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hieracon taking damge for no reson


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i was farming stuff at hieracon  endo and relics as mesa and carrier does have shield bosster on me later on on the match i noitced that my shield was dropping for no reson taking some of my health and hten shield recharce again but then it decay  and also for some reason sometimes i see a burned moving warframe of my team mate and  my self  i hope i provided as much info i could that help u fix this bug

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Yes, this seems to be a bug with status effects not wearing off when they should.  A lot of people (myself included) have had this issue where damage ticks are not removed unless you bleed out and revive.  In some instances this is not enough to remove the status effect and extraction is the only recourse.

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i had this too twice now... one with mesa on a differenet map and one with nova prime on hieracon
both maps were agaisnt infested and they were defense maps

i think i gradually lost 2hp/shield per sec maybe it helps to find it in program code

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Ive also had this happen twice now. Both were in Excavations and I think I was Frost both times, but they were different maps. Part way through the mission I just started taking constant hp damage for no reason and it never stopped. Went through my shields and then started into my health before my carrier refreshed my shields.

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