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  1. Good Australian Afternoon, Fellow wonderful Tenno. Due to changing circumstances at work, I am no longer able to complete my task of a weekly Warframe Concept at this time. It is with regret that I have to cease this writing project of mine for the time being, and I appreciate everyone who read or commented on the series so far. With any luck, the concepts will continue eventually, as I have plenty of ideas still but not the time to get them onto digital paper since each one takes several hours to work through. Have a fantastic day, and stay shiny, you beautiful Tenno~ May your eyes sparkle like the void evermore.
  2. WEAPON TIME Something Dumb, Fun and Comical Primary - Blokk - Crossbow : Single-Fire Crossbow with heavy arc, increased headshot multiplier with small Impact AOE on headshots. Secondary - Bricc - Throwing 'Knife' : Pocket-Dimension Pouches full of bricks, high status chance and critical damage with Low Critical Chance. Melee - Brikk - Nunchaku : Two Bricks connected by a cable, slow with forced status chance of Impact with every hit once over a certain Combo Multiplier.
  3. Great looking concept here, though I do have some notes! Limbo's whole sthick is the Rift, and this concept would have to do some reworking on a near 9-year old Quest, which is something I dont think DE would be able to do at this point in time. HOWEVER, just replace the name 'Limbo" in this Concept with a newer name, and I believe you have a fantastic concept for a totally new Warframe!
  4. Good Australian Afternoon, fellow Tenno! When thinking of a concept for this Frame, I was reminded (as a truck drove past the office window) that there was a legendary concept for a Brick melee weapon done by an artist a while ago. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/448457289854119575/0C2CAFE9784F9DBCA8476C9EBCB04DD7096977AE/ So I figured, why not! A violent bricklayer frame just for fun, as an ‘Impact Damage’ focused frame. For your consideration: A Tenno who’s role was to fortify the walls of the Orokin Towers, but when Octavia’s Rallying Song to battle sounded, they took whatever was close to hand, and headed to action; Title: The Fortifier, The Brickwork Brawler Name: Krane (WIP NAME, Feel Free to suggest others!) Visuals : An average to toned build, several tools on a belt with a built-in syandana of a rattling sack of bricks on their back. Helmet visually may be… dented. Playstyle : A violent playstyle of joyful fortification. Base Stats: - Passive: Unsubtle Entry Brute force in the most comical way. 1st Power : Brickwork Bash A sudden crash, taking the foe off guard. 2nd Power : Rending Rupture Draining the life from one's foes, reveling in one's own violence. 3rd Power : Staggering Strikes Build one’s walls high and strong, the foes realizing that you are not trapped with them… 4th Power : Fleeting Fortification This frame concept was, obviously, a less serious one, but still fun all the same! Please be civil in the discussions if any occur. I will be on as often as I can to discuss feedback, which is very welcome. Thank you for reading, have a lovely day.
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