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Nekros Noble animation clipping & joint issue


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Hello!  So after I obtained good old Nekros Prime, I've been enjoying playing him since I (finally) obtained him.  With that, in mind,  I have equipped his noble animations  (like I have with every other prime I have obtained, makes 'em feel fancy) with his weapons, Tigris Prime and Galatine Prime and I've begun to notice something not even a day of viewing his idle animations.  I have recently discovered that Nekros' noble Shotgun/Rifle idle animations have a rather... interesting 'twist'.83E29894FC5AE690B950F83DFFC3432ECCC0BB45

His arm seems to be contorting with his hand completely clipping his chest.  With that, I have tried to see if it was just a start mission issue.  I have attempted to switch weapons as well as 'pitting' myself (jumping into a no-go zone or 'cliffing') to see if that would update the animation issue as a few friends of mine (who I spoke to this about) claim that it is an animation conflict with a pistol or purely just an animation bug.  It is rather funny but, a rather creepy issue nonetheless and it would be rather wonderful to have this either fixed for myself or for the game as a whole.

Side note, I do hope this is the correct side of the forums this post should be going on but i would imagine so due to it being an animation bug but I could be wrong.  Also, the Discord icon was the group of friend I was speaking too about this issue that I have noticed.  Also, the friend claimed that there wasn't any issue with normal Nekros before Nekros Prime was released (during the Vauban Prime Access).

Thanks and Good luck, have fun!


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  • 5 weeks later...

Another important thing for Nekros idle animation: at least on Noble, his feet move about like they arent anchored. They move whenever he breathes. It doesnt happen when he does his "aw yeah summoning ENERGY" animation, but when he stands still they do move.

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