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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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[What is it called when someone lies and at the same time tells entirely the truth? Shade asked then.]


That, my good Shade, is called doing a Jack Sparrow. I say this because he does that...all the time...in every pirates movie.


On another note, the sleepy Nekros is named Faust for future reference...and there will be future references.



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So much + 1s xD. Which reminds me, "the List" could turn out to be very counter productive one of this days. Or if he somehow gets fully animated decoys of himself.


I'll probably have a Shade backstory one of this days, but not too soon. Someone has to find out first. 


Poor thing only has boring, easy-to-hack Tenno databases, no movies and good stuff. Only boring tactics and knowledge.

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Oh my god, we should have a Mr. Torque inspired Rhino! That would be hilarious!


Would totally do that EXCEPT: A - I do not yet own a rhino, and might not ever, I still want frost prime systems dammit...when trading comes expect my begging. B - already a Rhino in my group of Tenno, he's just lost and possibly crippled.

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Khi, don't bother begging, I'm pretty sure I have a frost prime systems or 4 lying around somewhere. I did a lot of farming with a friend who was after it a long time ago, but never wanted the frame myself. If I still have them when trading shows up if I'm allowed to give it to you I will (I'm not sure if components will be tradeable right away, that's why I saw "if I'm allowed")

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I could make room for such a rhino....i only have 2 characters that are fleshed out (1 is, 1 might be).


Khi....we must find your Rhino!!!!


Indeed, my poor Volt needs his love back.


Khi, don't bother begging, I'm pretty sure I have a frost prime systems or 4 lying around somewhere. I did a lot of farming with a friend who was after it a long time ago, but never wanted the frame myself. If I still have them when trading shows up if I'm allowed to give it to you I will (I'm not sure if components will be tradeable right away, that's why I saw "if I'm allowed")


Blueprints for components I know will be allowed, unless I misremember. Otherwise yes components themselves will be available. I would be eternally grateful for those systems.

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Continuing Dalimir's story now, let's see how well he takes having to wake up in a new environment.



He had later woken up, but his eyes were still closed.  He felt the softness of the bed he laid in, and would occasionally hear an automatic door opening and closing from time to time.  He could also faintly hear voices, this time he fully understood the language.  Later, he opened his eyes, and slowly rose, sitting upright in his bed.  He rubbed his hands over his body, feeling the scars that were left from when the blades had cut through his frame.  A constant reminder.  As he oriented himself, a nurse had taken notice of him.  "Ah, you're awake.  Stay here please, I'll notify the Healer."  As he waited, small bits of memory seeped back into his head.  He was a Tenno, a bringer of balance to the Solar System.  Since he had been woken, it means that the System had been thrown into turmoil again.  From what he remembered of his Frame and weapons he had before blacking out, he was an Ash user, Warframes that focused on Stealth and optionally speed, but had more durability than most frames, yet his invisibility could never reach the potential of a Loki's.  Soon a woman in a Trinity frame walked over, and he gave a small bow in greeting, one that she returned.  "Greetings, may I ask where I am and how I got here?  The last thing I remember is blacking out after dispatching a group of misshapen humans who wanted to take me somewhere."  She soon replied to his inquiry.  "You were almost taken by the Grineer when you woke up, you'll learn more about them later.  As for where you are and how you got here, you are in a Dojo, one of the few dozen left in the System.  A group of Tenno had found you after the Lotus sensed your Cryopod opening and sent htem your way, when they found you, you had just fallen on the ground with all the Grineer around you dead.  Your Warframe had healed your injuries, but not fully.  It was severely damaged, so we sent it in for repairs.  I was told that when you woke up, you were to report to orientation with some other recruits, it's just down the hallway, past the Grand Hall, and to your left."  He nodded.  "Howver, before I can release you, I'll need you to create a name for yourself."  He sunk back into his mind, searching for any word he could think of that had any meaning, until one word in his mind stuck out to him.  "Dalimir, my name is Dalimir."  The Healer took it down, and updated the orientation room roster as she motioned for him to follow her.  He got up and took off his medical gown, his jumpsuit showing still mending scratches that exposed a small amount of his scars, he didn't mind.  he followed her to the Grand Hall, and marveled at the sight before him.  "Welcome to Clan Aequitas."  He took in the sight before him, Tenno of all types walked among the hall, some were kneeling in meditation, and others were gazing at the statue of a...Frost?  The design seemed...Different.  The statue was helmetless, but held up a rather...disturbing helmet in its hand.  The "reward" seemingly, sent chills through his bones.  He went up to read the inscription to himself.  Whoever this was, he was a greatly respected person, he would ask later, given time.  But for now, he had an orientation to attend.



Methinks he hath missed something important.  One of the many disadvantages of being lately recovered.  Again, feedback is always welcome.


Hope to come up with more soon.  Exams are in 2 months, and that's just the first Semester!

Edited by Dalimir
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ahhh :)


now a true welcome to our clan. 


edit: always welcome to drop by the foundry you know, i have not really built much for anyone in this clan, next to Khi and a few others. 

and after more staring into darkness i have mostly figured out Quinn's to be back story.......it gunna be sad...and happy.... >:c why i do this !??!?! make more feels...why i do this?!? 

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Alright, so I rewrote the chapter to better suit the combat sequence. I think I finally got it to work. No gruesome details, that is reserved for something special later on :P.


Hope you guys enjoy! I'll also be posting this on my story's won thread as well, but since this thread seems to be populated by talented writers, I'll post here as well!


 They decided to split up. Reese and Siren would go and prepare the ship for the new arrivals. Being the healer on the team, Vivian decided to go with Oron and Dale to rescue the new Tenno. No one barred their way, so they abandoned all attempts of stealth and ran towards the objective as fast as they could. They needed to leave before the Grineer troops woke up, or things would get really hairy. When they reached the waypoint, they noticed that it was a small storage room, with three open cryopods.


