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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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First off! just try, if anything ask one of them to tell you how their character might react!

*feels inadequate in trying to write anything after khi, Aiglo, frosty, Tyranthius did such a good job*

Second, i think my character would like to meet your Nova soon. There may be things he can help you with.

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Just am fyi, I put in ty, frosty, and Aiglo in there. :p

Lol I saw, I edited my post to make it match xD


And Quinn, I think that would be awesome. But first, frosty has put up something last page about my Nova running across X in the training room... so I think I'll try to write something about that first maybe? Dunno, I have ideas but nothing I've put down on paper yet....


.... I can't help but be curious though as to what the Foundry Master can do to help my Tenno.... *ponders* I am thoroughly honored and intrigued that you'd like to help her out.

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So I'm thinking of adding a story to this...even when my previous thread died within an hour...

So yeah. Hoping it turns out well when I have the time to type it.

Hints on some of the determined plot so far-

Frost Prime


The Stalker

Nef Anyo

Warframes you suggest

Lech Kril


Salad V

Other bosses

Stuff I forgot

And more!

I have no plot yet.

Edited by Wrath_Of_Chrysalis
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so, i think tiny ol' Viking has to bring back the....mediocrity to this thread, as i shall write a chapter of my own characters! inspiration has entered me and joined me upon the throne of creativity!



''Did you guys feel that burst of anger and grief coming from Mars?'' A rather curious Vaughan asked.


''Does it matter what we felt? we need to get Project Chronos started again and that wave of emotion is messing with my calculations.'' Was the only answer Vaughan got from his old master, the Vauban named Orrik. ''This project could mean that we can change history! STOP THE PLAGUE! bring back the Orokin and rebuild the cities of gold and white!''


''Aren't you at least curious over what caused it?'' Weylon spoke. ''After all, my father once said that if such a psychic feedback would be felt, we should investigate.''


''With no disrespect for General Viking, I gotta say that he had no idea how science and calculations work. He wouldn't have been able to finish solving the calculations needed for teleporting even if we would have given him a century and a super-computer,''


''Yet he was promoted to a general within 6 months of joining the Tenno. No disrespect.''


''I give him that he was a tactical genius and a national treasure of the Orokin, but he was often hot-headed and dumb.''


''Master Orrik, you made a miscalculation considering the powers of Chronos.'' Weylon pointed out after few minutes of silence.


''I did? Oh, you're right, I did indeed miscalculate. I think you got your smarts from your mother, my dear boy...girl...thing...''


''Master Orrik! You know quite well that Weylon is a man, you can stop teasing him about it now.''


''You're right. I'm sorry lad, but it is just that....feedback of sadness coming from Mars. It is making it hard to concentrate and is honestly depressing me.''


''Don't worry about me, Master Orrik, But i think you should look outside...Something weird is happening over at the Mars conflict.''


''Really? Let me see, Lad.''


''Holy sh*t! those ships are just....EXPLODING IN FLAMES OF ANTI-MATTER AND ...is that cotton candy?''


''No Lad, that must be Lunasos, Scythe of the Master of Death. Funny, I thought it had been lost after the prototype Chronos got loose 5 years before the collapse.''


''Were you there when it was forged, Master Orrik?''


''Aye, but i had nothing to do with its creation. It was created by the First Council, wich consisted of Hayden, and several people who became Tenno before me. I was being trained and was invited to see the forging of Lunasos. That experience will be stuck in my mind forever.''


''I heard a voice in psychic storm shouting Ajkrumen. Does either of you recognize that name?''


''I heard about him when i was with the Royal guard, but I don't remember much of what i heard.''


''Aye, he was brought up as a potential Chronos user, but as the story goes, another stronger candidate was found. Instead Ajkrumen recieved a relic from the First Forge.''


Hours passed and the atmosphere in the research center got lighter as moods were lifted with jokes and philosophical matters killed time. After a hard day of researching and joking around, the three Tenno sat down in the mess hall for a beer, and a burger.


''You know what would be funny? If my fathers mind had somehow survived within our latent hive-mind.''


''Latent hive-mind? explain this for me Lad''


''Well, dad theorized that since Tenno are born of the second outbreak in the year 2008 according to the gregorian calendar, that we may have a latent hive-mind that can only be activated by training it. similar how the modern infested hive-mind works, but instead of eliminating the personalities of the individuals, it would work as a biological communication device, meaning that the Corpus and Grineer wouldn't be able to jam our signals unless they would somehow discover this method of communication. It would also allow a Tenno to save his mind if his body was damaged beyond function, allowing him in aiding other Tenno with the knowledge he might have acquired'' 


''Sounds usefull and annoying at the same time.''


''You know, after project Chronos has been finished, i want you to start working on researching this theory of your father, Weylon.''


''Aye, aye, Captain.'' And on that note, the three Tenno went back into the research center to continue their work.




i feel that my characters are starting to talk more like real people, than fictional characters.



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Here's my take on introducing my Character, an Ash frame of my name.




