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"History Written With Stars" (Quest concept)


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So i'm freshly after finishing War Within and honestly, that was awsome, seriously wasn't expecting something like that, really good job DE, but anyways i think it's high time(not noon all McCree lovers >.<) to try again posting my quest, and learning from past mistakes,

EDIT: due to a strange way spoiler markers work i decided to don't use them so you'll have more clear way to read it, but you'll have more text seenable at once.


To start this quest 1st we need to finish War Within(originaly it supposed to be post Second Dream but well then i posted it in way that couldn't bring attention) but it will also demand Jordas Percept quest to be done, but this will be slightly explained later.


So 1st we will recive a strange mail with no author data contianing olny quest, after we activate it we will recive another message containing only a small amount of text more exactly " F set 1/3Hz" and an attachment, opening it will trigger following dialogue.

Ordis: Strange, this attachment seems STUPID... untipical, i can barely recognise this format.

Lotus: Ordis, wher did you got this message from ?

Ordis: Don't know it just arrived in inbox, why asking ?

Lotus: This format of attachment, I didn't senn any file in it since times of Old War i can send you algorithm how to decipher it.

Ordis: Recived algorithm, deciphering in progres..... BORRING..... deciphering complete, looks like it's some sort of computer aniamtion.

Lotus: Can you play it

Ordis: Yes here it goes

<now we will have displayed screen with a night sky with stars and links between them, which will start rapidly switching their position>

Ordis: Now that was wierd, it literrally MAKES NO SENSE... ehm sorry.

Lotus: Was there something more in this message ?

Ordis: Only small sentence F set 1/3Hz

Lotus I think it might be the key to the secret of this attachment find the setting of the animation, probably ther is a field labeled as frequency or F

Ordis: hmmm... yes indeed it is there, I suppose I have to cnahge  value to 1/3 there ?

Lotus: Yes, do this and show us the effect.

Ordis: Executing....

<now we will have the same animation but when links between stars wont be changing so rapidly we will be able to see that they are formig following text messeges>

You have found my arcanes

And my guard let you use them

But You still need to proof yourself

Find my voice and follow my clues

I have hidden it under these stars

In the Hour of Orokin Fall

<the last picture will have display of Maiden constellation>

Ordis: Now this is interesting, it certianly means we have to seek for it on Earth, I would calculate the location of this "voice" whatever it is if i could have the time data of this "Hour of Orokin Fall"

Lotus: I think i know what time it was, i'm sending you data for calculations.

Ordis: HOOOW..... ehm how did you managed to get so detailed data so easily ?

Lotus: looks like this is a riddle, written by someone who rmembered history of Old War, history i was part of, i suspect from the style off riddle who it would be, and this is the posible time he could call like that.

Ordis:Calculation finished, but not sure if this is correct, it points a middle of Pacific Ocean, also another small thing HE ?

Lotus: Pacific Ocean ? Well this makes my suspicions even stronger, person i'm talking about was a great warior from times of Old War, and he had access to archwing technology, so he could hide something underwater. Tenno could you go to the location found by Ordis and Check this ?

Ordis: And what if Operator won't find anythig, i'm still not convinced about results of this calculation.

Lotus Then we will just make sure it is the wrong clue, and try searching somwhere else. But still i think its worth to try this one first.

And this is how the dialogue on our ship ends, and when we're beeing send to on our 1st mission, from this point not going to give you more story information about this quest to don't spoil you further story, actually i might give you one quote that will apear further in the quest but this is a heavy spoiler to Second Dream so if you didn't done it just skip it

"Before you, Children of the Zariman, there were others who were called Tenno"

EDIT: Had to hide it with Text color instead of spoiler becaus using spioler wsa hiding half of a topic in it :P efore you children of Zariman, there were others who were called Tenno"

Alright so last time i was silly and belived that nice mistery will bring enought attention to make this alive, but oh well i just learned it won't so now it's time to give you some more info about quest, but still no more about story, only scenaro of missions, i seriously don't want to ruin you a suprise.

Also from this moment i'm going to use some codenames, that will hide a true names of persons/objects that will appear in quest, but will represent their nature somehow.

So without further waste of time.


#1: Underwater exploration on Earth - could be made utilizing water tiles from sealab tileset, but would much rather one exclusive and huge tile, Will will find ther this voice and with it another riddle which will  send us to another destination.

Going on this mission will be point of no return for few next missions, so it's better to equip strong stuff before going there.

