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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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1. Orokin Reactor

2. Orokin catalist

3. Deluxe Ash Skin

4. Color Pack Smoke

5. Warframes Slots

6. Weapons Slots

And the most important a good Pc to play fine this game but that its not gonna happen c: , anyways happy holydays to all of you!!!!!!! take care <3

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Wish List:

- Forma's

- Boosters

- Ship decorations/Noggles

- orokin,Lotus,Tenno Color pallets

- Potato (Catalyst)

- Nova visage , the dream

Happy holidays everyone 'u' /





Edited by Misfy
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Hey look, it's another first-time poster being lured out of the woodwork.

Here's my wishlist in increasing prices and decreasing probability

  1. Forma
  2. Exilus Adapter Thank you, Mugetsu1!
  3. Forma Bundle Thank you, DeltaPhantom!
  4. Solstice Glyph Pack
  5. Ice Palette Thanks me :P
  6. Smoke Palette
  7. Orokin Palette Thank you, Xenoraptor!
  8. Rhino Palatine Skin
  9. Loki
  10. An ugly christmas sweater for my Operator

Thank you, Nate1387 for the Orokin Cell decoration!

Thank you, -----iseeu2----- (did I spell that right?) for the Morphics and Rubedo decorations!

Happy TannenTennobaum to all of you and thank you kindly in advance if anyone should decide to gift me anything.

Edited by Astrus_Darksun
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15 minutes ago, Govictory said:

welp a christmas wishlist gift thread interesting

i don't care if i get anything on my list it but it is simple

Ember noggle

blue potato 

and moar forma

Congratulations!! You didn't win any contest but lets pretend you did! :D  
You will receive a limited edition Ember Noggle, this Noggle unlike others have the latest technology that allows it to stick to any surface. Yes thats right, any surface imaginable. Upside down, sideways, slightly tilted, Upright any angle imaginable!!  Limited quanitity 1/1 avaliable.


Frost Inc is not responsible for any fire hazards you may suffer, burning of Kavat, mod damages caused by this product, Noggle addiction and ejection from your ship. May not stick to any surface as advertised. No refunds. 

I want that Winter Solstice bundle, if only I had plat that wasn't spent on Noggle gifting. The shame.  

Also. Thanks to SolidBeast for the Ember Noggle! :D  
Ember Noggle: We are one.. but we are mannnyy

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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My wish list of stuff

1.Forma bundles

2.orokin catalysts

3.Noggles/any ship decorations

4.Oberon Feyarch collection

Happy Holidays everyone!


Thank you WhyNotBro and Nate1387 for the clem noggle and the orokin cell decoration

Edited by Zortyx
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OK Here goes

1. Loki Deluxe Bundle

2. Warframe Augment Mods for Excalibur, Ember Prime, ect 

3. Rare Melee Mods


5. Limited Time Armor Bundles ...Love Armor 

6. Weapon Slots/Warframe Slots

7. Orokin Reactors / Orokin Catalysts

8. Any Prime Warframe or Prime Weapons I don't have!

9-10. ENDOoooooooo Absolutely more Endoooooo to fill the mods

Thank you for the nice gifts sent so far ...will update all with names really soon!!!


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Wow!! I hope I get some of these


1 - Weapon Slot

2 - Display thingy Panoramic or Poster, would be great either

3 - Forma

4 - Exilus Adapter

5 - Gold/Blue Potato

6 - A Warframe Slot {X}  a HUGE THANKS to ExodusSolitaire for this great gift!!!

7 - the Clan Emblem cosmetic thing

8 - Combustion Scindo skin

9 - Edo shin plates

10 - the Scimitar, I know its too much to ask but man...

I hope everyone gets at least one of the things from their wishlist!!

And thanks so much to Nate1387 for the Golden Tater Decoration!!

Edited by sneakyfletcher
Where credit is due
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here is my wishlist

1) Saryn Deluxe Skin

2) ...

Send me anything ...

Never received anything from anyone in my whole tenno life :')

Just wanted to feel the happiness of receiving some gift :D


To Thanks:

1)DeltaPhantom - will put the potato to good use haha

2)Nate1387 - sweet deco for my ship huehue

Edited by R4ym0s
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 Thanks to black_viper21 for the gifts really appreciate it!!

more importantly the slots are what i want the most and if possible the Ember <3

2-Infested Color palette

3-Syandana imperator

4-Syandana yamako


7-Excalibur inmortal skin

8-Warframe Slots

9-Weapon slots

10-lots of Forma :D (pls)


(please send me Slots) And Happy Tennobaum!!

Edited by (PS4)KuroStex
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