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Era, the Time Manipulator. UPDATE May 22nd, 2017


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The Time Warframe


Update May 22nd, 2017

Art Work



Art by me



Health: 75 (225 at max rank)

Shield: 175 (525 at max rank)

Armor: 65

Energy: 150 (225 at max rank)

Sprint Speed: 1.25

Passive: Temporal Reversal: When she is struck with melee or a killing bullet, she has a chance(100% for the 'killing bullet' while the melee attack has a 15%) to ignore the damage and gets set back 1 second.

The ‘killing bullet ignore’ has a 10 second cool-down but grants 100% evasion for 2 seconds.



Record: Cost: 25 energy

You create a “save point" in time, which looks like a distorted Era. It has a long duration but you can uncast it during the duration. When you uncast it, it reverses you back to where you casted the “save” and your health, shield, and ammo will be set back to what you had when you casted it. If enemies get in the way of your bullets coming back they get all of the damage of the bullet. If you die during this, it will automatically reverse you and will take 75% of your max energy. If you lack this energy you will go into the bleeding out mode. *Power Strength affects how much energy is taken if you die.* Power Duration affects how long Record lasts.

Rank 0: Duration 15 seconds

Rank 1: Duration 20 seconds

Rank 2: Duration 25 seconds

Rank 3: Duration 30 seconds



Skip: Cost: 25



You skip forward in time and teleport forward. Any regeneration or status effect will be compressed down i.e. Energy Siphon, Rejuvenation, Slash Procs or Electric procs. Enemies that are in the way of the teleport get slowed. Duration will affect the time and therefore distance skipped. Standing still teleports you in the direction you’re looking. Holding it down will have you disappear for the duration you would normally skip and when you return enemies around you are slowed in an area larger than usual. Focus regeneration will be halved for this ability. Power Duration affects how much you skip. Power Strength affects the slow strength.

Rank 0: 2 seconds skipped

Rank 1: 3 seconds skipped

Rank 2: 4 seconds skipped

Rank 3: 5 seconds skipped 



Repeat: Cost: 75 energy



You summon an area that forces enemies who walk into it to be sent back in time 5 seconds (Unaffected by duration) and will repeat their actions until they walk back into the area and repeat. This area is 5 meters wide (Unaffected by range) and 15 meters around this is an area in which you will regenerate energy and there is no shield cool down. The energy regeneration at base is 3 energy per second and the energy regeneration is affected by Power Strength. Power Duration affects how long Repeat will last. If an enemy spawns other entity, then gets set back, the spawned enemy will disappear (kind of like if you leave an enemy in Vauban's 4th for too long)  

Rank 0: Duration 10 seconds

Rank 1: Duration 12 seconds

Rank 2: Duration 15 seconds

Rank 3: Duration 20 seconds



Stop: Cost: 75 energy



In a radius around you, time will stop and you will slow down. This lasts for a total of 8 seconds and can’t be changed by duration mods. You will regain your speed during the duration of ‘Stop’. Stop also freezes your bullets until the duration ends. When the duration of ‘Stop’ ends, enemies will slowly regain their speed until they are at normal speed. Power Duration affects how long the slow lasts on you (making it shorter) and the enemies (making it longer). Power Strength affects the power of the slow, making it weaker on you and stronger on enemies. Power Range effects how far this ability reaches.

Rank 0: 10 meters.

Rank 1: 15 meters.

Rank 2: 20 meters.

Rank 3: 25 meters


*Here is the formula for Record: 

75% of your max energy is taken when you die when you have 100% Power Strength. When you are at 200% Power Strength it will halve the energy cost to 37,5% taken one you die. While a Power Strength of 40% would be a cost of 120% of your max energy, but the max energy cost is 95% so it doesn't become impossible for you to live. Think before using Over Extended or it may cost you your life.                   



Era’s Lore


The Era Warframe was created under the thought that the Orokin could even conquer the flow of time. They built this Warframe around a female Tenno and conducted many experiments on her. Soon they found out that she could only travel back to when the Warframe was first built.

They sent her out onto the battlefield and found that she was very difficult to kill as she was extremely mobile and could recover quickly. She was also a very strong support as she could stop her enemies in their tracks so her allies could take them down, as well as give them a passive energy and shield regeneration.

She was sent into an important complex on earth, as to defend it if needed. Soon enough a wave of Sentients came, she took them out easily enough, but more kept coming, she tried to make contact with someone so she would have help, but all communications were cut off. She tried to make due with her abilities, but to her it felt like when she killed one Sentient, two more came to replace it.