#2: Cavern exploration on Earth - second riddle will send us to search in caverns under Himalayas, but even before we enter the caverns we will find something interesting, a ship, but won't tell you what ship exactly, becaus it woud ruin part of suprise ;), anyways, in the riddle we will get information that we have to follow a specific sign whith wich proper coridors are labeled. After this we will reach "Library" (yeah this is codename) on the door wo which is one last riddle, but to solve this one Lotus needs to apear on her own there.

#3 "Library" defense - So after a cinematic scene when we're entering the Library with Lotus, meeting there author fo riddles, the "Keeper"(another codename) and talking withh him a little, we're beeing warned by one of the cephalons helpig "Keeper" in "Library" that solving this last riddle have removed signal masking and that Grineer forces are aproching to claim "Library" hoping to find there knowlege needed to fix their DNA issues, the defense will have 20 waves, and i was thining about some mini-bosses or even actuall bosses apearing durng some waves, it would be very intesne defense even with all companios we would have on our side(a little bit more about it later, in rewards and unlocks).

#4 "Librarry" archwing escort - so defense was all about preparing the "Lirbrary" to be picked up by the ship we seen on the entrance to the caverns, after successing we're bringing it to the Maroos Bazzar, but we will have to escort it on our way there, we will have to fight against grineer forces, but also a little bit later Jordas could apear(to be honest his "death" dosen't really convince me, he's a cephalon, he could transmit himself to another vessel, and considerig he was infested, he could even do it against his will) thats why quest with him would be required before this one.

#5 Aftermath - so after we reach Maroos Bazzar, we're safe, from there the "Library" will be sent to other relay(it will become a neew room we could visit on relays) and we willl recive invitation from "Keeper" to visit him in on other relay after "Library" will be transported there, this visit will end the quest

Unlocks and Rewards:

So finishing this quest will let us use the "Lirbrary" which will get us access to:

- 1st-hand lore about Orokin, Old War, Pre-Awekening, and much more

- new mechanical(or biomechanical) type of companions useing cephalons as minds, Ordis and Jordas(after we rescue him from infestation) are going to be 2 of 10 options, but these are only known cephalons that will be included to this, other 8 will be whole new characters

- ability to change ships cephalon(don't worry about good old Ordis to feel alone without us, he will have now some of his old friends to acompany him :) )

- access to new warframes and weapons blueprints buyable in "Library"(it is going to be credists based shop, no new currency or sindicate standing, also weapons and warframes that aren't boss drop could be moved there)

- access to special missions for "Keeper"  that will demand us to help him find some missing data he needs for "Library", usually this will be spy or mobile defense missions, but sometimes it might be also another type of mission to make it more interesting and less repetative. Additionally we could perform this missions for global project of finding data missing to fully form new weapon bluepritn(it would work a little bit like original Simaris synthesis)

- access to new missions, beeing the continuation of storyline and unlocks for new warframes and weapons

Optional additions- this part is a destitnation for ideas that i would like to see in game added with this quest but they might be just demanding too much form developers and/or comunity, but i think this ideas should see the light of day anyways, so going to them

- openable wraframe helmets:

So we could obtain the ability to open and close helmet of our warframe nad show the face of our operator on revealed warframe head, and before coments like that happen no i'm not trying to change story told by Second Dream and War Whithin it will be just a gimmick being a leftover of what warframes used to be in really old days, but explainig it further would spoil the story and i really want ito keep it as a suprise. I'm aware that it would be hell load of work for both developers and Tennogen artists to make animations for all existing helmets, thats why i placed it here in optional content, but i would really like to see how it could turn uot if done well

- prime parts blueprits (READ BEFORE COMMENT):

so yeah the "Lbrary" is a big database from times of Orokin adn it also contians their crating knowlege, including blueprints to their precious weapons, and before people start berserking that it's going to rui games economy, here oes restrictions for this parts

* parts produced this way couldn't be traded between players, or for ducats(Baro don't accept fakes, even if they're perfectly made) so only way to eventually get rid of such part if we crafted more than we need it to sell it for credits(also they could be labeled in equipment)

* these blueprints also for parts of warframes could always need need 2 new mateirals Orokin Alloy and Orokin Gold which could be find only in special rooms known as "Orokin Workshops" but they would demand a key to enter them we could buy a blueprint for 10 keys in "Library" and it would require from us

- 300 ferrite

- 300 curcits

-150 rubedo

and 10 minutes of patience(don't take it too seriously, ok ?:)) to craft it

such workshops could apear in any Orokin themed tileset, so we could search for them on Orokin Void, Derelics or Lua, after we enter workshop we will find there deposits of these 2 new materials but also contianers that can sometimes drop blueprints for foundry upgrades, so we could use them to increase efficiency of our foundry

