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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The systems shows several errors, most likely failsafes designed to prevent sentient intrusion, then overrides them.

Vale would notice another Cephalon already integrated with the system, coordinating landings and archiving data.


Vale: We have a friend, a station based Cephalon that is working on landings and archiving.

"Ignore it I'm sure it there for a reason can you just search the records for orokin weapons and tech!" 

Vale: Fine, contacting him now.

"No! You stupid Cephalon! Records."

Vale: Of course attempting to sherch now

"Thank you!"

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Just now, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Vale: We have a friend, a station based Cephalon that is working on landings and archiving.

"Ignore it I'm sure it there for a reason can you just search the records for orokin weapons and tech!" 

Vale: Fine, contacting him now.

"No! You stupid Cephalon! Records."

Vale: Of course attempting to sherch now

"Thank you!"

The search reveals a handful of caches of weaponry that logs show has already been emptied. 

It also draws the attention of the other Cephalon, who seems to be running on both this towers systems and another remote server. 

It examines Vale, but makes no move to contact the Cephalon.


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Just now, Rakawan said:

The search reveals a handful of caches of weaponry that logs show has already been emptied. 

It also draws the attention of the other Cephalon, who seems to be running on both this towers systems and another remote server. 

It examines Vale, but makes no move to contact the Cephalon.



"Vale stay linked between me and the system so I can have access from my frame."

Vale: Ok

Cyris walks off to find Royko

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Vale stay linked between me and the system so I can have access from my frame."

Vale: Ok

Cyris walks off to find Royko

Ryoko is pacing back and forth before a projector looping an image of a mother and her child reciting artifact locations as Felicity speaks to another Tenno.

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44 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The last scene is the woman on a judgement pad. 

"Where are my children?" She demands. 

"Your children perished in the void." A voice says. 

"No!" She says. "They are alive. I can feel it."

"Cut the recording."

The recording device is placed on a desk, but does not shut down.

"Your children are alive." The voice says. "And they will serve the empire in ways you cannot imagine. But first we need more."

The woman leaps at him and pulls him onto the pad as it flares. Both vanish in the green flames. The recording stops.

Ryoko seems as if he has seen a ghost.

*Valentine is speecless after what he saw and he looks over to the relic*

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko is pacing back and forth before a projector looping an image of a mother and her child reciting artifact locations as Felicity speaks to another Tenno.

Cyris stops as if the wind was knocked out of him "Is... tha... th... Margulis?" He stumbles over to a wall to lean himself on "Is... she alive?"

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1 minute ago, Sartactics said:

*Valentine is speecless after what he saw and he looks over to the relic*

Ryoko walks up and replays the segment with the child.

Felicity simply stands there.

"So that is how you knew about this tower." She says. 

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8 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko walks up and replays the segment with the child.

Felicity simply stands there.

"So that is how you knew about this tower." She says. 

*Valentine seemingly felt like he knew who the woman was but currently doesn't want to talk about it as he proceeds to look at the ring with a special Corpus emblem on his hand*

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2 minutes ago, Sartactics said:

*Valentine is speecless after what he saw and he looks over to the relic*


Just now, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Cyris stops as if the wind was knocked out of him "Is... tha... th... Margulis?" He stumbles over to a wall to lean himself on "Is... she alive?"

On closer inspection the woman is not Orokin, but Corpus. 

"No." Ryoko says slowly. "That is Maria. That is my mother. And she is long dead."

He stands watching the recording. 

Knowing that is it not hard to infer that the child must have been him, before the void incident.

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Just now, Rakawan said:


On closer inspection the woman is not Orokin, but Corpus. 

"No." Ryoko says slowly. "That is Maria. That is my mother. And she is long dead."

He stands watching the recording. 

Knowing that is it not hard to infer that the child must have been him, before the void incident.


"I... I'm..." He tries to regain his composure but can't "I'm sorry she just looks so similar." He stands up and stumbles over to the table with the device. 

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Just now, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"I... I'm..." He tries to regain his composure but can't "I'm sorry she just looks so similar." He stands up and stumbles over to the table with the device. 

"My father was Dax." He says. "My mother was an Archivist. He taught me to fight. But she taught me what was worth fighting for. She died before Margulis found your kin, before the Zariman incident, if this time stamp is to be believed."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"My father was Dax." He says. "My mother was an Archivist. He taught me to fight. But she taught me what was worth fighting for. She died before Margulis found your kin, before the Zariman incident, if this time stamp is to be believed."


"I'm sorry for your loss." He looks as if he had a realization "Is it still necessary to be disconnected from the high orokin systems?"

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Just now, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"I'm sorry for your loss." He looks as if he had a realization "Is it still necessary to be disconnected from the high orokin systems?"

"Until we can verify that the Corpus have not tampered with them, yes." He says. "We cannot risk them gaining control of this location."

