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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Cancel system purge. ID tenno 7757 access level 9 deactivate security." He sighs "Vale connect to frame systems."

Vale: Connection 

"Stay connected to the frame until further notice."

Vale: Understood

"Welcome Cyris." The system says. "Orders?"

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Cancel purge and add all current beings inside to the ally list. Also, deactivate shoot on site protocols." He turns around " Arbiter!!! Come here if you're in here!"

Ryoko exist a side door and makes his way over.

"Something interesting?" He asks.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko exist a side door and makes his way over.

"Something interesting?" He asks.


"I got it working but thats not the interesting part. The interesting thing is that it recognized my ID which means that it could be connected to the high orokin systems." He says in an ecstatic tone "Oh system recognize Ryoko and I as admins." 

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16 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"I got it working but thats not the interesting part. The interesting thing is that it recognized my ID which means that it could be connected to the high orokin systems." He says in an ecstatic tone "Oh system recognize Ryoko and I as admins." 

"Error. Tenno Adjuticant Ryoko already has admin access." It says. "Orokin status required to edit permissions."

"Computer grant admin access to Tenno Engineer Cyris." A regal voice says. 

A woman, clad in Orokin finery, and carrying herself with great poise, steps up to the console.

"Understood." The system says. "Admin access granted."

Ryoko lowers his helmet and kisses the woman in the forehead.

"Cyris." He says. "May I present Felicity. My fiancé, and sole remaining heir of the Orokin Empire."

The woman bows, Tenno style. She looks a year or two younger than Ryoko, but her eyes are more friendly and energetic than his. While their physical age is close he, like many Tenno, seems far older.

Edited by Rakawan
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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Error. Tenno Adjuticant Ryoko already has admin access." It says. "Orokin status required to edit permissions."

"Computer grant admin access to Tenno Engineer Cyris." A regal voice says. 

A woman, clad in Orokin finery, and carrying herself with great poise, steps up to the console.

"Understood." The system says. "Admin access granted."

Ryoko lowers his helmet and kisses the woman in the forehead.

"Cyris." He says. "May I present Felicity. My fiancé, and sole remaining heir of the Orokin Empire."

The woman bows, Tenno style.


He gives a disappointed look at the computer "Hello Felicity." He gives an old orokin bow. "I guess more than likely that this system is not connected to the high systems because I did have orokin level access a long time ago. There also could have been a reset... Sorry I'm rambling it's nice to meet you." 

Vale: Orokin detected! Activating battle systems.

"Stand down she's an ally."

Vale: Understood. Should I add her the ally list?


Vale: Task completed.

"Sorry about that I have him programmed to be wary of orokin but it's been a long time since that was necessary I suppose I can remove that function."

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18 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

He gives a disappointed look at the computer "Hello Felicity." He gives an old orokin bow. "I guess more than likely that this system is not connected to the high systems because I did have orokin level access a long time ago. There also could have been a reset... Sorry I'm rambling it's nice to meet you." 

Vale: Orokin detected! Activating battle systems.

"Stand down she's an ally."

Vale: Understood. Should I add her the ally list?


Vale: Task completed.

"Sorry about that I have him programmed to be wary of orokin but it's been a long time since that was necessary I suppose I can remove that function."

"And you, warrior." She says. "Welcome to the Reliquary."

She looks at the system. 

"We disconnected it when we first recovered this tower." She says. "The Corpus had made some headway into the High Orokin systems, so we couldn't risk allowing them control."

Ryoko perks up at the mention of your access level.

"Orokin Access level." He says. "I'd imagine that has a story behind it."

He suddenly recalls something and turns.

"I forgot, there are two more people you need to meet." He says. "We'll be right back, Cyris."


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34 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

A shout calls the Arbiter away and he sends Kira over.

*Kira heard the call and went to the artifact room where Valentine is*

*Valentine look behind him and see Kira but notices his "nails" are growing quickly*

Valentine: Well if it's our shady hand friend, Mr. Kira. And looks like you can't keep your urge right?

Kira: And you call me to fix the artifacts to tell me that Valentine? I'll just fix this and call me again when you have a reasonable thing to say. Now where's the device you need me to fix?  

*Valentine tossed him the device with the broken socket*

Kira: *inspect the broken socket* Hm, this should be a quick one. 

*After a while, Kira managed to fix the socket and he leaves the place back to his corner*

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3 hours ago, Sartactics said:

*Kira heard the call and went to the artifact room where Valentine is*

*Valentine look behind him and see Kira but notices his "nails" are growing quickly*

Valentine: Well if it's our shady hand friend, Mr. Kira. And looks like you can't keep your urge right?

Kira: And you call me to fix the artifacts to tell me that Valentine? I'll just fix this and call me again when you have a reasonable thing to say. Now where's the device you need me to fix?  

*Valentine tossed him the device with the broken socket*

Kira: *inspect the broken socket* Hm, this should be a quick one. 

*After a while, Kira managed to fix the socket and he leaves the place back to his corner*

While you are fixing it Ryoko comes back arm in arm with a regal and beautiful woman clad in a Orokin robes.

"Kira, Valentine." He says. "This is Felicity. My fiancé, and heir to the Empire."

She bows, Tenno style.

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22 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

While you are fixing it Ryoko comes back arm in arm with a regal and beautiful woman clad in a Orokin robes.

"Kira, Valentine." He says. "This is Felicity. My fiancé, and heir to the Empire."

She bows, Tenno style.