Many people started dying around her and she kept going back in time to try and save everyone. Unlike when she uses her Record ability, when she goes back in time her injuries remain. She tried to do this over and over, but she just got weaker and weaker, she ran on pure willpower and adrenaline.

The more people she tried to save, the more got killed. She soon was pinned onto a pillar in this building and she was on the verge of death. She knew if she tried to freeze time, it would return to the way it was 8 seconds later, and she didn’t have nearly enough energy to go back far enough to warn the Orokin of this event.

She made the decision to freeze herself as well as the area around her. She had no clue what would happen as she had never attempted this before, but she had to stop this wave of Sentients.

She froze herself as well as the area around herself and all she had left of the world was the vision of the massacre and her thoughts.



Era Warframe Retrieval


Mission prerequisite: The War Within




Lotus notifies you that she has intercepted a signal from the Grineer, and they have discovered an odd bubble on earth. When they send people to enter the area, they do not exit.


When you land on the area you are meant to go to, you find yourself just outside an Orokin building. Your Operator says that they recognize this area, which was a major complex, it was an embassy of sorts.


When you enter the building, you notice a large, transparent sphere that looks extremely distorted. Lotus tells you that there is lots of interference in this area, and that they should tread carefully when inside.


As you enter, you see everything clearly, everything is frozen like a 3D picture, there are humans being murdered from Sentients, none being savable, as they are all torn apart. You also get a heavy energy drain effect while inside. As you enter you must walk upstairs, the closer you get to the center, the slower you get.


As you reach the center, you see a Warframe being pinned to the middle pillar by a wounded Sentient. Lotus asks you if you are in there yet, the message being very glitchy and slow.


Your Operator says yes, and that there is a Warframe being attacked by a Sentient inside, what should their actions be. A few moments of waiting later, Lotus responds saying that you should kill the Sentient.


If you look at its hp bar, then you will see that it has very low health. When you try to shoot at it, your bullets will be stopped midair. If you get close enough for Melee range, you will get a pop up showing that you can interact with the Warframe


Should you interact with the Warframe, your Warframe will touch her and get a large amount of energy. When you do this, the bubble will collapse on itself and time will force itself forward, causing all of the people to turn to dust, as well as all of Sentients will collapse.


The only thing left is the Warframe and a couple Oculysts observing from above. As everything returns to normal, she [the Warframe] will collapse and the Oculysts will escape.


Lotus will say “Era… I haven’t seen her in many years.”


Ordis notifies you “Operator, due to that large blast, a void tear is starting. One more thing, a large squad of Sentients is coming to your location. SLAY EACH AND EVERY… eliminate them before they reach Era.”


After Ordis says this, the area starts getting burst of energy (like when you are in a relic mission, but without the corrupted enemies)


You hear a large blaring siren, and over some sort of speakers, a prerecorded message saying that there is a large wave of Sentients coming in. One of your items gets corrupted (rotates every time the timer runs out) and the doors will all close but one, and the open door rotates, changing the location of the oncoming Sentients if you are near an opening/shutting door, you will get a knockback effect on you.


Due to the void tear, the Sentients are weakened and their damage resistance will be removed or strongly weakened (This is to keep some balance with one player against a large wave of Sentients).


As the battle goes on, Ordis hacks into the systems of the building and starts the automated defenses, activating turrets and shield ospreys.


Ordis says jokingly “Hey Operator, I seem to be able to OPERATE some of these traps.”


Operator says “Not the time, Ordis.”


Ordis says “No reference found for ‘The Time’… when would that be, Operator?


After some more time, all entrances are shut and then a few moments after all the doors fly open and the automated defenses are shut off.


Operator asks “What happened”


Ordis says “Uh, uh, oh. Operator, I have good and BAD… news. Which do you want to hear first?”


Your Operator responds “What? Uh, Good news first I guess.”


Ordis says cheerily “Good news, I found out how to lock all the doors. Therefore we can wait out Era’s recovery.”


The Operator asks “The bad news?”


Ordis says “This information is no longer accurate.”


The room starts to flood with Sentients, way too many to bear alone. Then you hear the sound of a clock’s ticks slowing down. You and everything else slows down to a stop and if you are looking in the direction of the pillar, you will see Era getting up and firing shots from her twin pistols into the wave of Sentients.


