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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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23 minutes ago, Exkin said:


1. Winter Solstice Skin Bundle
2. Surprise (send what you want)

Happy Holydays & Happy Tennobaum ! :D
Cya in game Tennos.

Excellent armaments, Operator. Please return COVERED IN BLOOD-- safe and sound.

I reshare it, if someone can gift me that bundle :inlove:

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1. Hunhow's Gift

2. Ash Koga Skin Bundle

3.  Solstice Glyph Pack

4. Rhino Palatine skin

5.  Banshe Soprana Collection

6. Xiphos 

7.  Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection

8.  Valkyr Gersemi skin

9. Color pack alpha

10. Color Pack Beta

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays fellow

 Thank you @Nate1387 for Orokin Cell decoration!

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Hello Santa Tennos,

here is my little wishlist ingame:

1. random color pack

2. ash koga skin

3. udyat syandana   - @Astrus_Darksun Thank you so much  :DD

4. gemini nikana sheath

5. noggle frost

6. noggle wukong

7. random liset decoration @-----iseeu2----- Thank you for that fancy rubedo decoration :>>

Merry Christmas all!!

Edited by Mareczek35
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12 hours ago, n3kro5515 said:


Simple nothing fancy

Forma, as much as you want
Catalyst, as much as you want 
Reactors, at the moment I just need 4, only 4 warframe left to use 
Any cosmetics Colours/skins/syandana/holters, what ever you want or can
Orbiter cosmetics, what ever you can or want.

Anything from the list is more than enough.

@MarcelineTheVampireQueen Special thanks to you since I haven't posted anything here when you gave the the gift :inlove:

@KiraLwolf Thanks I and I fear you WoooOooo

@Nate1387 Thanks for the Orokin Deco for my Orbiter. 



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41 minutes ago, Zeryllium said:

For tennobaum, I would like to have:

  1. An explanation of valkyr prime's lore (I still have no idea how it fits with Salad V and his shenanigans, maybe DE can rewrite it so that it makes more sense?)
  2. Ice color palette Thanks a bunch @Lizzardtong !
  3. Fire color palette (I like colors :D)
  4. Warframe slots
  5. Titania's Solstice Skin
  6. Noggles are always welcome :) Merry Clemmas to you too! @PaleDream

A huge thank you to all who have donated/gifted.

Merry Christmas and Happy Tennobaum everyone <3

Special thanks to @Nate1387 for their Orokin Cell decoration :P

Merry Clemmas! <3

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Hello Everyone, 

    I am sure this is all very much for people giving out gifts, you are all saints. Although I want everything in the market :P I really have been looking forward to obtaining

        1. Anything (Honestly Anything) to help me with fashion frame grind.

        2. Mantis Ship Skin(Any one :P)

        3. Slots :P


Thanks to everyone in advance, and to those that already gave your all so wonderful! Also to DE :D

Thanks again,


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it will be really nice if people can donated me warframe slot and thank you if you do! 

1.Warframe slot

2.Warframe slot

3.Warframe slot

4.Warframe slot

5.Warframe slot

6.Warframe slot

7.Warframe slot

8.Warframe slot

9.Warframe slot

10.Warframe slot

Edited by OpyaesoneO
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12 hours ago, Zerrinia said:

This is my wishlist:

  1.  Banshee Soprana Skin thanks AgonoizeOP
  2. Valkyr Gersemi Skin
  3. Color pack alpha & beta
  4. 7 day credit booster
  5. Igaro syandana
  6. operator suit collection
  7. Saryn Orphid Skin
  8. Blue and gold potato

My thanks to anyone who gifts me


thanks Nate1387 for the orokin cell dec.


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10 minutes ago, Vexrocity said:

So I started playing about a month ago this community is amazing! Any of the items below would make my day! 

I will be be eternally grateful my secret loser cough* cough* i mean secret santa!

IGN: Vexrocity


  1. Ivara (Would be amaziing! I can't seem to farm it on my own)
  2. Ask Koga Skin
  3. Guardian derision (farmed 3 hours last night can't manage to get it)
  4. Frost Hailstorm Skin
  5. Mirage Winter Christmas Skin

to all of you who wish for frames that are currently farmable ingame: 

since im kinda running out of plat now, everyones welcome to ask for help to farm them^^

Edited by Galathea
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