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The mystery of the abandoned station (IC-Open), (Possibly 18+, I won't stop you directly)


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35 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

He draws his sword and channels his energy through the blade, increasing the brightness by even more. He follows the sound of the generator to check it out, but decides to leave the lights off to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

Upon reaching the generator, it looks like it's about as large as you are so it couldn't be used to power more than this room and all its functions. You also confirm that the generator is still working. Now what do you do?

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1 hour ago, Almighty_Jado said:

The Frost taps the side of his helmet, marking a waypoint on his HUD just in case he'd need to revisit the generator. He holds his sword forward, casting a pale red light from its blade to look for another door.

He eventually finds the door, and next to it, a map.

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On 12/19/2016 at 0:03 PM, Almighty_Jado said:

He approaches the map to examine it.

What the map contains are three diagrams, presumably about the area.

The first map shows a close up, overhead view of his position and the local area. This is determined due to the extreme detail. The writing was readable, so what he could gather was that most of the local area was apartment style living quarters, along with what appeared to be offices. There was a workshop for equipment nearby, along with a cafeteria. A little further away was another space that looked similar to the room he was in now, and it shared the same identifying symbol. Looking Around the area, he spot three spaces with similar symbols, and the symbols gave off a militaristic/ security feel to them. Then he spots some spaces close to those military/ security areas that he deduced to be the armories. Finally, looking at the upper end of the diagram, he sees an arrow with the text, "Sector center and central power station".

The second diagram showed a much larger area in the shape of a Hexagon split up into six sections. The Diagram title was Sector 2691, and he could see at the ends, outlines of other sectors with their own numerical labels. The radius of these sectors was ten kilometers as read. Looking at the specifics, he notices that each section of the sector has the same amount of maintenance and military/ security sections, along with other amenities , most likely for simplicity sake as each section can take care of itself for the most part. Then looking at the center, there was a section that read, "Sector center", and inside it "central power station for the sector". It also said that there were four total generators for the sector, each powering a certain amount of levels. Looking at the scale, he was about six kilometers away from the power station. Looking to the left of the diagram, he noticed the words "Space port, 200km away". However, that put it in the sections where the defenses were online. he'd have to take care of that before he could open the space port.

The third diagram showed a vertical look at the station as a whole as it was separated into five levels, separated by what read as "inner station super highways". Each highway was kilometers tall with multiple levels to them, and were kilometers wide. The length was guessed to be around the whole station so it wasn't even put on the diagram. The outermost section was the second largest in size and was labeled as "Maintenance, & Defense". The second outermost level and the largest was the "The lifeline" which contained dozens of levels with either farmland, pastures, water treatment, etc.., anything to keep the occupants alive. Third level was "manufacturing", the fourth was "research", and the fifth was "Core reactor".  

Now, which way do you want to go?

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2 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

The Frost decides to head down to the third level. If there's manufacturing facilities here, perhaps it would give insight as to what this whole station's purpose was for.

The maps show that the fastest way was to use what looked like large elevator shafts that connected the super highways to one another. The nearest direct elevator to the closest super highway is close to the center of the sector.

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19 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

He takes takes the image into his mind and generates a proper minimap. That might help navigation a little.... this place was big, and he'd hate to get lost in here for a long time. He takes off towards the elevator.

After about fifteen minutes of running  through the darkness, he reaches the elevator. When checking the console, it appears to be offline. However the material that the elevator door is made out of does not seem to be that strong, and a channeling attack could possible pierce the door and he could cut a hole in the door. Upside is he can get down to the super highway much faster and more discrete (so long as nothing goes wrong), however he is at the top level, so the distance down is in tens of kilometers. Should he go to the generator and turn it on, the elevator should work fine and will take him town with no problems, however, it will take a while, and might alert anything that might be on his current level or the level below.

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1 hour ago, Almighty_Jado said:

I wish I was like Titania, the Frost thought to himself as he increased the energy into his sword, causing the room to become increasing bright, then I would feel better about what I'm about to do. With a swift stroke of slashes, he carves a hole through the elevator's door.

As he slashes the door, a part of the cut off door falls into the shaft before he could get a hold of it. He can hear it as it occasionally hits the side of the shaft, the sound was loud, and as time went on, the sound became more more an more faint. As he peered through the hole and down into the shaft, he could feel a slight draft. How will you handle this new situation?

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8 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

The Frost's wishes to be like the whimsical, flying fairy-like warframe were much greater now. He climbs through the hole and holds onto the edge, peering as far down into the shaft as he could see.

He can't see a thing beyond his light. 

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He looks back, wondering if going back to the generator and turning on the elevator service would be worth the trek.... or worth the company that could appear. The station seemed still enough, but he couldn't help but feel as if his every move was being observed by some invisible, malignant force.
He double checked his gear. He was a fool for not bringing his Dethcube to scout out the seemingly bottomless depths (it was under maintenance), and he had mistakenly forgotten to back remote observers. Was the risk of becoming a Tennocake worth it?