After 8 seconds everything starts moving again and the Sentients start collapsing. You are allowed to move again.


Era starts running away and Lotus tells you to stop her and capture her. As you chase after she will start attacking you. Due to the weakened structure of the room from the wave of Sentients, Era will shoot or hit a weakened pillar or tall object, freeze it, and unfreeze it when you are in the location it is falling at. She will also freeze a small bubble in front of her, empty the magazines from her twin pistols into it and then release it, causing the bullets to blast forward.


She will use a few of her abilities, during the fight, such as her 1st which she will leave something that looks like a decoy, and she will continue attacking you, after sometime she will recast it, causing her to retrace her steps and make all of her previously shot bullets fly back into her gun, if you get in the way of the bullets, you will take the full damage of them. She will also return to her health and shields she was at when she initially casted it.


She will also use her 2nd, which she uses to teleport away or teleport behind you, to get an advantage. She also uses her 3rd, which causes her to have no regeneration delay on her shields (like Tyl Regor), and if you run into this circle you will be teleported back to where you were 5 seconds before.


The fight starts moving outside, soon there comes a tree into sight, being barely held back from falling by a few vines.


Your Operator says “I must shoot those vines when she is underneath the tree.”


When she is successfully trapped, you try to speak to her. She ends up teleporting away and Lotus says that you can’t do anything more and you should return to your ship. Once you return, Lotus says that she suddenly has been receiving messages from Era. They were saying that she fended of the Sentients but wasn’t able to protect everyone, and the she needed to be extracted as her ship Cephalon wouldn’t respond. Lotus says she is unable to return the messages and she needs you to go get her.

You get sent back to the complex on earth and find Era waiting in the spot you first found her, she is unable to recognize you as Tenno and starts firing bullets your way and you have to fight back, once you get her to half of her health she starts skipping outside and you are expected to follow.

Era teleports and it causes a blast and once it reaches you, you are brought with her. Rather than it being day, it became night and everything was burning. Your Tenno realizes that it wasn’t a teleport, it was time travel.


Era continues running and activates her 1st then runs into a large group of scorches (or another group of strong Grinner if Scorches aren't fixed at this point). She freezes everything again, but you are slowed rather than stopped.  Your bullets won’t reach her, so you must go into melee range of her. Every 8 seconds, the time freeze will halt and Era will quickly recast it.


When you reach melee range of her, she recasts her 1st, causing you to be in the middle of the scorches alone.


Time resumes and the scorches notice you, and you must kill all the scorches. After you have done that, you must chase after Era again, when you reach certain point, you teleport through time again, and you hear a gun shot behind you.


If you turn around, you will see yourself. A tree will fall on you, and the alternate you will vanish.  (The tree falling on you will happen either way if you turn around or not.)


Era will walk up to you and crouch down, and you can see the full extent of the damage to her neuroptics. She will grab onto your head and start trying to twist it. You have one arm free and you must use your secondary to shoot her. (It will be a Lato if no secondary is available.)


You will fire a few shots at her and she will back off and then she will stop time again. As you are slowing down, your Operator will jump out of your Warframe and you will have only a moment to fire a Void Beam at her. This will damage her heavily and she will fall onto her back.


Your Operator will stand over her, and she will realize that you aren't a Sentient. She will introduce herself and you may see her hp slowly decay (like a shadow from Nekros' SOTD).


Lotus intervenes in the conversation and speaks with Era. Era will tell you that she wishes to show you her past and you will accept.


She will place a hand on your Operator’s forehead, everything goes white and a cut scene will play. It shows Era’s story as she narrates it. After she is complete with showing you her past, she thanks you for freeing her from the prison she made and dies from her injuries.


Lotus asks you to make a new Era Warframe to commemorate her bravery and sacrifice. (Same as Mirage)






Era's Weapons




An ancient weapon, that predates even the rise of the Orokin. Pierce the enemies that are near and impale those that are running away.


 Base Damage: 55

 Puncture: 35

 Slash: 15

 Impact: 5

 Attack Speed: 1.2

 Critical Chance: 25%

 Critical Multiplier: 2x

 Status Chance: 15%

 Innate Polarities: Vazarin/D and Madurai/V

 Stance Polarity: Unairu/R



Power attacks throw the spear, punching throw the enemies while ragdolling them, pins them to walls if them die. Spear returns after 5 seconds 




Stances: Takes Staff stances (cause I personally think that polearm stances are pooptastic)

AkXerus: (sher-us)


Automatic twin pistols that fire energized bullets, which accelerate as they move.


