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Who Here Plays Warframe For Fun?


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Rudest, on 02 Jul 2013 - 2:15 PM, said:

I find the gameplay to be fun, but I also find the collecting to be fun. I want collect everything like Van Stanton from Dr. Who, I want to have it -all- sometimes I want to speed-run bosses in solo missions to grind for those mats to get my weapon building. The thrill of a new toy! Other times, I like to take it slow, and enjoy the gameplay.


And...some people find min-maxxing fun. Pushing the numbers as far as they'll go!

Others like exploration, combat, the math behind the stats, ect.

Everyone finds their own fun. I think those who claim they aren't having fun are those whose fun comes from self-righteous complaining.

All of those count. I was more talking about people who seem angry that the game doesn't cater to min-maxing or easy farming and seem to forget that the game is supposed to be fun, not work.
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All of those count. I was more talking about people who seem angry that the game doesn't cater to min-maxing or easy farming and seem to forget that the game is supposed to be fun, not work.


Fun, well enjoyment of something, is totally subjective. As this thread points out many people find many different things fun, both of your examples i quoted are considered by many to be fun. Not having a go just think a consideration should be given to the various things that constitute 'fun'.

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I have no right to take this pleasure from you.


However, I do believe the concept is flawed.

i do balance it with a healthy dose of never judge a weapon til i max it philosophy. There's two kinds of min maxxer's. The kind that just does math and says this item is superior and will never try anything else. He may be right or wrong but it goes against my philosophy. The point of my min maxxing isn't to find the best weapon or best character but rather find the best possible build to use that character/weapon. 


In fact more precisely the most satisfaction comes from taking something that is complete S#&$ and making it ok. Like my 7 forma Grakata. 

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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i play to min/max cause thats what i do in every game. Min/maxing gives me pleasure. Also collecting stuff.



I have no right to take this pleasure from you.


However, I do believe the concept is flawed.

I agree with Archistopheles. If you want to min/max, that should be your choice. The game as a whole shouldn't require a player to min/max to even be able to play the game. That's what I'm worried will happen.

Besides, if min/max-ing is the only way to play it defeats the implied purpose of min/maxing which is to be better than the game and the game can't do anything.

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Fun, well enjoyment of something, is totally subjective. As this thread points out many people find many different things fun, both of your examples i quoted are considered by many to be fun. Not having a go just think a consideration should be given to the various things that constitute 'fun'.

You are correct, and I agree. What I was saying isn't that they aren't valid, but it seems to me that a lot of the players who are crying that X isn't as powerful as Y, or that they feel cheated because this new toy isn't as good (based on numbers) as this other toy seem to think that the game is about min/max-ing.

There isn't anything wrong with a player min/max-ing, but I feel a game shouldn't be about min/max-ing. That being said, I am not the one that a) gets to decide that or b) is the most qualified to say what a game should and shouldn't be.

I'm just another player voicing his opinions and concerns for the game he enjoys.

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Also i'd like to point out a true min/maxer isn't someone who just goes WOW. X bow is slightly more dps than Y bow by 10ish %. This bow sucks need buff NAO. The art of min/maxxing really is about finding the small redeeming qualities in a weapon. X might be slightly weaker but on this particular boss the attack speed is just barely fast enough for me to spam 3 arrows before he does his charge and i can just barely escape death. Obviously for warframe this type of careful concideration isn't really a thing since everything is so darn easy but im absolute sure this type of min maxxing will become more apparent when we get lvl 100-150 content with boss's that one shot you with all sorts of special attacks.

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I like to run missions completely undetected for fun, I really enjoy the alternate gameplay style instead of running through everything spraying your gun in all directions.. it gets repetitive.


I do the same thing. When I really get bored, I play a solo mission with some goofy loadout.

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I play for fun! In fact, I do tend to want to play with people, even if I don't know who it is I might be playing with. I don't have the best of luck when it comes to mods and items I want, but it is still enjoyable to play with all the skills! It just makes those lucky moments rewarding.

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I remember one time I went into a mission and I was using Lex. In that same mission, one of my teammates made a comment about how bad the Lex was and how the Kraken was way better. I told him I'd rather the Lex because the Kraken looks horrendous (to me at least) compared to the Lex (which is one of my favorite pistols in terms of looks and functionality).


His reply iirc:

"wtf? are you stupid? who cares about looks? Kraken is way better"


I kind of wanted to laugh at him for taking functionality so seriously in a PvE based game where anything is pretty much viable given the right mods (outside of doing high level defense missions of course). The game in no way really compares two people and rewards one for getting more kills or doing more front flips. That said, people will always compare themselves to others and that's sort of where the "Overpowered/Underpowered" argument comes from. People don't want to run a mission with a frame that steps into a room and wrecks everything. They'll feel useless compared to the person doing so and run back to the developers waving the "Overpowered" sign. Likewise, if someone uses a skill and they don't do as much damage as their mates they will most likely complain. I won't go into the obvious balance argument though. There will always be buffs in nerfs. An unbalanced game, even PvE focused, isn't a good one.


I never cared too much about all that. I loved Ash before his Shuriken buff, and I barely ever used his Smoke Screen. Likewise with Ember, who was very low on the viability scale considering most of her skills use to be weak and lacked functionality compared to other frames that could CC or protect themselves in some way. Each frame I use has a set and a color scheme I specifically make for it (regardless of how great a weapon is or not). If I think it fits and looks cool, I'll use it. I really love that ability of customization in warframe, though I hope they have plans for more because it will make the game that much more fun and diverse. I personally don't see DE letting this game become a generic third person shooter either. The game has too much potential and there's really no way for them to screw it up unless they back-track on everything they have built or do nothing at all. I do worry a little they may cater too much to the masses screaming "nerf blah. buff blah." but, in the long run, I don't think they'll abandon their plans and ideas.




