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Zylo's Weapon Ideas (8/6/2013)


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This is a place for me to post all the random weapon ideas I come up with, feel free to comment on them and say whether you like them or not, what things should be added or removed from them, etc. All of the weapons here are completely free to be used without my permission, in case DE is interested, which I doubt but hey, just in case.


-The RipRazor(Alternately the WhipRazor)


Essentially a buzz-saw blade on the end of a long rope or whip, this weapon would have a much longer range than most melee weapons, being slashed around about 3 or so meters away from your body, it would have lower than average damage, due to its ability to hit large amounts of enemies all around you, making it effective as a crowd-control weapon, especially against hordes of infested. If the damage was too high, it'd likely be OP simply because it can hit any amount of enemies in the 3-ish meter radius around you that it attacks. For ideas on what the moveset would be like, the Whip Chain, a weapon actually used by Shaolin Monks, is a similar sort of weapon. Here's a video of a Whip Chain in the hands of a monk: Whip Chain in Action


-The Draco


The Grineer Napalmers Weapon, a high power grenade launcher that fires incindiary grenades, when the grenades strike a surface, they put a patch of fire on the ground, or wall, dealing fire damage to any enemies that walk through it. Striking an enemy directly does high fire damage, and puts the patch of fire directly below their feet. This is sort of a fire counterpart to the Torid, and of course would likely be a research weapon for the Chem Lab for the Dojo, since it is a Grineer weapon.


-The Aloadae


This primary weapon shoots two slow-moving energy orbs that slowly spiral closer to one another, if they hit an enemy they do high damage. After traveling a certain distance(30 meters? 50 meters? Farther?) they two orbs collide, causing a large, high damage energy explosion. This weapon would require good timing, and spacing, but could be quite powerful in skilled hands.


-The Sköll


This weapon shoots out small dart that sticks into the enemy it hits, seconds later, a large black projectile is launched from the weapon, and homes in on the dart, the projectile passes through all enemies between it and the dart, dealing some damage(Likely minor, to avoid being too OP against crowds). When it hits the dart the projectile does high damage to whatever it is stuck to.


-The Wave Cannon


This weapon shoots out a wide shockwave of powerful energy, knocking enemies back or down, and stumbling larger enemies. The wave has a short range, and acts much like a very wide shotgun. Mainly used to stumble and knock down crowds to support friends with other weapons, to set up for a power use, or to escape from large swarms.


-The Magnetic Saw Launcher(Any suggestions for a different name?)


This weapon shoots a projectile, either a sort of rectangular chainsaw, or a buzz saw sort of blade, which launches forward a certain distance, then returns to the gun. This weapon can only be fired again when the saw has returned, it pierces through enemies and deals damage to anything it passes through. Enemies it passes through slows down its speed slightly, meaning the more enemies you hit, the longer it takes to return(But also the more damage it will do as it passes through them.). This weapon wouldn't do too much damage to a single target, but would do very high damage to large, clustered mobs.

Note: The Grineer Evisceraters use a saw launching weapon! Woo! Maybe we'll be getting something like this soon enough.


-The Gleipnir


This weapon shoots out a thin golden beam that does low damage, but forces an enemy to stay in one place, keeping them from moving, they are still able to use ranged attacks, but cannot move from their position. Used to stop certain powerful enemies from approaching important areas, to force enemies to use their ranged options instead of melee, or to hold an enemy still while the party sets up to deal with the threat.


-The Akashi(-)ta


This weapon launches up a set four energy darts that then hurtle downwards towards where they were aimed when they left the weapon. This weapon would be hard to use, but with extremely high accuracy, the weapon could be used to set up multiple kills in a short amount of time, then move on before any new threats can catch up to you.


-The Gaki


This weapon spits out an arcing stream of hissing acid, dealing high damage while using up a large amount of ammo. This would work similar to the Ignis, but with an arc, though it has better range, sort of like a hose, but it shoots acid.


-The Havoc


This weapon is a shotgun-like weapon that fires a small cluster of tiny grenades that bounce and explode when striking an enemy, or after an amount of time. These are fired in an arc with a wide spread, and do decent damage, but firing takes up 2(or more?) ammo per shot. This would mainly be a weapon for clearing mobs, or at much closer ranges, taking out priority targets with high burst damage. Has a slow reload speed and fire rate.