It seemed almost like an hour, between when he got into his cryo-pod and when he suddenly felt himself awakening and unceremoniously falling to the ground in a loud "thump".  He heard footsteps, dozens of them, there were too many of them to be...be whatever he was. Voices too, familiar yet not at the same time.  His memory was a giant white haze, unable to recall anything from before the dreamless sleep.  He struggled to get up, his leg muscles sluggish and the warframe he was wearing was still in the process of rebooting.  he had to get up, he had to...



He had finally done it, he finally broke through the void gate and into the Tenno's sanctuary.  He was certain to be well rewarded for this by the Queens, killing one of the Tenno the dreaded Lotus had still not yet reached.  He moved to the center of the chamber, flanked by dozens of Lancers, all aiming at the Tenno who had just fallen out of his pod.  "Tenno, garah shahn gren rewahda trey rum kwuim..." He then pointed to two Lancers standing off to the right. "Tak'im to res shipa!"  They slowly approached the Tenno at first, but moved with haste when he started to violently attempt to get up off the ground. 



He tried to get up, and he almost regained full control of his legs, he just needed a few seconds more...

That's when someone hit him in the head with something... hard.  He slumped, and was being dragged somewhere, his vision was blurry, but clear enough that when he looked to his left, there was an incredibly aged fabric rolled up, with what looked like a handle jutting out of the middle of it.  His warframe finally finished booting, and his energy was at maximum.  He only had one shot at this.  He quickly conjured a smoke bomb out of his energy pool and threw at the ground, his captors dropping him in surprise while he disappeared, quickly heading to the linen he had spotted.  When he unrolled it, he recognized two blades, clear as glass with a purple energy cackling inside them.  He also recognized a set of exquisite pistols, feeling adequate, he gathered them onto his being and moved to start eliminating his would-be captors.



Just as the Grineer Lancers were about to make their way out of the room, there was a flash of dense smoke and the Tenno was gone.  This was not good, a missing Tenno is a very dangerous Tenno.  Grineer Sergeant Jek Grai felt a cold chill down his spine, he was very likely going to die here.  "Graickla! Legger te peremeter!" The other Grineer fanned out, sweeping the area for any sign of the Tenno, but none could find him.  Jek began to feel a sense of dread, then he heard a small gurgle, and found one of his troops falling to the ground, the missing Tenno holding two bloodied blades behind the fallen corpse.  "Koss res Tenno! ATTAF!!!"



After he had eliminated the Trooper and decloaked, the leader spotted him, and soon everyone opened fire on him.  He paid them no mind, slashing and shooting his way through them, his shields taking the brunt of the damage.  That was a mistake, as a sawblade managed to break through his shields, he stumbled, and threw an energy shuriken through him in retaliation, before opening fire on the group surrounding him with his pistols.  Then he saw the gray attachments on his wrist, and remembered a crucial part of his frame.  he quickly holstered his pistols and teleported around at random, his wrist-blades unsheathed and collecting the blood of dozens of others.  Some that he missed were killed by frantic friendly fire.  He chuckled inwardly.  Soon there was none left but their leader, who drew a crude blade of his own, wide and heavy, with a glowing orange line running down one side of the blade.  He drew his two blades, and engaged the leader of these disfigured men.  He got too confident, and missed a parry, allowing his opponent to slice a gash across his front and cut deeply into one of his sides.  He staggered, recoiling, blackness closing on his vision.  He thrust at him, parrying his blade with one and stabbing him clean with the other, before slicing off the arm he used and driving both of his blades through his waist.  Feeling triumphant, he smiled. Soon he succumbed to his wounds, and dropped his bloodied blades, and knelt forward, before falling back.  he thought he heard something, like the graceful landing of feet on the ground before he finally blacked out.



First attempt at something like this, feedback welcome!

Also excuse my poor excuse for making words for the Grineer, and if you want to know what Jek looks like, it's that poor guy who &!$$ed off Vor in "The Call"

Hopefully I can get a chance to write more later, but it seems like a busy weekend, for now.


*EDIT* Screw it, I'm putting in the translations anyway, for those who aren't familiar with Grineer language (or at least its core)

1: "Tenno, you shall be a great reward for the Queens..."

2: "Take him to the ship!"

3: "Quickly! Secure the perimeter!"

4: "There's the Tenno! ATTACK!!!"

Edited by Dalimir
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Lol I saw, I edited my post to make it match xD


And Quinn, I think that would be awesome. But first, frosty has put up something last page about my Nova running across X in the training room... so I think I'll try to write something about that first maybe? Dunno, I have ideas but nothing I've put down on paper yet....


.... I can't help but be curious though as to what the Foundry Master can do to help my Tenno.... *ponders* I am thoroughly honored and intrigued that you'd like to help her out.

of course of course....and thats what he's there for sooo :P

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My Final dedication to the late Ajkrumen

all the feels i feel right now, plus i almost missed my bus writing this XD

this is what i listened to while I wrote most of this...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0WqXRkjWyQ

and its late because of no internet >:c


  After quietly walking back to the foundry, Quinn was almost crying. The flower was something that he had put his soul into, something that would last for eternity, never dulling or dieing. He still had one thing to do, one last tribute. Walking back to the storage rooms in the foundry, Quinn pulled out what was left of the stalker. Grabbing the helmet, he looked at it with much hate.