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6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Until we can verify that the Corpus have not tampered with them, yes." He says. "We cannot risk them gaining control of this location."

"Okay that's what I thought. But what if we activate the connection for just a second and send Vale over? If we do that we might be able to find more of these." He points at the relic projector 

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Okay that's what I thought. But what if we activate the connection for just a second and send Vale over? If we do that we might be able to find more of these." He points at the relic projector 

"Are you certain Vale could remain undetected?" Ryoko asks. "We have a negotiation with the Corpus coming up and hacking into systems they consider theirs won't reflect well."

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7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"He is a stealth AI and he's done this before. There's always a risk but you have to spend money to make it right?"

"Agreed." Ryoko says. "Tell him to do it."

He taps his "bow tie".

"Calc open up a brief window the the High Orokin systems for Vale."


The system briefly allows the Cephalon to pass.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Agreed." Ryoko says. "Tell him to do it."

He taps his "bow tie".

"Calc open up a brief window the the High Orokin systems for Vale."


The system briefly allows the Cephalon to pass.


"Vale enter in stealth mode find any and all data relating to this tower then jump back to my frame. Don't contact us until you found the data understood?"

Vale: Yes. Entering now.

A flicker of light is seen a Vale moves from the frame to the systems

"Shut down the connetion he's over." Cyris taps in a nervous fashion "Now we wait."

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Just now, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Vale enter in stealth mode find any and all data relating to this tower then jump back to my frame. Don't contact us until you found the data understood?"

Vale: Yes. Entering now.

A flicker of light is seen a Vale moves from the frame to the systems

"Shut down the connetion he's over." Cyris taps in a nervous fashion "Now we wait."

Calc severs the connection.

Ryoko watches the recording again.

"I was so curious back then." He says. "So eager to learn."

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"I was to that's how I ended up on the Zariman in the fist place. I was a curios seventeen-year-old who ended up on the wrong ship at the wrong time." 

"I was going to visit my father." Ryoko says. "This was before the Zarimman. Before they figured out it was the void. When my brother and sister and I were recovered they believed it was a mutation in our DNA. A result of changes to the Dax genes we inherited from our father."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I was going to visit my father." Ryoko says. "This was before the Zarimman. Before they figured out it was the void. When my brother and sister and I were recovered they believed it was a mutation in our DNA. A result of changes to the Dax genes we inherited from our father."


"I was the first off the Zarimman. I help Margulis care for the younger ones but when they hurt her I grabbed my sister and we just ran. I found a ship that could be fixed and fixed it then I flew until I found an empire station. I dropped her off and just kept flying. Eventually, I found an Orokin man named Ballas who taught me what I know then I found my clan."

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7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"I was the first off the Zarimman. I help Margulis care for the younger ones but when they hurt her I grabbed my sister and we just ran. I found a ship that could be fixed and fixed it then I flew until I found an empire station. I dropped her off and just kept flying. Eventually, I found an Orokin man named Ballas who taught me what I know then I found my clan."

He looks at you.

"What was the Zarimman like?" He asks. "I heard stories but no one seemed to have any clear details. Some say it was sabatoge, others an accident."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

He looks at you.

"What was the Zarimman like?" He asks. "I heard stories but no one seemed to have any clear details. Some say it was sabatoge, others an accident."


"I think it was a sabotage that turned into an accident. When we started the void jump the stabilizer rail blew up but the ship was most of the way through the jump so it made it through but the ship kinda turned its self inside out its hard to explain but it was bad. When the rail blew the void energy flooded the ship and "Tainted" us. it killed most of the adults but somehow Margulis wasn't hurt. I think my age gave me more control because immediately after the "Flood" the kids started having "Accidents" but I only had one. I blew a hole through the door when I got angry at my sister. But the other kids basically blew holes in each other or the hull." He looks sad all the sudden "Then they hurt Margulis and I ran like I said. I saw her as my mother and it just hurt me so much when they burned her and I was so young that all I could do was run."

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17 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"I think it was a sabotage that turned into an accident. When we started the void jump the stabilizer rail blew up but the ship was most of the way through the jump so it made it through but the ship kinda turned its self inside out its hard to explain but it was bad. When the rail blew the void energy flooded the ship and "Tainted" us. it killed most of the adults but somehow Margulis wasn't hurt. I think my age gave me more control because immediately after the "Flood" the kids started having "Accidents" but I only had one. I blew a hole through the door when I got angry at my sister. But the other kids basically blew holes in each other or the hull." He looks sad all the sudden "Then they hurt Margulis and I ran like I said. I saw her as my mother and it just hurt me so much when they burned her and I was so young that all I could do was run."

"I'd say you could have fought." He says. "But I was trained to see that as a solution from the day after I learned to walk."

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