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The mystery of the abandoned station (IC-Open), (Possibly 18+, I won't stop you directly)


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1 hour ago, Almighty_Jado said:

The Frost saw a Valkyr warframe and its Kavat pet saunter by below him. He kept as still as possible..... her kind had the senses of a ferocious jungle hunter. As she disappeared from his sight, he thought about what he could do next. He knew far well other Tenno were not the enemy..... but when it came to treasure hunting, he had run into plenty of others who were willing to kill him for a taste of valuable rarities.
He looked up; this vent led somewhere perhaps? He wasn't willing to reveal himself just yet, so the elevator was now off limits.


The Vent does lead somewhere, and it's big enough for him to fit through if he crouched.

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21 minutes ago, Disruptis said:

So, it seems this place is uninhabited too, Valkyr thought with a sigh. She walked through the halls until she stumbled across what seemed to be a meeting room, with a map next to the door. Hmmmm. If I was a habitant aboard this station and was suddenly attacked, I would most likely retreat to the lifeline, but I don't know where they were attacked.

Valkyr saved the map into her HUD and resolved to head down to the lifeline section, if at all possible. She checked the map to see how to get there ((@Sharpstriker))

The best route the map showed to get to the lifeline layer was to use the elevators that connected the superhighways. The fastest way to the superhighway way a direct elevator located in the middle of the sector about 6km away.

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Valkyr turned to head out, calling for Sauriv's attention. After a quick jog, the two reached the central elevator doors. Or, at least, what was left of them. It appeared that something had cut a whole through it. Valkyr checked to see if Sauriv sensed any danger, but there was no immediate reaction from him. She pulled out a codex scanner and measured the damaged metal. "Ordis, something couldn't wait for the elevator, can you guess what did this?"

|"Hmmmm, neither of us have the information to make an educated prediction, nevertheless I can confirm that it was cut very cleanly, but without using any intense heat."|

Valkyr imagined a beast of shadows cutting open the doors and screeching gleefully as it flew towards its unsuspecting victims. With a shudder, she turned to see if the control panel was working. ((@Sharpstriker))

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6 hours ago, Disruptis said:

Valkyr turned to head out, calling for Sauriv's attention. After a quick jog, the two reached the central elevator doors. Or, at least, what was left of them. It appeared that something had cut a whole through it. Valkyr checked to see if Sauriv sensed any danger, but there was no immediate reaction from him. She pulled out a codex scanner and measured the damaged metal. "Ordis, something couldn't wait for the elevator, can you guess what did this?"

|"Hmmmm, neither of us have the information to make an educated prediction, nevertheless I can confirm that it was cut very cleanly, but without using any intense heat."|

Valkyr imagined a beast of shadows cutting open the doors and screeching gleefully as it flew towards its unsuspecting victims. With a shudder, she turned to see if the control panel was working. ((@Sharpstriker))

The power was offline, so the control panel was also offline. If she wishes to get the elevator working, she'll need to turn on the power for the area, which would revealher location in the process.

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2 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

I peer into the hallway without leaving the vent.

He notices that the Valkyr has left. Given the direction she's going, she'a probably heading towards the center of the sector where the elevator he just visited, and the central power station for this area reside. Given her speed, it won't take much longer than it took him to get there.


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16 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

The power was offline, so the control panel was also offline. If she wishes to get the elevator working, she'll need to turn on the power for the area, which would revealher location in the process.

((I thought I turned on the generator for the elevator?))

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11 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

((I thought I turned on the generator for the elevator?))

((You turned on the auxillary generator, whose purpose is for this room only, the one in the center of the sector and powers a good portion of the sector has yet to be turned on))

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6 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

((You turned on the auxillary generator, whose purpose is for this room only, the one in the center of the sector and powers a good portion of the sector has yet to be turned on))

((OK COOL :P))
The Frost slowly steps out of the vent, closely regarding his surroundings. He listens closely to make sure he's alone..... but he's interrupted by a sudden pain in his side.
He drops to his knees and holds his side, his other fist clenched.
"No," he said to himself, "not now....... it can't... ergh..... be happening now......"

He remains on the floor, gripping himself for a few moments until the pain subsides. He peers at his warframe's ribcage, and lets out a sigh of relief when he sees nothing. If he can just hold it together long enough to find out what this place was....
He gets up and begins walking the way the Valkyr left.

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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14 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

((OK COOL :P))
The Frost slowly steps out of the vent, closely regarding his surroundings. He listens closely to make sure he's alone..... but he's interrupted by a sudden pain in his side.
He drops to his knees and holds his side, his other fist clenched.
"No," he said to himself, "not now....... it can't... ergh..... be happening now......"

He remains on the floor, gripping himself for a few moments until the pain subsides. He peers at his warframe's ribcage, and lets out a sigh of relief when he sees nothing. If he can just hold it together long enough to find out what this place was....
He gets up and begins walking the way the Valkyr left.

((Quite the nugget of information you left us, I wonder what I can do with it))

Given your reduced speed, you estimate that it will take 30 minutes to reach the elevator.

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Staring into the immense depth of the elevator shaft, Valkyr felt a violent shiver run up her spine; if she had skin, it would've been as pale as the moon. It would be possible to plunge the distance using her rip-lines to slow her fall every so often, but there was a problem with that. She was afraid of heights.

"U-u-ummm, Ordis? I-is there a different path I could take to get to the lifeline?" Valkyr stammered. ((@Sharpstriker))

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37 minutes ago, Disruptis said:

Staring into the immense depth of the elevator shaft, Valkyr felt a violent shiver run up her spine; if she had skin, it would've been as pale as the moon. It would be possible to plunge the distance using her rip-lines to slow her fall every so often, but there was a problem with that. She was afraid of heights.

"U-u-ummm, Ordis? I-is there a different path I could take to get to the lifeline?" Valkyr stammered. ((@Sharpstriker))

"After analyzing the map, Ordis has discovered that there are other ways of getting down there outside of the direct route".

"Alt route 1: there was something that resembled a staircase. However after analyzing the dimensions of this level, that's roughly 80km of stairs"

"Alt route 2: there are shorter distance elevators, however that will take a long time".

"Ordis believes this current route to be the optimum route, and a perfect way to get over your silly fear".

"However, ordis is confused that you haven't consulted the other cephalon user about this".

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"Y-you're so cruel Ordis! Sure has been Disruptis helping me get a lot better, but I'm still not confident enough to jump down something like that!" 

Valkyr lay down beside the elevator, peeking over the edge to steal a glance at its depth again. I might not have the time to get down there if someone's in trouble, but on the other hand... 

Valkyr shook her head violently, retreating from the hole. "Ordis, I'm going to go down the short elevators, how do I reach them from here?" ((@Sharpstriker))

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7 hours ago, Disruptis said:

"Y-you're so cruel Ordis! Sure Disruptis helping me get a lot better, but I'm still not confident enough to jump down something like that!" 

Valkyr lay down beside the elevator, peeking over the edge to steal a glance at its depth again. I might not have the time to get down there if someone's in trouble, but on the other hand... 

Valkyr shook her head violently, retreating from the hole. "Ordis, I'm going to go down the short elevators, how do I reach them from here?" ((@Sharpstriker))

"Alright you big babyyyyyy, perfectly functioning warframe. Would a 2km drop be more preferable?"

"Also operator, Ordis is curious as to why you don't coordinate with the other cephalon user".


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8 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

The Frost froze in place. ((no pun intended))
It's not possible... he thought to himself, unless.........
He didn't finish his thought. He crouched down and continued to move forward, keeping as quiet as possible.

From the sound of things, she does not know your exact location, however, she is on high alert.

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