ever post a simple concept? It's almost always guaranteed to be over complicated. My gift, my curse. 

Hope you enjoyed the read, Tenno. If there are already topics like this, I haven't read them. My apologies. Link me and I'll try to read it later.




Edited by Rhekemi
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Started tinkering with stats a few days ago and completed a tentative round of tweaks.

Not happy with it, and I'm not a numbers guy. Pick it apart at will, but they give a general scope of each weapon's focus now.


  • Some stats
  • Stance names
  • Unique mechanics where applicable
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Ditto the above. Very well done. Might need some art or reference videos. As a matter of fact, not right away sadly, but if you'll remind me at some point either tomorrow (Thursday) night or Saturday night, I might be able to help you in making some accurate examples, instead of just taking things from random videos on YouTube. I'm a martial artist after all, even if I'm out of shape. I don't have many props, though, tbh, but the motion, at least, would be as you want, and from a few angles too...

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On 1/17/2017 at 3:10 AM, Unus said:

    Ah! A Pit of your own to call home. Why have I never seen this tiny sparkleing opal?

Hey, hey. Thanks for your interest. This is more like a pothole, though. I don't have as many ideas as you to justify a pit.

On 1/17/2017 at 4:53 PM, Max7238 said:

Ditto the above. Very well done. Might need some art or reference videos. As a matter of fact, not right away sadly, but if you'll remind me at some point either tomorrow (Thursday) night or Saturday night, I might be able to help you in making some accurate examples, instead of just taking things from random videos on YouTube. I'm a martial artist after all, even if I'm out of shape. I don't have many props, though, tbh, but the motion, at least, would be as you want, and from a few angles too...

Thanks for your interest, and that would be pretty cool. Thank you for the offer, as well. I might try Saturday as that's when I might have time.

How do y'all feel about the stats? I like them where they are right now.


Added a unique mechanic or the Zortzi (The Impact Damage Muay Thai stance). I meant to add it earlier, but somehow never did.

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