 Base Damage: 20

 Puncture: 15

 Slash: 5 

 Fire Rate: 20

 Critical Chance: 18%

 Critical Damage: 2.25x

 Status Chance: 15%

 Magazine: 120

 Reload: 1.5

 Innate 0.5 Punch Through

 Innate Polarities: Naramon/Dash and Madurai/V

Projectile speed: 75 mps, moves 15% faster every 0.25 seconds


Rather than taking ammo from the ground, it takes 2% of your energy to reload.


(in process of thinking)




 I hope you guys enjoyed this, give some comments about the flaws and we will try to refine her. Please give me some comments about her, I have been working on the things I found wrong, but I need comments from you guys to point out the flaws. 


Your‘s Truly

-DerkmeisterPrime and Jemmanuelli 

Edited by DerkmeisterPrime
Changing a few things
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It's definitely an alright idea. I would change the first ability, though. It needs a heftier penalty for dying while it's up or just making you go down, period, if you go down. 50 energy is nothing, given all the methods we have to regenerate it.

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18 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

It's definitely an alright idea. I would change the first ability, though. It needs a heftier penalty for dying while it's up or just making you go down, period, if you go down. 50 energy is nothing, given all the methods we have to regenerate it.

100 energy?

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On 10/2/2016 at 1:20 AM, Chipputer said:

It's definitely an alright idea. I would change the first ability, though. It needs a heftier penalty for dying while it's up or just making you go down, period, if you go down. 50 energy is nothing, given all the methods we have to regenerate it.

I think I made the punishment way heftier

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)MOOer474 said:

at first, when i saw this post,i thought you just copied my idea,but this was posted waay before mine, so i just think our minds think alike :)

Yea, the original idea started way back in May, so there is like no possible way of me doing that. Guess our minds do think similarly :3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not a bad set of ideas in the slightest, seems we are thinking on similar lines with Era's 'Stop' being similar to Zehnran's 'Thirteenth Hour'. 

As I've said on another Time Warframe ideas that was sent my way, while a strategically interesting idea I feel as if it may be difficult to implement Record as an ability. 
Personally I will admit, I don't know the slightest thing about coding, but I imagine there may have to be some sort of recording process that's set to begin and record what the player does during the time Record is active. 

A similar problem with Repeat but as shown in the Reworking of Limbo's kit, the programmers can halt the AI of enemies so it MAY be possible to reverse it as well, though I forsee problems arising with enemies such as Bombards firing a shot before walking in, and then being sent back to fire another round quicker than they usually would. Also a possible problem for Heykka/Dhrak Masters, if they summoned their pack before stepping in, then being sent back to spawn alot more over and over. 

Era's passive of Temporal Reversal may have the same issues with Record but with the recording sequence ALWAYS recording what the player does. 

Besides that I dont think there are any more problems with Era abilties, last thing though is that Era's 'Signature' weapons CAN NOT be primed weapons sadly, as all weapons are at least out for a while before being given the Prime Treatment.

All in all a rather sound Idea, hope at least we can all work together to make a Time based Warframe a reality. 

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6 hours ago, Axelieus said:

 As I've said on another Time Warframe ideas that was sent my way, while a strategically interesting idea I feel as if it may be difficult to implement Record as an ability. 
Personally I will admit, I don't know the slightest thing about coding, but I imagine there may have to be some sort of recording process that's set to begin and record what the player does during the time Record is active. 

You're right, that probably would be hard to implemement.


6 hours ago, Axelieus said:

though I forsee problems arising with enemies such as Bombards firing a shot before walking in, and then being sent back to fire another round quicker than they usually would. Also a possible problem for Heykka/Dhrak Masters, if they summoned their pack before stepping in, then being sent back to spawn alot more over and over. 

Yea, that would suck a lot. Hmmm...I'll try and think of something to fix it.

6 hours ago, Axelieus said:

Era's passive of Temporal Reversal may have the same issues with Record but with the recording sequence ALWAYS recording what the player does. 

I don't really see this as too much of a problem as Record as all it really has to hold is the location she was at a second before.


6 hours ago, Axelieus said:

last thing though is that Era's 'Signature' weapons CAN NOT be primed weapons sadly, as all weapons are at least out for a while before being given the Prime Treatment.

