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I Am Breaking 200+ In Defence Missions, Are You In?


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Are you looking to be #1 on the defense leader boards?

Are your frame and guns prestiged multiple times to fit all MAXED mods on?

Do you ever feel like you are Beast.

You are not alone! I need 3 players who are best of the best who want to see their name in lights. Are you this person? My in game name is "Guardian-of-the-Lotus" But I will not add anyone who doesn't have Teamspeak. So if you want to break 200+ in a defense mission! My teamspeak address is: 101.teanspeak.net When in ask for swooshbear!

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2000 waves is a great idea.
It'd be a marathon of 1 week consecutively and you will get more than 200k viewers.
Tip: Two person will have to distract an enemy while the other 2 takes a bath.

Tip 2: Two person will have to solo 7 hours of waves while the other 2 sleeps.
Repeat the cycle for at least 1 week and I assure you, you will be on the newspaper.

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not "sounds". he want it.

he don't take vauban. he don't have 3+ empty bottles near the table. 



Sounds like you want to get carried.

 I don't need a carry I need a team!!!! check my stats u silly goose

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lmao, sarcasim detected.   Also, I rather do other things with my life than spend a possible 9 hours (in a row with no break mind you) doing anything since there are a ton of reasons why a person would have to get up and take a break.   Also, I doubt anyone can get to 200 since no one has been able to get even close to it in the first place.




Eitherway, thanks for the laugh.

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