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Stealth Gameplay Bugs introduced in recent Updates


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I would like to report two issues that have been cropping up in the past weeks that affect stealth gameplay negatively:

  1. Since melee weapon impacts on walls alert enemies now, it's impossible to kill an enemy with a long, wide-arcing melee without alerting them, even if they die the very instant you swing.  The only way to dispatch them without causing a ruckus, is from behind with a stealth finisher. Which is not always an option.
  2. Enemies put to to sleep by Warframe powers somehow trigger an alerted state if you melee-kill someone near them without using a stealth finisher. They do NOT, however, react to weapons impacting surfaces, gunshots, firecrackers or Kubrows peeing on their legs.

One thing that would be greatly appreciated, is a "Grace Period" during which enemies will not trigger an alert after hearing a noise (and perhaps, being subjected to damage from a Tenno/companion), it doesn't need to be very long, half a second should be plenty to ensure that your melee connects with their face or that your other 15 SMG bullets impact, thus making slow melee and low-damage, high rate-of-fire firearms also viable for stealth.


I understand Stealth is not a huge priority, given how most players love to go guns blazing with the most powerful rifles and highly volatile ammunition, but there are some of us who enjoy a slow, methodical approach to a mission.

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I actually don't have problems with the first one. Maybe it's partially due to the fact I use a Dragon Nikana (relatively short compared to the other weapons in this game), but I also rarely ever find when stealth finishers can't be done (usually these scenarios are literally when two enemies are brushing shoulders with each other). I've managed to slaughter entire rooms with stealth finishers, and with an Oberon for that matter. However I do think that enemies noticing blade scrapes is a really weird thing to notice. In worlds and tilesets with banging machinery and very loud computer systems (because Corpus have really weird-sounding computers), equating the sound of metal against metal seems a little dumb. ("Hey, the alarm is on! Where's the Tenno??" "Nah, it's just Klam again. He heard an engine piston scratch and thought it was the Stalker again." "Oh, okay, well let's return to our--" *stabbed in neck*)

I have no experience with the second one, as I don't own Ivara or anyone else who might have sleep capabilities. I will keep an eye out for that now that you've told me, though.

Nachash, what weapon/warframe are you using? I haven't had that happen to me before.

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6 minutes ago, BetaDude40 said:

However I do think that enemies noticing blade scrapes is a really weird thing to notice. In worlds and tilesets with banging machinery and very loud computer systems.

Oh, thanks for reminding me.

With how they are reworking the sound assets to make the maps more immersive, I would imagine that areas with lot of ambient noise should potentially mask the Tenno's actions better than in areas where there is little to no ambient noise.

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