*Kira looks at Felicity as he has a good impression for her but his nails are growing faster when he sees her so he quickly fixed the socket and said "Hello Felicity" and quickly left for the worst not to happen*

*Valentine was awed by the beauty of her and came to her to greet the lady*

Valentine: Hello Mrs Felicity, name's Valentine. Pleasure to meet you. *he performs a deep bow at her*

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2 minutes ago, Sartactics said:

*Kira looks at Felicity as he has a good impression for her but his nails are growing faster when he sees her so he quickly fixed the socket and said "Hello Felicity" and quickly left for the worst not to happen*

*Valentine was awed by the beauty of her and came to her to greet the lady*

Valentine: Hello Mrs Felicity, name's Valentine. Pleasure to meet you. *he performs a deep bow at her*

"And you, Tenno." She says. "Welcome to our tower."

She looks at the artifacts.

"I see you have made some progress." She says. "Don't let me interrupt."

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"And you, Tenno." She says. "Welcome to our tower."

She looks at the artifacts.

"I see you have made some progress." She says. "Don't let me interrupt."

Valentine: Oh nonono, it's almost done just wait a moment. By the way, I recall that you can speak the Oromin language yes? *he says as he insert the last star into the device*

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1 minute ago, Sartactics said:

Valentine: Oh nonono, it's almost done just wait a moment. By the way, I recall that you can speak the Oromin language yes? *he says as he insert the last star into the device*

"One skill that hasn't faded much after the long sleep, yes." She says. 

The device fits with the others and begins to emit a projection.

A man stands tall and proud.

"Welcome to the Reliquary." He says. 

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7 minutes ago, Sartactics said:

Valentine: Excellent. *he brings the schematic of ways to crack relics that were or weren't utilized in Orokin language*

She looks it over.

"This may take a while." She says. "I'lll give it a look and get back to you tomorrow."

She slides it into a case.

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3 minutes ago, Sartactics said:

Valentine: Alright.

The man in the projection continues speaking.

"This is where the great Relics of Artifacts of our time will be stored. You have all consigned ourselves to a noble and great cause. The Executors believe our Empire will endure forever, but history has proven them wrong. Empires fall. And it is our job to ensure that our end, however far off, is not the annihilation of our history."

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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The man in the projection continues speaking.

"This is where the great Relics of Artifacts of our time will be stored. You have all consigned ourselves to a noble and great cause. The Executors believe our Empire will endure forever, but history has proven them wrong. Empires fall. And it is our job to ensure that our end, however far off, is not the annihilation of our history."

I guess not all of them were prepared for the backfire.

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Just now, Sartactics said:

I guess not all of them were prepared for the backfire.

"Our efforts here... will..." He seems to stutter. "No wait I already said... Marie!"

"Yes sir." An woman says. Her crest marks her as Corpus caste.

Ryoko hisses in surprise. 

"Have this recording scrapped." He says. "And bring me another."

The woman nods and the projections cuts off, before returning seconds later.

"Someday you'll work here." She says to the child next to her. "Despite what your father says there are more noble professions than just soldiery."

Ryoko's eyes are glued to the projection.

"Now let's practice..." She says. "Where are the relics of the first Emperor?"

The child scrunched his eyes.

"Third lower level, right hallway." He says.

"Very good." She says. "And the artifacts of the first Executor?"

She continues to list off artifacts and the child lists locations.

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6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Our efforts here... will..." He seems to stutter. "No wait I already said... Marie!"

"Yes sir." An woman says. Her crest marks her as Corpus caste.

Ryoko hisses in surprise. 

"Have this recording scrapped." He says. "And bring me another."

The woman nods and the projections cuts off, before returning seconds later.

"Someday you'll work here." She says to the child next to her. "Despite what your father says there are more noble professions than just soldiery."

Ryoko's eyes are glued to the projection.

"Now let's practice..." She says. "Where are the relics of the first Emperor?"

The child scrunched his eyes.

"Third lower level, right hallway." He says.

"Very good." She says. "And the artifacts of the first Executor?"

She continues to list off artifacts and the child lists locations.

*Valentine got more interested in hearing the conversation as it goes on*

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17 minutes ago, Sartactics said:

*Valentine got more interested in hearing the conversation as it goes on*

The last scene is the woman on a judgement pad. 

"Where are my children?" She demands. 

"Your children perished in the void." A voice says. 

"No!" She says. "They are alive. I can feel it."

"Cut the recording."

The recording device is placed on a desk, but does not shut down.

"Your children are alive." The voice says. "And they will serve the empire in ways you cannot imagine. But first we need more."

The woman leaps at him and pulls him onto the pad as it flares. Both vanish in the green flames. The recording stops.

Ryoko seems as if he has seen a ghost.

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18 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"And you, warrior." She says. "Welcome to the Reliquary."

She looks at the system. 

"We disconnected it when we first recovered this tower." She says. "The Corpus had made some headway into the High Orokin systems, so we couldn't risk allowing them control."

Ryoko perks up at the mention of your access level.

"Orokin Access level." He says. "I'd imagine that has a story behind it."

He suddenly recalls something and turns.

"I forgot, there are two more people you need to meet." He says. "We'll be right back, Cyris."



He goes back to fiddling with the system. "System pull up the tower map and the access logs." 

"Vale, can you try to connect to the system?"

Vale: I can try, yes

"System allow entity cephalon 7734 aka 'Vale' into your logs and control centers."

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Just now, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

He goes back to fiddling with the system. "System pull up the tower map and the access logs." 

"Vale, can you try to connect to the system?"

Vale: I can try, yes

"System allow entity cephalon 7734 aka 'Vale' into your logs and control centers."

The systems shows several errors, most likely failsafes designed to prevent sentient intrusion, then overrides them.

Vale would notice another Cephalon already integrated with the system, coordinating landings and archiving data.

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