-The Fuuma


This massive shuriken is far larger than a normal one, each blade the size of a man's arm. This heavy melee weapon deals high damage, but it's size adn weight make it slow. It can be thrown, similar to the Glaive and Kestral, causing damage and stagger through multiple targets. However the charge speed of this weapon is very long, and requires timing to be launched properly in the middle of a battle.


-The Render


This heavy two-handed sword is thick, with a heavy chainsaw embedded in the weapon, it swings very slowly, but its whirring teeth can cleave through enemies in heavy, vicious swings, cutting through flesh and steel alike.


-The Minotaur


This heavy shotgun has three large barrels, firing a massive wall of pellets forward in a wide blast, knocking back enemies and dealing massive damage, unfortunately this comes at a cost, with a long reload, and the fact it uses all three shots in the clip per shot.


-The Falcons


This set of heavy throwing tomahawks is a primary weapon, these thrown weapons are difficult to throw quickly, and have an arc, but do high damage, and can stumble enemies.


-The Wyvern


These long, deadly javelins replace your primary weapon, they can be thrown far, with a low arc, and can pin enemies to walls and pierce through the toughest of armor.


-The Thresher


This heavy flail weapon consists of a heavy orb with a series of energy spikes generated from around it, creating a deadly spiked striking head, attached to a length of chain that attaches to the handle of the weapon. This weapon's wide, sweeping strikes make the heavy weapon excellent at striking crowds. By spinning the head around one can increase the momentum of the weapon, delivering a far heavier strike.


-The Whirler


This weapon fires a broad disc that creates a small explosion on impact, dealing minor AoE damage. This weapon has a travel time, but would be a sort of 'miniature Ogirs' with no charge time, less damage, better fire rate, and a very slight arc.


-The Shakra


This heavy corpus weapon is used when the Corpus truly need high amounts of destruction. This heavy cannon fires a blast of super-heated crackling energy that moves in a grenade-like arc, exploding with a massively powerful energy blast, made to obliterate armor and flesh alike. Unfortunately firing this weapon is time consuming, as one has to charge it up, and its ammunition is quite limited. This would be a Corpus alternative to the Ogris, a very powerful weapon that requires a charge. It uses the Sniper ammo pool to show its limited ammo reserves.


-The Attero


This four-chamber semi-automatic Tenno grenade launcher packs quite a punch, launching out a grenade that explodes on contact with any surface. It's massive power however comes at a cost, as it is difficult to reload, and fires slowly.


-The Spatha


This long-range bolt-action rifle is the epitome of high-damage long-range Tenno weaponry, extremely powerful, and firing armor piercing rounds, this weapon requires the bolt to be pulled back after each shot, requiring each shot to be placed perfectly.


-The Jacto


This heavy-gauge Tenno shotgun has an extremely wide spread, with almost no range, this weapon was made specifically to obliterate an oncoming swarm of lightly armored targets, its heavy pellets tear through small targets, causing a cone of destruction in front of the Tenno wielding it.


-The Lacero


This set of Tenno-crafted clawed gauntlets are heavy, deadly weapons, used to rip and tear through flesh and armor alike, however that isn't their only use, they also aid in wallrunning, allowing Tenno to get a better grip on the surface. (Decreases stamina required to wallrun by 20% while equipped.) It'd be interesting to give weapons some slight utility buffs to go along with them, so this could easily be the start of that sort of thing.


-The Boltok


This long-barreled bolt rifle was made by the Tenno to ensure long-range destruction against heavily armored targets. This scoped rifle fires a single heavy bolt at high speeds, dealing massive damage to any target it hits, and often pinning their destroyed forms to walls or floors. (Essentially a sniper version of the Bolto/Boltor)


That's it so far, dunno if any of the ideas are even good, or balanced, or interesting, but they're just random thoughts, also, can you recognize the mythological references? :D


signed Let me know what you think.

Zylo the Wolfbane

Edited by ZyloWolfzan
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Updated on 7/5/2013 with the Wave Cannon, Magnetic Saw Launcher, and the Gleipnir. Here's one free for ya :D Gleipnir was a golden thread forged by dwarves in Norse mythology to bind the mighty wolf Fenrir. It was made of 6 magical materials, the sound of a cat's footfall, the beard of a woman, the roots of a mountain, the sinews of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird.


signed neat huh?

