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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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16 hours ago, DaBrony said:

Merry Christmas

Here is my wishlist :smile:

  1. Solstice Salix  or Izvara Syandana (I just want those cloth physics :laugh:)
  2. Palatine Pack (or just the Rhino Palatine Skin :satisfied:)
  3. Any holiday themed skins (Winter Solstice Skin Bundle would be nice)
  4. A Color Pack (I wishlisted the ones I like, just look at my Profile)
  5. Any ship Decor or skin (Preferably Display pack) 
  6. Slots (Preferably weapon)
  7. Relic Packs or boosters
  8. Kavat or Kubrow Acessories (anything)

TY @Azifel for the Prizma Excal Noggle and @Nate1387 for the Orokin Cell Decoration :heart::heart::heart:

Quoting myself because that seems to be what all the kule kids are doin. BTW keep up the good work and TY to anyone who has given a gift this Tennobaum.

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2 minutes ago, Bob_the_rabbit said:

I just want to be pretty.

Any syndana  

Any color pallete

Mirage and frost festive skins - oh and a warframe slot.

go forth tenno, be pretty now.


1 minute ago, KuraioNokami said:

I would like to be gifted a surprise gift. Surprise me, I'll ve grateful for anything!

i second this <3

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Happy holidays to you all, Tenno ; v; I hope everyone has a good holiday and that next year is better than this one tbh

My wishlist:

  1. Warframe slots!
  2. Color Pack Alpha or any of these single palettes: storm, twilight, daybreak, lotus
  3. Udyat Syandana
  4. Loki Knave Skin
  5. Loki Prime HAHA no but tbh just regular Loki would be amazing orz since apparently my old starter Loki has vanished into the void

Also if anyone has any spare Split Chamber/Vital Sense mods, or Flow/Continuity, my Warframes and my Tonkor would love you forever omg.. my rng luck is awful

Thank you so much in advance to anyone who decides to gift me! I'll be doing my best to gift others however I can, too! *(*´∀`*)☆
A massive thank you to Conciliun for the weapon slots and Mirage's animation, and to Nate1387 for the Orokin decorations!! You're both so kind ♡✧( ु•⌄• )

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Here are a few things I would love and appreciate:


1) ✔️Orokin Catalyst✔️ Thanks @BioRecombinator

2) ✔️Forma (Bundle)✔️  Thanks @JB37569 Lt Imperial 

3) ✔️Weapon slots✔️

4) ✔️Operator Suit Collection✔️ Thanks @Shodian

5) ✔️Ash Koga Bundle✔️

6) Porta Armor Bundle

7) Sentinel Accessory pack 1

8) Iliac Armor Bundle

9) Rhino Noggle Statue

10) Uru Templar Bundle


Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone 😊

Edited by (XB1)ThatAlaskanDude
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@Hai1fir3e Thank you so much! Those juicy Nikanas! I love you! <3 
(Seriously...I'm having a pretty hard time right now with my meds and my disorders...and this almost makes me cry...thank you so much!)

@stockypeasant Thanks for the Forma! I can sure use them ^^

Edited by Chakkoty
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EDIT: updated the list a bit what i'd like to get.

1. Soltice Salix Syandana

2.A bunch of Orokin Catalysts


Merry Tennobaum Everyone. i'll look into it that i buy Some Platin so i can make someone happy out there.

Edited by Lizzardtong
update wishlist
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1 minute ago, Viperine said:

Happy holidays to you all, Tenno ; v; I hope everyone has a good holiday and that next year is better than this one tbh

My wishlist:

  1. Warframe slots!
  2. Color Pack Alpha or any of these single palettes: storm, twilight, daybreak, lotus
  3. Udyat Syandana
  4. Loki Knave Skin
  5. Loki Prime HAHA no but tbh just regular Loki would be amazing orz since apparently my old starter Loki has vanished into the void

Also if anyone has any spare Split Chamber/Vital Sense mods, or Flow/Continuity, my Warframes and my Tonkor would love you forever omg.. my rng luck is awful

Thank you so much in advance to anyone who decides to gift me! I'll be doing my best to gift others however I can, too! *(*´∀`*)☆
A massive thank you to Conciliun for the weapon slots and Mirage's animation, and to Nate1387 for the Orokin decorations!! You're both so kind ♡✧( ु•⌄• )

if you hop ingame i can do something about those mods.

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Dear Senta... my Wishlist:

1. Kobrow Armor Rostam and/or Ifrit

2. Forma Pack

3. Warframe Wukong, Mirage and Banshee

4. All Noggle (not Wokong and Lotus)

5. Riven, Weappen and Warframe Slots

6. Rilikt Pack

7. Arrow Skin

8. Color Infected 

Thanks for gift when i become anything :)

Have nice X Mas Time

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6 minutes ago, Viperine said:

Happy holidays to you all, Tenno ; v; I hope everyone has a good holiday and that next year is better than this one tbh

My wishlist:

  1. Warframe slots!
  2. Color Pack Alpha or any of these single palettes: storm, twilight, daybreak, lotus
  3. Udyat Syandana
  4. Loki Knave Skin
  5. Loki Prime HAHA no but tbh just regular Loki would be amazing orz since apparently my old starter Loki has vanished into the void

Also if anyone has any spare Split Chamber/Vital Sense mods, or Flow/Continuity, my Warframes and my Tonkor would love you forever omg.. my rng luck is awful

Thank you so much in advance to anyone who decides to gift me! I'll be doing my best to gift others however I can, too! *(*´∀`*)☆
A massive thank you to Conciliun for the weapon slots and Mirage's animation, and to Nate1387 for the Orokin decorations!! You're both so kind ♡✧( ु•⌄• )

@Viperine I have an extra flow if you need one :)

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Anything I do here it's for Ordis 

all the things i have are for please his sensors

but ultimately he makes fun of me and my tastes:

"too black", "too white"

 "lacks of colors", "lacks of originality", "my sensors are bleeding"

"your excalibur warframe is going to make scrap iron out of himself"

"your kubrow seems to have made a shower in a tank of dead infested"

...and the list goes on, I'm really sad, Lotus said that it's not my fault and surely this is caused by absence of material, is she right? Help me Tennos, I would be really euphoric to make Ordis an happy Cephalon once again.

My wishlist :

1. Ice/Lotus/Fire or anything color palettes (Ice is his favorite, he secretely whispered that to me once)

2. Warframe/weapon/anything slots 

3. Pyra Syandana (Did you see that syandana?For me it's nothing special but for Ordis it's MAJESTIC! *shrugs*)

4. Solstice Daedalus Armor Bundle (I don't have noone of this special items, Ordis thinks I need at least a set, what a pretentious ship...)

5. Arklut Gene-masking kit 

6. Limbo/Nekros (Now that I put some space in the ship, Ordis was asking himself why my war(frame)drobe is so empty, he can't visualize a bloody battle anymore)

7. Tennogen Profile Icon pack (I think that I should keep a little more love for Lotus too, never forget about her, she always notices me when I farm relics)

8. Scimitar Landing Craft (That doesn't need any explanation at all, can't stand anymore to his complaints)

9. A nice community and an happy Ordis c:

Thanks Burritochu, SickSara, Bridgodette and Kizraxus. 

Have a nice Christmas guys, except gift stuff and other things, I love this game and I hope our community will help it grow strong and healty, I surely will buy you something if people buy the stuff I farmed with some effort :D

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