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Some New Gun Ideas


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I know lots of people complain about getting new melee weapons so I though I would try my hand at coming up with some new guns


cross bow


laser cannon- has pulse fire and a overcharge fire attack with cooldown


Silenced pistol


light silenced machine gun


mini gun- even if this is just a skin for gorgon


Grenades/ molotov cocktail- warframe equivalent 


ripper- shoots saw blades


proximity mine gun


shiriken- we have kunai why not throwing stars


riot shield + light pistol


sniper rifle that is actually useful in places besides grineer defense missions


I think that is a good start

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Riot shield won't fit very well, though I'd love to use it with a pistol/sawn-off/machine pistol


idk about grenades


mines and traps should be abilities for future Warframes imo


Acrid is a silenced pistol, but I suppose we do need a more easily obtainable version.

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grapple hook


detonatable mines and just mines

heavy weapon that you cant shoot until you place it on ground

aoe shield generator mine (hope you can understand)


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Transformable weapon (able to shoot handed but also has ability to be set up on ground with better accuracy and fire rate)

....and probably some sort of Magnum Sniper Rifle

     I know that the Paris can do this already but an actual sniper rifle that shoots through enemies and very very high piercing damage.

                      Nonetheless I would call it the Magnum Rifle


Probably some bad ideas in here but I thought i could give it a shot :x

Edited by Koukiten
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