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The mystery of the abandoned station (IC-Open), (Possibly 18+, I won't stop you directly)


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On 2/14/2017 at 10:32 AM, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

Adriax perked up at the appearance of the entity. He placed an electric shield between him and the creature. He cast shock through it, so the monster couldn't get through without getting electrocuted. He unsheathed his sword, letting it flow with electricity. "Oh yeah, you. I kinda killed your friends, sorry about that. They started it though. But you, well, you seem different from them. More in charge. I knew someone like you once, a nyx actually, like you seem to be shaped. Were you a Warframe before all this?" As he stalled, Adriax crept back towards the orb, and tossed the grenade through the shields on to the orb. The minute he shocked the grenade, it would explode. There wasn't any garuntee it would work, but Adriax had run out of time, so this would have to suffice, as dangerous as it might be. The shields were still positioned around the orb and the grenade, and would stay there for a while longer. The volt held his Dakra Prime, raw energy coursing through it. "One more thing. You also killed my drone buddies. Not cool. We had a bond!" He deactivated the charged shield, then lunged at the being, blade in hand, and a plan already in his mind, though a risky one.

The creature is 25-ish meters away from you when you start running. You run 10 meters before you hear the creature let out an ear piercing screech.

In mere moments, you feel intense pain radiating throughout the entire backside of your body as you are propelled uncontrollably towards the creature. You would have black out from the pain, had you not been a well trained warframe.

To sum up what happened, the creature in front of you, signaled to the one behind to self destruct.

The creature now stands with its bladed tendrils waiting for you to come to it and be impaled. 

((Have fun.))


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On 2/14/2017 at 0:59 PM, Almighty_Jado said:

((insert bullet jump spam))


20 hours ago, samuelx43a said:

"Super, the infection problem has been resolved!"

*we all start bullet jumping/walking/running?(insert movement adjective here)

((Also @Sharpstriker, we got a new poster. Cool!))

The stairs were wide enough that you could fit 10+ people without a problem, and each flight going down five meters. 

The overall trip to the bottom of this level took 5-6 hours of constant bullets jumping with a break or two.

What awaits you is a fairly large door.

you are now at the outermost super highway.

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44 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

The creature is 25-ish meters away from you when you start running. You run 10 meters before you hear the creature let out an ear piercing screech.

In mere moments, you feel intense pain radiating throughout the entire backside of your body as you are propelled uncontrollably towards the creature. You would have black out from the pain, had you not been a well trained warframe.

To sum up what happened, the creature in front of you, signaled to the one behind to self destruct.

The creature now stands with its bladed tendrils waiting for you to come to it and be impaled. 

((Have fun.))


His whole body throbbing from the pain, Adriax was hurled toward the creature from the blast it caused. He activated speed to hurry up his healing. With it on, he was able to think rapidly. As he flew towards the being, he conjured a riot shield in front of him. His front now invulnerable, he flew toward the entity as a projectile. He fired shots at its head, torso, and tendrils from his electrified Vaykor Marelok.

Edited by (PS4)LastDoomKnight
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25 minutes ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

His whole body throbbing from the pain, Adriax was hurled toward the creature from the blast it caused. He activated speed to hurry up his healing. With it on, he was able to think rapidly. As he flew towards the being, he conjured a riot shield in front of him. His front now invulnerable, he flew toward the entity as a projectile. He fired shots at its head, torso, and tendrils from his electrified Vaykor Marelok.

The shots were deflected by the creatures tendrils fairly easily, and as you approached, it side steps you as you pass by and eventually hit the ground.

When you try to stand, immense pain fills your body, and you now notice the blood as it pools. You look over your body to find where you are bleeding and you find 5 holes. one in the right side of your abdomen, one in your left leg, two in your right leg, and one in your left arm.

That command was not to just explode but to also fire energy projectiles to hit you along with the blast, which the core was able to do. You weren't able to notice them until now because of the blast.

You should be able to heal these wounds, but they, along with the damage your back took, it could take 10+ minutes to fully recover, and you here the creature calmly walking towards you with its bladed tendrils ready.

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1 hour ago, Sharpstriker said:


The stairs were wide enough that you could fit 10+ people without a problem, and each flight going down five meters. 