* there could be restrictions for the use of materials, so wouldn't use  a hilarous amount of rare materials to craft for e.g a handle or stock :P so here they are

- for rare(green) materials no more than 3 for single part

-for oxium and cryotic no more than 500 for single part

for all other materials no more than 1000 for single part

* to don't cut off income from Prime Access the blueprints for most recent primes would be accessable only after their PA expiers, or after we obtain it

i know this addition could cause huge chaos in game's economy, even with thouse restrictions implemented, thats why it is in poptional section, but honestyl it would make obtainence of prime content more friendly for players and also more interesting if they could do something more to obtain a prime equipment than only runnig on relic missions, it could be also a golden oportunity to solve the problem of vaulted primes, not being accessable for newer players (useing word golden when talking about Orokin technology feels wierd) .

Delay content:

Well War Whithin have shown that this is good idea to have some content prepared to entertain players when their waiting for the big deal so here are my ideas for new content outside this quest:

- new tilesets, and changes to curretn tilesets:

Well i have few ideas for new tilesets that would make the starmap more interesting and varied, also more astronomy accutrate, i think it would expnad a star chart a little but it would mean also more bosses, and more space for wrframe drop.Besides Lua and  the Kuva Fortress are great examples that star chart can handle expantions(honestly don't know who thinked out this Kuva but i really hope the similaryty to most known polish swear word wasn't intended :?)

I was also thinking about adding more planets with day/night cycle, to make them a litle bit more belivable, and change the light mecnanics during nights to turn them into perfect time for  silent missions, it would also afffect enemies so they would be equiped with flashlights they could use when the light level is really low, and also then their field of vision would be limited to the area covered with light of flashlights or other sources located on maps

Another addition to tilesets i would like to see are huge "map size tiles" they could be very specific thing and i thik their introduction would be a good oportunity for event. But more about ttiles themselve they could be likea 2000X2000(in whatever units distance is beeing messured in Warframe, eventually they can be rectangels or other geometric shapes with similar surface) tiles that could have like 10% chance to spawn, and when they spawn, no other tiles despite dead ends and extraction can spawn on the exits from this tile, i think something like that would be a nice addition, and give some more fun for a players who are bored with current mpa generation model, I was laso thinkig that some mission noodes could have 100% chance to spawn such tile, so players who would like to discover all it's secrets would have oportunity to repeat their travels on this node.

- new weaponary and exsisting weapons changes

so as long as there are some weapons i would like to add with quest, i have much more ideas for weapons than this, and i think some might apear before  it, not going to talk about them too much, 1st i want to focus o the quest and other content beeing it's part

also about changes in existing weapons i hve 2 ideas 1st for small amount of weapons, other for all that exist

so 1st idea is that bows and throwing secondary could have as an alternative attack a melee stab, it would make a perfect ability to self defend when we have for e.g. a slow bow and enemies came so close that we don't have enought time to pull string, such stabb if, successfull could cost us 1 ammo so it's better to don't overuse this trick. Aslo i know that Castanas and Talons already have their alternative to detonate explosives, but it would work like with zooming in old time, so they could use a melee stab until we don't have any charge prepared for detonation, also their stab could simply place a charge on enemy instead of dealing damage.

other idea is how to change the damage system, not going to tell too much about it becaus it's rather complex, and would demand separate topic, but i thikn it would be a nice solution to solve the problem that for the end game only a slight percent of all weapons we have is actually usuable, just to give you small idea how it would work isntead of havng damage set stiffly, we could have damage level of weapon, that could describe how weapons damage scales with level of missions. I know this idea might look like madness but done well it may be really good way to make this game more fun, and it could save some of the warframes abilities form being useless if that coudl be applied also to damage-dealing or damge-taking abilities

Well thats all i could add to post of this quest, there are also 2 important parts of quest

Astral Warframe


Angelos Archwing


So i hope you were able to read troghu all of it and that you liked it.

Edited by AVSManfred
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  • 2 weeks later...

The concept is good, and offers an excellent amount of content and potential content. Mayhaps, if you would agree, we could work the Archaeon concept and this together. If you prefer, they can remain separate.

A few concepts may be rather difficult to fit into the lore without some minor adjustments. If you're going for a memorable quest, it might be good to add unique elements and detail. Keep the creativity flowing.

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Well i think that Achaeon could apear in later quests related to the "Library" as this quest is actually the begining of the enthire storyline related with thouse folks mentioned in this grey spoiler i personally have 5 more warframe concepts besides  Astral but i wanted them to apear one-by-one with each havig their uniqe quest(ok meybe 2 of them could apear at once but they are planed as twins)

Edited by AVSManfred
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