Yea, I see what you are saying. What I could do is rework the stats and make them other weapons. :P

6 hours ago, Axelieus said:

All in all a rather sound Idea, hope at least we can all work together to make a Time based Warframe a reality. 

Thanks :3 my friend and I have been working on this frame since last may (made them into new posts, but then the moderators notified me that I shouldn'T do that). I found your frame to be pretty good as well. Hopefully when we do get a Time Frame it won't be named Chronos and that it won't cut people in half by freezing half of their bodies. :)

Hope you have a good day 


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4 hours ago, Helseythe said:

Nice concept, but take my suggestion with a grain of salt. Maybe her 1st is her last, with her stop ability being an AoE take a breather? I don't know lol, the best I've come up with was making a rusty swordmaster frame XD.

I personally think all the abilities should stay where they are, I mean most of the time a squishy Frame's 1st is for personal survival, and it only really benefits Era. While Stop benefits the entire squad.

Also Stop pretty much is an AOE ability that happens around Era.

Hope you don'T feel bad, but I am just trying to say logical.

Hope you have a good one


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Just now, DerkmeisterPrime said:

I personally think all the abilities should stay where they are, I mean most of the time a squishy Frame's 1st is for personal survival, and it only really benefits Era. While Stop benefits the entire squad.

Also Stop pretty much is an AOE ability that happens around Era.

Hope you don'T feel bad, but I am just trying to say logical.

Hope you have a good one


Np, I just thought that her 1st is like really powerful. Like her survivability is frankly terrifying if you have good reflexes. Also another thing to note, but Era's 4 is basically Limbo's stasis except it's in an area around her no?

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7 minutes ago, Helseythe said:

Np, I just thought that her 1st is like really powerful. Like her survivability is frankly terrifying if you have good reflexes. Also another thing to note, but Era's 4 is basically Limbo's stasis except it's in an area around her no?

Pretty much, although it was made way before it

Edited by DerkmeisterPrime
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On ‎22‎.‎02‎.‎2017 at 8:07 AM, Axelieus said:

Not a bad set of ideas in the slightest, seems we are thinking on similar lines with Era's 'Stop' being similar to Zehnran's 'Thirteenth Hour'. 

As I've said on another Time Warframe ideas that was sent my way, while a strategically interesting idea I feel as if it may be difficult to implement Record as an ability. 
Personally I will admit, I don't know the slightest thing about coding, but I imagine there may have to be some sort of recording process that's set to begin and record what the player does during the time Record is active. 

A similar problem with Repeat but as shown in the Reworking of Limbo's kit, the programmers can halt the AI of enemies so it MAY be possible to reverse it as well, though I forsee problems arising with enemies such as Bombards firing a shot before walking in, and then being sent back to fire another round quicker than they usually would. Also a possible problem for Heykka/Dhrak Masters, if they summoned their pack before stepping in, then being sent back to spawn alot more over and over. 

Era's passive of Temporal Reversal may have the same issues with Record but with the recording sequence ALWAYS recording what the player does. 

Besides that I dont think there are any more problems with Era abilties, last thing though is that Era's 'Signature' weapons CAN NOT be primed weapons sadly, as all weapons are at least out for a while before being given the Prime Treatment.

All in all a rather sound Idea, hope at least we can all work together to make a Time based Warframe a reality. 

The most ive had to do with making games was back in the day when i played Little Big Planet. Damn i miss those times... back to topic. I will suggest something that could logically owrk (at least i dont see the issue).

So we have Era. When she spawns in she also spawns in a second invisisble, immortal and non damage dealing Era (it realisticaly does everything the Player does but with no affect on gameplay for said player) which is also controlled by the Player, the Input is just delayed by one second. any stun applied is also delayed by 1 second. So if her passsive triggers it will just put current Era in second Eras place. If everything the Player does is delayed for second Era by one second it should be accurate. Instead of actually programming recording i imagine it was more like putting a second Entity but just delayed by one second. Arguably like a second timeline. 

I probably explained in some cryptic way but i hope you got the jist of it. As for record. What if it just saved your Location along with the context action.

Like everytime im in record and shoot, the game saves the shot and the location when i shot.. It saves those moments in the chronologically corrrect order and when i end record it just plays them backwards again. I imagine it would only play the moments that meant anything like gunshots or casts. Obviously this happens very fast  :P


This is all just asumption as to how it COULD work. Im no game maker but i dont see why this shouldnt work.

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