Every time I log onto Warframe, I plan to have fun. Others log on and turn it into a game of numbers and compare themselves to others. It sucks but it's how it goes. Some people just don't know how to let things slide and enjoy the content given to them. I'm not too worried DE will let them ruin this game by trying to cater to them.

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I see all this talk about "underpowered" and "overpowered" frames/weapons, plus all of this information about the most efficient way to gather materials and how it takes so long and it's just "farming for farm's sake."

I haven't seen really anything about people playing this game because it's fun. I've seen several attempts to put a cool feature in the game, or a cool new mechanic, but they almost always get shot down by someone saying that it would "unbalance" the game or something along the lines of "I wouldn't use it because it isn't as powerful as X or Y."

I get the appeal of coming up with the most efficient route to take through a game and grab all the goodies along the way, but why would you rush through content? Is the game not fun unless you either a) always win or b) have to be a demi-god to win? What happened to playing games because they were fun no matter the end result of a win or a loss?

Am I alone in this, or are there others who play Warframe because it brings a new experience to the table?

I'm concerned that all this talk about "buffing" and "nerfing" everything will cause the game to become just as stale as every other third-person shooter out there. The games where the enemies are all trucks and you are a biscuit already exist, Warframe is about being an unstoppable badass carving your way through space marines. There should be difficult enemies, but they shouldn't be the majority. (My opinion)

I play for fun, thats why i rush built my banshee xD and why i bought stuff like volt and volt alt helm! Volt is so much fun to super ninja flash run around!!!


also I enjoy this game so much i have had no problem giving them my money for plat and even more so no problem to reset my acount (last night)


i really enjoy this game and wish i could give them more and i wish i could play more ^x^


my only nit picks

~No way to obtain Potato outside of cash (dont give me rnd crap) now dont get me wrong the potato is UBER LATE GAME it should be stupid hard to get it DOUBLES THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR SHLIT i swear no one understands how powerful it is, they think just because it exist it should be easy to get. i just feel as a person who truly loves this game i dont always have access to a pc that can play warframe so i miss out on most alerts that being said even if their was one for a potato im sure i would miss it, that being said at a certain point in the game (uber late) you need a potato to proceed and their fore should be actualy obtainable and not up to the whim of the gods xD and has become a paywall all be it small

~Platinum off the bat, i like many others wasted the platinum on stupid crap like mod packs i feel it should be distributed throuhout mastery levels this way you can fully utilize it as you level and know hey I need a weapon or warframe slot or oh i should get a potato


that is all


I love defense


I love Volt Speed


I love alt helms


I love color packs (Storm saturated and infected)


I love the active forum


I love the thread cuz its fun to poke at the things we enjoy its humor take it lightly and have a chuckle ^.^


I love the team and their dream!! I will give any support i can! hell i report every bug i find tbh xD

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    I play for fun. When I'm going solo I usually take it really slow. Opening every container in my path and killing every enemy unless it seems that they just keep spawning. Sometimes sacrificing health to kill in a specific way lol. When I'm online I don't mind rushing to the boss as long as we kill all or most of the baddies along the way. I don't like jumping into games where people completely ignore the enemies. Even if I don't need any exp for my stuff, only fighting the boss and running is not fun IMO. I usually either do my best match the host's playstyle or the majorities playstyle while still being courteous to everyone.


EDIT: It's also way fun to fight defense with a good group that sticks around the pod, fighting back to back and/or covering all entrances to the pod. Each person taking their place and allowing others to handle their side unless they get overwhelmed. At high levels, it gets pretty epic.

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I like all Warframes and weapons. Someones more than others, but all of them.

BUT, if you HAVE to do something with other people, like Defence missions, Bosses, Alerts and so on, you MUST play in the correct way. It is respect for the others who are playing with you.
That's all for me. About UP and OP weapons / Frame, who cares? Just CODkids. 

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    I play for fun. When I'm going solo I usually open every contain in my path and kill every enemy unless it seems that they just keep spawning. When I'm online I don't mind rushing to the boss as long as we kill all or most of the baddies along the way. I don't like jumping into games where people ignore the enemies. Even if I don't need any exp for my stuff, only fighting the boss and running is not fun. IMO


EDIT: It's also way fun to fight defense with a good group that sticks around the pod, fighting back to back and/or covering  all entrances to the pod. Each person taking their place and at high levels, it gets pretty epic.

well as a Volt I have an obsession with speed :D now dont mistake me I dont rush everything the only time i do that is if its assassination because i wanna be an assassin and not a butcher xD GENOCIDE!!!! no lol

oh and i uber run on tower raid :D cuz i wanna book it to the parkour room xD dat my S#&$ right dur

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well as a Volt I have an obsession with speed :D now dont mistake me I dont rush everything the only time i do that is if its assassination because i wanna be an assassin and not a butcher xD GENOCIDE!!!! no lol

oh and i uber run on tower raid :D cuz i wanna book it to the parkour room xD dat my S#&$ right dur

    Thats cool. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I was only responding to the thread in general. My post being under yours was only coincidence, not a reply :) Also, added a bit more to that post lol always have after thoughts

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