He decided not. He pulled his minimap back onto his HUD and followed to path back to the generator's waypoint. He had only just begun his search, and he wasn't about to risk everything so soon.

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8 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

He looks back, wondering if going back to the generator and turning on the elevator service would be worth the trek.... or worth the company that could appear. The station seemed still enough, but he couldn't help but feel as if his every move was being observed by some invisible, malignant force.
He double checked his gear. He was a fool for not bringing his Dethcube to scout out the seemingly bottomless depths (it was under maintenance), and he had mistakenly forgotten to back remote observers. Was the risk of becoming a Tennocake worth it?

He decided not. He pulled his minimap back onto his HUD and followed to path back to the generator's waypoint. He had only just begun his search, and he wasn't about to risk everything so soon.

15 - 20 minutes later, he makes it back to the maintenance room with he auxiliary generator.

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1 hour ago, Almighty_Jado said:

The Frost walks up to the generator's control console and switches it on. The room brightens as the machinery rumbles to life.

He is now able to get a better view of the room. It looks like a meeting room for the maintenance workers before they head up top to work on the outside. The equipment that he sees on the racks include, saws, welding tools, suits designed for working up top, etc... along with surveillance drones. 

Just then, he hears the maintenance elevator moving up.

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Valkyr braced herself inside the maintenance elevator. Who knows how reliable this machinery can be, the station seems dysfunctional as it is, she thought.

Ordis's voice smoothly resounded across the communicator, |"Operator, I am not so sure about this. Shouldn't you at least request the aid of your fellow Tenno?"|

Valkyr sighed. "It's fine Ordis, I just want to take a look around and see if there's anything wrong. After all, this station might simply be abandoned," she replied. The elevator slowed as it neared its destination.

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Something was using the elevator? The Frost quickly dashed over to the wall racks, grabbing 2 drones and storing them with his gear. Thank goodness for void technology..... he would hate to have to physically carry them around with himself. He looked around the room, listening as the elevator grew closer. He spots a small vent in the ceiling. He bullet jumps up and locks himself magnetically to the vent's sides.

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2 hours ago, Disruptis said:

Valkyr braced herself inside the maintenance elevator. Who knows how reliable this machinery can be, the station seems dysfunctional as it is, she thought.

Ordis's voice smoothly resounded across the communicator, |"Operator, I am not so sure about this. Shouldn't you at least request the aid of your fellow Tenno?"|

Valkyr sighed. "It's fine Ordis, I just want to take a look around and see if there's anything wrong. After all, this station might simply be abandoned," she replied. The elevator slowed as it neared its destination.

The doors finally open revealing an apparently empty room with tables, racks with equipment on them, etc...

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Valkyr was surprised. The room was unexpectedly lit and functional, even the auxiliary generator was working. Everything in the room, just like the rest of the complex she had seen so far, was neat and tidy; save two surveillance drones that seemed to be missing. Are there still people active on this station? 

A kavat who had been sitting quietly by Valkyr's side so far was now sniffing around the room for valuables. "Sauriv, let me know if you sense any danger," Valkyr commanded it. The kavat purred in response. 

Valkyr continued out into the hall.

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The Frost saw a Valkyr warframe and its Kavat pet saunter by below him. He kept as still as possible..... her kind had the senses of a ferocious jungle hunter. As she disappeared from his sight, he thought about what he could do next. He knew far well other Tenno were not the enemy..... but when it came to treasure hunting, he had run into plenty of others who were willing to kill him for a taste of valuable rarities.
He looked up; this vent led somewhere perhaps? He wasn't willing to reveal himself just yet, so the elevator was now off limits.


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Sauriv nudged Valkyr's leg from behind. The kavat presented a peculiar tool to her that he had 'collected'. "Sauriv, what are you doing? We aren't here to steal stuff, what if we end up helping out the people of this station in the future, huh? Put that back for now."

Valkyr continued down the corridor, looking through the windows of the rooms to see if there were any more lights on. ((@Sharpstriker))

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1 minute ago, Disruptis said:

Sauriv nudged Valkyr's leg from behind. The kavat presented a peculiar tool to her that he had 'collected'. "Sauriv, what are you doing? We aren't here to steal stuff, what if we end up helping out the people of this station in the future, huh? Put that back for now."

Valkyr continued down the corridor, looking at the rooms to see if any more lights were on. (@Sharpstriker)

((Use this ((...)) next time))

There are no lights on except in the room.

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So, it seems this place is uninhabited too, Valkyr thought with a sigh. She walked through the halls until she stumbled across what seemed to be a meeting room, with a map next to the door. Hmmmm. If I was a habitant aboard this station and was suddenly attacked, I would most likely retreat to the lifeline, but I don't know where they were attacked.

Valkyr saved the map into her HUD and resolved to head down to the lifeline section, if at all possible. She checked the map to see how to get there ((@Sharpstriker))

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