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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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1-Nekros Raknis helmet 

2-nova asuri skin 

3-ash koga skin

4-igaro syndana

5-classic saturated color pallets 

6-Banshee soprana

7-Kavat dna segments or whatever they're called 4 would be enough but 10 would be GREAT

8-frost festive skin

9-mirage festive skin

Edited by eagle011
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2 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

I have decided to stop asking for anything in specific. Surprise me with what you gift me! That is, if you do decide to gift me. I appreciate anything I can get, especially from you awesome guys.


yep so much agreed i love a good surprise!!

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Just now, Mugetsu1 said:

i know exactly what you feel.. .same thing here kinda but i dont feel insulted tho :D

ach, the only thing that bothers me is that the presents i gave my friends a few days ago didn't count towards the event. on the other side because i gave a friend of mine Rhino's Premium Skin and a syndana he wanted, he gave me in respone  Tigris Prime, Nova Prime, and helped me finish a few other primes (by giving me the final piece of a blueprint) . so i'm not overly Salty about this.


still, now i'm only left with about 100 Plat. can't exactly make someones day with that much.  also there was a guy asking for an ivara and i want to give somebody a new warframe.

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1 hour ago, Ternski said:

Hey there everyone!

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I am a bit shy, so i tried to join you for an hour xO And finally...

My wishlist is:

1. Solstice Salix Syandana (oh it looks sooo cool) THANK YOU @SolidBeast <333 Omg and @KnuckleJelly I am soooo sorry that i didn't edit this post in time, but you are awesome! Thank you!

2. Daedalus Solstice Bundle

Thank you, guys, you are doing so much. All of you are awesome.
Happy holidays!

A small update to this 
3. Nyx, Nova or Valkyr noggle! =D 
Hope this isn't too much :3

And thank you, again, you are really nice people, all of you <3

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Anything I do here it's for Ordis, all the things i have are for please his sensors but ultimately he makes fun of me and my tastes: "too black", "too white", "lacks of colors", "lacks of originality", "my sensors are bleeding","your excalibur warframe is going to make scrap iron out of himself","your kubrow seems to have made a shower in a tank of dead infested" and the list goes on, I'm really sad, Lotus said that it's not my fault and surely this is caused by absence of material, is she right? Help me Tennos, I would be really euphoric to make Ordis an happy Cephalon once again.

My wishlist :

1. Ice/Lotus/Fire or anything color palettes (Ice is his favorite, he secretely whispered that to me once)

2. Warframe/weapon/anything slots 

3. Pyra Syandana (Did you see that syandana?For me it's nothing special but for Ordis it's MAJESTIC! *shrugs*)

4. Solstice Daedalus Armor Bundle (I don't have noone of this special items, Ordis thinks I need at least a set, what a pretentious ship...)

5. Arklut Gene-masking kit 

6. Limbo/Nekros (Now that I put some space in the ship, Ordis was asking himself why my war(frame)drobe is so empty, he can't visualize a bloody battle anymore)

7. Tennogen Profile Icon pack (I think that I should keep a little more love for Lotus too, never forget about her, she always notices me when I farm relics)

8. Scimitar Landing Craft (That doesn't need any explanation at all, can't stand anymore to his complaints)

9. A nice community and an happy Ordis c:

Thanks Burritochu, SickSara, Bridgodette and Kizraxus. 

Have a nice Christmas guys, except gift stuff and other things, I love this game and I hope our community will help it grow strong and healty, I surely will buy you something if people buy the stuff I farmed with some effort :D


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What a great idea!!!

So here is my wish list, with no preference order :

- Riv protections
- Prisma Excalibur Pack
- Feyarch Oberon
- Orphid Saryn
- Sugatra pack
- Noggles
- Ship decorations > @-----iseeu2----- thanks a lot :)
- Any warframe, weapon or riven mod slot
- Any nice syandana
- Any present, whatever it'll be, would please me a lot :D

Edited by Zozaure
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