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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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Hmmmmm 10 things eh

lol with my luck i wont get anything but ill put a wishlist up

1 nyx nemesis skin

2 valkyr gersemi skin

3 trinity strega skin

4 solstice salix

5 solstice daedalus armor

6 30 day affinity booster

7 xiphos or scimitar i dont really care which

8 kuva kubrow armor

9 kuva kavat armor

10 winter gene masking kit for kavats

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I'd like:

  1. Riv Elite-Guards pack
  2. Display pack
  3. Kubrow Ifrit armour
  4. Any ship decorations
  5. Tigrol gene masking kit 
  6. Titania Solstice Skin
  7. Orokin Catalyst
  8. Forma
  9. Banshee Soprana Skin

Thank you to anyone who gifts this

Edited by Hexsixth
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My little wishlist (with a little update):

1. Winter Solstice Skin Bundle
2. Surprise (send what you want)
3. Chroma / Equinox / Atlas (?)
4. Fieldron / Detonite Injectors / Mutagen Mass (?)

Thanks to all you are just awesome.
Happy Holydays & Happy Tennobaum ! :D
Thanks DE too for this post and for donate to an association.

Cya in game Tennos.

GUN -GUN -GUN! Hmm...foundry has items for you, Operator.

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For tennobaum, I would like to have:

  1. An explanation of valkyr prime's lore (I still have no idea how it fits with Salad V and his shenanigans, maybe DE can rewrite it so that it makes more sense?)
  2. Ice color palette Thanks a bunch @Lizzardtong !
  3. Fire color palette (I like colors :D)
  4. Warframe slots
  5. Titania's Solstice Skin
  6. Noggles are always welcome :)

A huge thank you to all who have donated/gifted.

Merry Christmas and Happy Tennobaum everyone <3

Edited by Zeryllium
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Awwe yeah I know what I want for this Tennobaum!

1. Hunhow's Gift <Gifted by Tyrhal

3. Ivara

4. Simulor

5. Orokin Catalyst

If someone actually gifted me Hunhow's Gift, I will donate a kidney to science. <3 <3 <3 <<<<<< Tyrhal



Edited by TheRealReduxx
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Hi All of you TennoFriends!

I hope you can spend a happy and peaceful Christmas with those who are closest to his heart, and forget even if only for a day everyday problems!

I hope SantaTenno remember to bring something desired in his wandering between the planets!

However I do not expect anything and I don't want anything, but if you like, I would like one of these:

  1. Warframe slots
  2. Weapon slots
  3. Yamato Syandana
  4. Any type of potato (they are never enough)
  5. Color pack alpha (do not do it !!:crylaugh:)

PS: sorry for my bad english! In the spoiler there is the original language of my whislist for Christmas.




Spero che possiate passare un felice e sereno Natale con chi vi sta più a cuore e dimenticare, anche se solo per un giorno, i problemi quotidiani!

Spero in ogni caso che SantaTenno si ricordi di portare qualcosa di desiderato nel suo girovagare fra i pianeti!

Comunque non mi aspetto nulla e non voglio nulla, ma se vi fa piacere, io desidererei uno fra questi:

  1. Warframe slots
  2. Weapon slots
  3. Yamato Syandana
  4. Ogni tipo di patata (non sono mai abbastanza)
  5. Color pack alpha (non fatelo!!:crylaugh:)


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what i want hmmmm

banshee soprana skin

nyx nemesis skin

Winter gene masking kit for kavats

kavat kuva armor

kubrow kuva armor

30 day affinity booster

the xiphos or mantis or schimitar i dont really give a crap which one 

solstice daedalus armor bundle

few weapons slots

eximus colors

i dont know if i get anything but ill be super greatful if i do :) i love you tenno community greatest game and greates people ever 


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2 minutes ago, TheRealReduxx said:

Awwe yeah I know what I want for this Tennobaum!

1. Hunhow's Gift <Gifted by Tyrhal

3. Ivara

4. Simulor

5. Orokin Catalyst

If someone actually gifted me Hunhow's Gift, I will donate a kidney to science. <3 <3 <3 <<<<<< Tyrhal



I expect to see your kidney in my science lab then.

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Dear Santa Here is my wishlist to you <3 luv ur amazing tenno






-Greater Madurai Lens

hehe why not slip tht in their :P <3 gotta love madurai anyways have a Merry tennobaum hope you all enjoy this season and love to all

you well loved and all around friendly guy -BioSwitch <3

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Well, if anyone is interested in gifting stuff here's my wishlist.

1. 7 Day Resource Booster

2. Riven Mod Slots

3. Dojo Color palette

4. Nyx Athena Skin.

5. Nova Visage Skin

6. Deru Syandana

7. Orthos Magesty Skin

8. Officium Syandana

9. Oberon Destrier Helmet

Only the first 3 are primarily what i would like, especially the riven slots.

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