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Ah! Apologies for not posting it in the right place the first time. This forum set up is a bit weird for me, I'm used to some different ones where the fan stuff is its own section, not in an Extras portion.


signed sorry about that.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Yeah, I see the RipRazor as a good weapon for taking on large mobs, like Infested. With the change to Mag's pull ability it could synergize with her really well, pull a bunch of enemies into a cluster in front of you then just start slicing and dicing.


The Wave Cannon could also be nice with that, drag a bunch of people close, then blast them away, rinse and repeat for delicious stun-locky goodness.


signed could also have a buddy with the Aloadae after the Pull/Wave Cannon combo to blow them all up.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Updated 7/9/2013 with the Akashi(-)ta which I had to divide the name with the (-) because of the censor filters, and the Gaki.


More fun mythological facts! In Japan a Gaki is a dead spirit who died from extreme hunger or thirst, also known as "Hungry Ghosts"


I need to think up more ideas, and maybe names more clever than "Woo! Mythology! :D"


signed but I like Mythology...

Zylo the Wolfbane

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I really like the wave cannon idea mabye add a charge attack that takes around 2 seconds to charge up and dose high damage at a close rangebut with a smaller spread than the normal attacks but a lot more damage and higher ammo consumption(around 5 ammo per shot)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated 7/22/2013 with the Havoc, Fuuma, and Render. We don't have really 'Heavy' thrown melee weapons, and more thrown melee weapons are cool. Also Chainswords, to be a Grineer melee research weapon, I think it'd be pretty awesome, especially if a Grineer boss, like Tyl Regor maybe? Used it as his weapon.


signed or at least an alternate skin of it he uses, like Kril and the Brokk.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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YeS!, But i would have it as an innate weapon to be used more like energy slashing tentacles. Kinda like Final Fantasy the Spirits within on the Phantoms. Energy that is whipping around in fast motion slicing off anything that it comes in contact with

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YeS!, But i would have it as an innate weapon to be used more like energy slashing tentacles. Kinda like Final Fantasy the Spirits within on the Phantoms. Energy that is whipping around in fast motion slicing off anything that it comes in contact with

I could actually see that being more of a Warframe power, maybe for the female alternate to Excalibur?


signed could be an interesting alternative to Slash Dash.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Yeah, I think the game needs more thrown weapons aside from the Kunai/Despair/Hikou and the Glaive/Kestral, some primary thrown weapons would be really cool, and you could do a whole 'Thrown weapons' build that way. Would also be a cool silent alternative to the bows.


signed for when they actually implement stealth.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Updated 7/24/2013, just a short one this time, added in the Thresher, because some unique heavy weapons aside from just 'hit with big blade/hammer' would be interesting, and the medieval flail is both unique, and extremely effective.


signed also they're awesome :D

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Updated 7/25/2013, changed the Manticore into the Draco, because I realized, Duh, there's already a Manticore in the game, it is an axe, I am silly. Also added the Whirler, because why not, explosive discus launcher seems neat.


signed also I am staying up far too late(early?) doing this stuff.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Well the RipRazor is basically whip+Buzzsaw, that do it for ya?


As for designing, err...I suck at art completely, have no programming or designing skills, basically this is the best I can do. I'm good at writing stuff out, that's about it sadly. If any of this stuff gets into the game? Great! Awesome! But I certainly can't do much past this, if DE wants any of this stuff, they are free to take it and use it however they wish.


signed wish I could do more, just don't have the know-how.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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-The RipRazor(Alternately the WhipRazor)


Essentially a buzz-saw blade on the end of a long rope or whip, this weapon would have a much longer range than most melee weapons, being slashed around about 3 or so meters away from your body, it would have lower than average damage, due to its ability to hit large amounts of enemies all around you, making it effective as a crowd-control weapon, especially against hordes of infested. If the damage was too high, it'd likely be OP simply because it can hit any amount of enemies in the 3-ish meter radius around you that it attacks. For ideas on what the moveset would be like, the Whip Chain, a weapon actually used by Shaolin Monks, is a similar sort of weapon. Here's a video of a Whip Chain in the hands of a monk: Whip Chain in Action

OMG!!! yes, i want it. Pleas DE make this happen.

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