Lotus,” said a worried Oron, “The cryopods have been opened.”




The pods. They're empty.”


Damnit!” The Lotus's tone took Oron by surprise. He'd never heard her speak in this manner. He was used to her replying in a cool and composed manner ever since she found them.


How do we find them now?” asked Vivian to no one in particular.


A shrill alarm answered her question for her. That tone for the alarm was the Grineer equivalent of 'intruder detected'.


Lotus-” started Vivian.


Cargo deck B. Two floors beneath you. The Grineer have detected the three Tenno. Hurry, our comrades are unarmed!”


Before she had even completed her sentence, the three of them ran towards the nearest flight of stairs and simply jumped down the 100 or so feet shaft that led to the cargo deck.

Dale felt the wind rushing past his helmet as he prepared to hit the ground. On impact the three of them rolled to dissipate all the kinetic energy they had gained during the fall. Without breaking a stride they ran further into the cargo bay. All three of them heard a clattering noise ahead followed by a few explosions.


They're shooting at them!” shouted Vivian. “Dale, rush ahead and help them out.”


The Loki broke into a dead sprint. He'd soon left Oron and Vivian behind but that wasn't his concern now. He needed to save his comrades. As the sound of gunfire grew louder, he drew his Akboltos and checked the magazines. Confirming that they were full he readied himself both mentally and physically. Rounding the corner, he witnessed a scene that could only be classified as a clusterfuck. Nearly a hundred Grineer marines were firing into a sphere that seemed to be a controlled blizzard. None of the shots had penetrated the globe, not even the rockets from the Bombard units scattered around the cargo bay.


A Frost, thought Dale, as he fired the pistols into the swarm of soldiers. Thank the spirits! The crystalline bolts added a new sound to the clatter of the Hinds, while silencing a few as well. Within seconds a score of soldiers lay dead, pinned to the walls and floor in odd angles. His Akboltos smoking, Dale crouched and started to reload his guns when one Napalm noticed him. Dale was caught reloading as it fired a rocket at him. Dale flipped backwards to avoid the impending blast of the rocket but the shockwave caught him nonetheless. It knocked the wind out of him as he was thrown onto the floor in a daze. The explosion had attracted the attention of the Grineer firing at the globe. They were all screaming something at Dale, but his ears were ringing from the close proximity explosion. The sudden loss of many of their comrades enrage the Grineer, causing the whole swarm to fire at him instead of the globe. They wanted blood for their Brothers and the Tenno on the floor was responsible.


Dale swore. He was fast, but not fast enough to dodge the hundreds of bullets that were flying towards him at supersonic speeds.. He waited for the inevitable pain, but it never came. The massive silver form of his brother hunched over him, protecting him from the barrage of bullets. Dale heard the pinging of the bullets as they bounced off of his brother's back.


Get to cover!” grunted Oron, “I can't protect you for much longer!”


Dale nodded and cloaked. He scrambled to cover immediately and started to reload his Akboltos. Oron simply turned around and unsheathed his axe. The dozens of bullets that impacted him left no mark whatsoever. Dale watched as his brother simply ran into the swarm, the Scindo carving great swathes into the Grineer troops. Each swing felled at least five Grineer and Oron swung quite fast. Dale knew that his brother had entered a Zen like state, where his only duty was to destroy anything that harmed him or his family. It was what made him different from any other Rhino, and the prime reason he was once part of the Aegis Guard. He heard a deafening boom from the direction he'd come from. Vivian had finally caught up to them, her shotgun decimating the Grineer before they could even respond. Dale started to fire his Akboltos into the rapidly thinning crowd. He didn't worry if his bullets hit Oron because of Iron Skin. Being cloaked, Dale moved in a lot closer than was necessary and started spraying his bullets everywhere. With the three of them working together, non of the Grineer stood a chance. Minutes after they'd entered the conflict, all of them lay dead. Dale uncloaked as he regrouped with the others in front of the snowglobe. Oron was breathing hard, his axe glinting from the carnage it had caused. Vivian was calmly fixing a jam on her shotgun. The Strun was a good shotgun, but it had it's drawbacks.


That was hairy!” said Dale, to which Oron chuckled.


It was indeed. You were lucky I managed to reach you in time Dale. You should've started firing once you cloaked.”


I agree, you idiot.” said Vivian as the trio walked into the globe. The air got noticeably colder as they walked in. Vivan held her shotgun at the ready. Tenno fresh out of the cryopod would be extremely delirious and uncoordinated due to lack of fluids in their systems. She knew that they meant no harm, but it was better to be safe that sorry. Flecks of snow kept the three of them from seeing clearly into the globe. Dale took a step forward and stopped, as a golden scythe suddenly appeared by his neck, the blade lightly pushing into his Warframe. He felt something heavy press into his back, and knew that someone had got him in a deathgrip. Oron and Vivian were taken aback. They sensed absolutely nothing apart from themselves inside the globe, and yet they were ambushed. Oron kept his cool and stayed still, while Vivian pumped her shotgun. As she pointed it at someone above Dale, a voice emanated, seemingly from all sides of the globe.


Put that weapon down, or your friend dies!”

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on the way? :>


edit: what i have done of backstory just to tease you all! There will be a lot of feels in this.....a lot.... :c 


He had to wake up early every day, not because he wanted to, he had to because if he didn’t, the old man would start throwing things again. Stretching and with a large yawn he got out of bed. 


“YOU UP YET??!?!?!” A rough voice yelled at him from bellow.


“I AM OLD MAN, SO SHUT UP!!!!” He yelled back, the reply he got was a loud laugh.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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