The overall trip to the bottom of this level took 5-6 hours of constant bullets jumping with a break or two.

What awaits you is a fairly large door.

you are now at the outermost super highway.

Kapak waltzed over to the nearby control panel. It glowed with a very dim emergency light. He tried to use it to open the door.

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3 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Kapak waltzed over to the nearby control panel. It glowed with a very dim emergency light. He tried to use it to open the door.

The door does open, possibly due to the emergency power for the doors. What it opens to is a black expanse. ((how do you three approach this))

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28 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

The shots were deflected by the creatures tendrils fairly easily, and as you approached, it side steps you as you pass by and eventually hit the ground.

When you try to stand, immense pain fills your body, and you now notice the blood as it pools. You look over your body to find where you are bleeding and you find 5 holes. one in the right side of your abdomen, one in your left leg, two in your right leg, and one in your left arm.

That command was not to just explode but to also fire energy projectiles to hit you along with the blast, which the core was able to do. You weren't able to notice them until now because of the blast.

You should be able to heal these wounds, but they, along with the damage your back took, it could take 10+ minutes to fully recover, and you here the creature calmly walking towards you with its bladed tendrils ready.

The volt rolled on to the floor. Although bloody and bruised, he found his footing. 'It sure isn't making this easy. How the hell did those projectiles get through my barrier?' He thought. 'I can't retreat, though. There's no telling what atrocities this thing's committed, and I can't live with myself knowing I didn't stop it.' He energized himself even more, speeding up the healing, thought it would still take about 3 minutes. He placed an electric shield between them, recuperating his strength. He studied the third one, looking for anything he could exploit.

Edited by (PS4)LastDoomKnight
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40 minutes ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

The volt rolled on to the floor. Although bloody and bruised, he found his footing. 'It sure isn't making this easy. How the hell did those projectiles get through my barrier?' He thought. 'I can't retreat, though. There's no telling what atrocities this thing's committed, and I can't live with myself knowing I didn't stop it.' He energized himself even more, speeding up the healing, thought it would still take about 3 minutes. He placed an electric shield between them, recuperating his strength. He studied the third one, looking for anything he could exploit.

The creature unleashed a flurry of attacks from two of its tendrils at the shield. These things were moving extremely fast, that the only way you ware keeping up was because of your accelerated state.

Seeing your wound heal, The creature made its move and jabbed its remaining tendrils into the ground, from which they moved underneath your shield and impaled you in your torso.

The rest of its body just stands there confidently and calmly as its eyes keeping very watchful of what you do.

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59 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

The door does open, possibly due to the emergency power for the doors. What it opens to is a black expanse. ((how do you three approach this))

Kapak walked jovially into the darkness, the emissives from his fleshy warframe glowing ominously in the shadows. "Come on then," he said, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm really curious about this place. Let's keep the pace up, but keep an eye out for more of those monsters."

((Let's go @Disruptis @samuelx43a!))

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1 hour ago, Sharpstriker said:

The creature unleashed a flurry of attacks from two of its tendrils at the shield. These things were moving extremely fast, that the only way you ware keeping up was because of your accelerated state.

Seeing your wound heal, The creature made its move and jabbed its remaining tendrils into the ground, from which they moved underneath your shield and impaled you in your torso.

The rest of its body just stands there confidently and calmly as its eyes keeping very watchful of what you do.

Adriax healed up the gashes made from the tendrils, only taking a few seconds as he accelerated his healing. He brushed away the blood. 'Seems this one likes to study things too.' He thought. 'Also cocky. I still have some tricks up my sleeve though.' He started building up electricity. In a few seconds, his body was convulsing with it. He then took his hands and slammed them on the floor, sending a giant electricity shock throughout the entire area, hopefully doing damage to the entity. The shock was so loud and big, the other Tenno might even hear it. These larger attacks drained the volt faster, therefore more power to recuperate. He still had power to spare, for now.