  “You will finally be of use to us all.” He said to the helmet. Tossing it onto his desk he pulled up the data on his finally project. Taking off the “gloves” of his frame and most of the arm sections, Quinn walked back to the room he had cleared earlier. The large white slab of granite was old and weathered, but it was ancient, from the time of the fall. Looking the slab over Quinn knew that Aj would be proud to see it, and to see what it would have become.


  “Let this become my final tribute to you.” Taking up the tools which he had specially made, Quinn began carving. Hours passed and the snow like dust clogged the air constantly. Quinn ignored time, space, and pain. The pictures which he referenced were bringing tears to his eyes everytime he had to glance at them. The white granite slowly began to take shape as the hours passed. Breaks were passed even when he knew he needed them. Ignoring the alarm for his 20th break, Quinn continued his carving, his hands were swollen and the blisters began to bleed.


  Taking his only break in many hours, Quinn only went and wrapped his hands in some cloth so that his blood would not soil the white granite. After some time, Quinn also ripped off his helmet so he could do the detailed work. Almost a whole day passed since he started and he was almost done. Wiping sweat from his brow, the grey eyes looked upon something that would rival the most dedicated artist and craftsmen of all time. A lone tear rolled down a dust covered cheek. An exact replica of Ajkrumen stood before the Vauban, with an arm extended, like he was holding onto something, a trophy. Walking back to his desk, Quinn picked up the stalkers helmet. Placing it in the hand, Quinn looked back, wiping the tear from his face.


  “Almost done….” He said quietly. Kneeling down he began to chisel away at the bottom of the slab where he had left a large space. Finishing his work Quinn left the granite to sit, and went to clean up. After washing away the blood and bandaging the blisters and cuts, Quinn went and activated some mannequins to carry the granite out into the dojo. The Grand Hall was mostly empty of Tenno only a few remained to meditate or talk amongst themselves. Quinn walked through the doors and with his procession of mannequins close behind. The granite carving was placed softly to the floor, and with some help, was positioned so that all who would enter the dojo would see the late Ajkrumen’s likeness before them.


"Hail." Was all he said quietly. The final piece was placed in the palm of the statute and with that Quinn walked back to his foundry with his mannequins, head bowed.


 The Tenno in the Grand Hall circled the masterpiece, Ajkrumen stood before them, almost life like with the stalkers helmet held in his hand along with a single lotus flower. One kneeled down to read the inscription at the bottom.


  “So long as there is air in my lungs, and blood in my veins, no ally shall fall. We will never know defeat, never taste despair, for failure is not an option.” The Tenno read out loud for all of them to hear.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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On a slightly different note I've finally finished up something short to continue on what frosty wrote about Acantha meeting X. I hope it's alright.




The doors to the training room hissed open, and Acantha stepped inside. She had hoped the room would be empty, and at first glance it seemed to be. She didn’t want to cause any trouble; after all she wasn’t a member of this dojo, it simply seemed impossible to wait through the shuttle ride back to the Station before she could do something. She didn’t think she could sit still for that long, with the way she felt. Since the ceremony had ended, she had been taken by a restlessness that was like an itch demanding to be scratched, being forced to idleness for even the short duration of the journey back would be interminable torture. Taking a few steps forward, she looked around for a suitable place to practice. She was undecided on what she wanted to do first, perhaps blade training, she thought, or target practice. As she ruminated, the sound of a blade singing through the air drew her attention towards a cleared area obviously designated for practice with melee weapons. As she focused on the area where the sound originated, she froze.


Her first instinct upon seeing the Excalibur with his Orthos practicing alone was that he was someone she knew. He bore a striking resemblance to her late master simply in the fact that was an Excalibur, but she quickly realized that she was foolish to have ever confused this warrior with anyone else. It was true, this Tenno had complete command of the weapon he wielded, and he danced with it in a way no one but a master could, but the style behind his movements, the way he fought, would have distinguished him from anyone else even if his appearance hadn’t. She was struck by the deadly beauty with which he wielded the weapon. Each step he took, every move he made, was calculated, precise, and executed without the slightest hesitation, each blow seamlessly weaving into the others, with no openings or weaknesses. His stance was nigh on perfection, feet rooted to the ground as he flowed from form to form, unconscious of his silent audience while he was taken by the dance. Acantha hadn’t intended to stop, hadn’t intended to stare, but she was held captivated; like a mouse held entranced by a serpent’s eyes, she was entranced by the deadly dance of metal that this Tenno wove around himself.


After a time, the Excalibur ended his practice. He straightened, and looked straight at her. She started, coming back to herself. Frozen for a moment, she felt her face flush slightly from embarrassment for having been caught watching him. As a show of respect she bowed to the warrior, who was obviously of far greater standing than herself.


“My apologies,” she said, removing her helmet to expose her pale-skinned face, green eyes, and middling-long brown hair, “I was rude to enter here without permission.”

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