Edited by (PS4)LastDoomKnight
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1 hour ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

Adriax healed up the gashes made from the tendrils, only taking a few seconds as he accelerated his healing. He brushed away the blood. 'Seems this one likes to study things too.' He thought. 'Also cocky. I still have some tricks up my sleeve though.' He started building up electricity. In a few seconds, his body was convulsing with it. He then took his hands and slammed them on the floor, sending a giant electricity shock throughout the entire area, hopefully doing damage to the entity. The shock was so loud and big, the other Tenno might even hear it. These larger attacks drained the volt faster, therefore more power to recuperate. He still had power to spare, for now.

The entity noticed your charge up, and could feel the electricity in the air and quickly backed u away. Once you unleashed the wave, it jumps back to get out of the way. However, it's not able to avoid it completely and an electric current travels through the body, but it does not show it. 

When you stand up, it slinks away into a side hallway like a snake. Before it disappears from view completely, you see one of its hands give a taunting gesture of "follow me, if you dare."

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4 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

The entity noticed your charge up, and could feel the electricity in the air and quickly backed u away. Once you unleashed the wave, it jumps back to get out of the way. However, it's not able to avoid it completely and an electric current travels through the body, but it does not show it. 

When you stand up, it slinks away into a side hallway like a snake. Before it disappears from view completely, you see one of its hands give a taunting gesture of "follow me, if you dare."

"I'm gonna regret this..." Adriax followed the creature, though cautiously. He pulled out his vulkar wraith. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

"I'm gonna regret this..." Adriax followed the creature, albeit cautiously. He pulled out his vulkar wraith. 

As you turn the corner, its gone.

Ordis: "I don't think that thing is done with us just yet, just toying with us. Also I'm picking up a single from another cephalon coming towards us." 

((You can now enter @MarkCT3312))

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3 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

As you turn the corner, its gone.

Ordis: "I don't think that thing is done with us just yet, just toying with us. Also I'm picking up a single from another cephalon coming towards us." 

((You can now enter @MarkCT3312))

"Damn it. I'm sure as hell not done with it either. There's something eerily familiar about that thing, but I can't place it yet." When notified about the other cephalon, Adriax was on high alert. Given recent experiences, he didn't know what to expect. Picking up an electric shield, he said; "Hey, mysterious! I hope you're not trying to devour my flesh, like the last three dudes have been trying to do for the past hour! I'd like that to not be the case." 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

Adriax healed up the gashes made from the tendrils, only taking a few seconds as he accelerated his healing. He brushed away the blood. 'Seems this one likes to study things too.' He thought. 'Also cocky. I still have some tricks up my sleeve though.' He started building up electricity. In a few seconds, his body was convulsing with it. He then took his hands and slammed them on the floor, sending a giant electricity shock throughout the entire area, hopefully doing damage to the entity. The shock was so loud and big, the other Tenno might even hear it. These larger attacks drained the volt faster, therefore more power to recuperate. He still had power to spare, for now.

(( @Sharpstriker do we hear it?

Also what happened to the Limbo? I know the RPer probably left, but maybe his body shows up somewhere??))

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4 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Kapak began walking through the thick darkness. Hunt and Valkyr followed behind him as they traversed deeper into the mystery.

As you walk in this seemingly infinite dark expanse, a voice becomes very audible to you three.

"Why, hello there"

Before you realize it, you are blinded by flood lights from all around you, and the sound of dozens of guns being trained on you could be heard.

"if you would kindly lower your weapons, that'd make this easier. Our lord requested that we try to capture you unharmed, though he said that if you resisted, that we should not hesitate."

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10 minutes ago, Disruptis said:

((Been gone a little to long, had to catch up reading))

Valkyr shielded her view as her optical sensors adjusted. She was grateful that she didn't just meet instant fire for once. She tried to catch a glimpse of the attackers.


From what you can see, you are surrounded by armed individuals. It's best to assume that should you make one wrong move, you'll be shot at.

As for the person talking to you, there's an individual who seems out of place due to his clothing being that of a lab coat. 

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13 minutes ago, MarkCT3312 said:

The New Rhino slowly walks his way down the halls of the station,his Burston Primed an ready ((See what I did there?))

You see Adriax as he's standing in the middle of a hallway intersection with his vulgar Wraith ready to fire. He's currently looking down the other hallway, then turns to you once he hears you.

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