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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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''KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!'' Orrik shouted as he dodged another Scythe like limb, barely managing to get out of harms way as a second one followed just a few fractions of second later.


''WITH WHAT IGNIS? WEYLON OWNS THE ONLY ONE WE HAVE ON THIS GODDAMN SPACE STATION!'' Vaughan shouted back while ducking under strike and using his Skana to block several spikes the creature shot at him.


''INCOMING!'' Weylon shouted as he ran into the room, brandishing a blue colored Ignis. ''Hope you like your alien snake creature well done.'' He remarked before pulling the trigger, releasing a steady stream of Napalm and Detonite into the creatures face, earning horrifying screams from the beast as its skin slowly melted off, revealing its skeletal structure and then turning into a pile of ash on the floor.


''Whew! Well, at least we now know that we can create a wormhole and now we just need to do a little bit more calculating and we will be able to open a portal to any point in the universe. Imagine all the things we could do. We would be able to find new races to trade with, new technology to use...We might even be able to get the Tenno who traveled with the Solar rails.''


''Uhm, Master Orrik? You aren't talking about what I think you are talking about, are you?''


''WE CoULD BRING BACK THE GUARDIANS! Restore the Orokin! Become the mighty nation we once were! Neither Grineer nor Corpus would survive the justice of the Guardians! Amorphis, the Voidlord. Solis, Lady of the Sun. Imperius, the Destroyer and even the Firstborn himself, Hayden Tenno. Can't you see their arrival? They would arrive with an entourage of millions of Tenno, THEY WOULD CLEANS-OOOOOFF!''


Before Orrik could even finish his insane rant, Weylon, adorned in his new Excalibur Prime, knocked him out cold with a single punch.


''Holy S#&$! can you teach me how to do that?''


''Uhm, I wasn't in control of my body when I punched him.''


''Yeah, uhm, sorry bout that, but that is the only way to shut Orrik up when he goes into insane science rant mode. Trust me, i have had to do this before.''


''Too bad Ash is out searching for a dojo willing to work with us for free tech.''


''Stop your *@##$ing and help me drag him back to the medical bay. Oh, F***! What has he been eating recently? Butter?''


''Don't care, Don't want to know, just want to finish dragging him to med bay and then go to sleep. That alien snake scythe-armed thing tired me the F*** out.''


And on that note, the two dragged Orrik to medbay, before going to their own rooms.



Orrik is a firm believer in Orokin supremacy, and a crazed scientist. Not good mix, under certain circumstances. but he is right. there is a force, millions strong in another system. he just wants to summon them to cleanse the galaxy...although calling upon even the Firstborn is Overkill.

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You mighty-morphing bastard.

Shape shifting worm I say! My current favorite form is of a large snake with limbs and a cannon in its chest. A Tyranid Ravener I believe? But I am a shape-shifter born from the Changeling Queen and a Wyvern. Unmarried of course. The queen never marries her food.

Edited by Wrath_Of_Chrysalis
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I'm on your side! The Lotus on the other hand...

Yeh yeh, she's evil and stuff...

I'll let you in on something: we are pretending not to know that! So we get paid and benefits. Since she's kinda the boss.


Then again, we do have a good dental plan, so how bad can she be?

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Yeh yeh, she's evil and stuff...

I'll let you in on something: we are pretending not to know that! So we get paid and benefits. Since she's kinda the boss.


Then again, we do have a good dental plan, so how bad can she be?


Orrik suggested the dental plan, Lotus listened, we also have health insurance and life insurance (life insurance is 10 mill plat)

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An ethereal spirit wandering in the white expanse that was the Void, Ajkrumen looked down upon Earth. He saw not a ruined and broken world, but a lush oasis. The land of his ancestors. He had strange visions looking down on the mass that had housed the origins of Man.


A crusading warrior, standing victorious among a battle-field.


A revolutionary, his ideas and resolve as bright as the circlet of stars that emblazoned his flag.


A young man, standing before his fallen friend, cutting down all enemies that stood before him.





This is your legacy.



You, a harbinger of Justice. Of Truth. 


You will forever change the Sol system based on your deeds. 


Your place in time shall be forever known throughout the generations, your deeds etched permanently in history.


As Ajkrumen looked down upon the barren rock, his last thought was of Heus.







...My son..

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Personally... I'm not sure that's a good idea. What was the point of the whole send off if we only bring him back in some weird way like hive-mind? I mean, it's an interesting idea, but I feel like it might not sit well with other people who've had such a hard time dealing with his loss once, let alone twice.

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                The sound of ammunition fed guns fills the massive cavern. The drones which have become known as Rollers race back and forth searching for opening. It was chaotic. The Grineer’s massive array of weapons continues to pound away on the only thing standing between them and the prize of Orokin technology. A thick wall of ice with a single Tenno inside.

“Two More Minutes, Tenno.” The voice of Lotus whispers calmly to the Frost.

                Nothing new, just more time to hold off the horde away from the objective. The roars of a pair of Broncos continue to go off removing the threat of a pair of Grineer Flamers. Red blood splatters the outside and inside of the ice. The enemies continue to flood into the room, and into the Ice Dome. Left, Right, In front of, Behind.

“Heavy Units are approaching.” The Lotus whispers to the Frost.

                It is easy to see that it is true as the flood ebbs and makes way for a pair of heavily armored Grineer. Bombard and Heavy Gunner. Frost holsters his Broncos in a single movement as the living monstrosity of a rifle comes to life in his hands. Missiles and massive gunfire slam into the shield without a second’s peace as the other less armored Grineer retreat and reorganize. The Ice Dome starts to crack and fade, showing that it is almost time to go on the offensive.

                Seconds tick by as the heavy units slowly march at the dome falls apart. The Bombard pauses to reload, and that is the moment Frost was waiting for. Volatile electricity screeches out of the Infested Gun dubbed Synapse. Screams of pain echo through the cavern and side rooms as the pair stop, riving in pain. The Bombard drops, fried inside of its armor, but before Frost can change the focus of the dreaded Synapse, the Heavy Gunner smashes the ground, ripping up the metal tiles on the floor and sending Frost flying into the cryopod. Frost shakes his head as he slowly gets up, and starts taking waves of Grineer rounds on his shields. The charge on his shield slowly drops and slowly speeds up. Red lights flash on Frost’s HUD, warning him of the problem he is aware of.

“One minute left, Tenno.” The voice says to the Tenno. Emotionless. Cold. Just Like Frost.

                Streams of cold air compresses out of his shoulders as Frost leaps into the air to land in the middle of the incoming Grineer as the stumble back in shock. The Heavy Gunner swings it gun to unleash more rounds of pain into Frost’s nearly gone shield…..

                Yet…The unleashing of a new hellfire doesn’t come. The air dropped in temperature to an extreme. Ice covering every surface. Frost, true to his name. Makes layers of ice and frost over the enemies. Once Frost is sure that the enemies are frozen solid, he sends a wave of pressure out, shattering the enemies into small pieces of ice.

“Tenno, Orokin technology secured.” The Lotus whispers, and then pauses. “Your aid is required. Head to extraction.”

                Shouldering his Synapse and pulling the Broncos out, he heads to extraction, knowing there is always more to do, and more to help.

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Janice looked suitably upset as Serin quickly put away the Codex she was using, snickering as she did so. "Why are you trying to scan my backside?"


"Because I can!" Serin said smugly at the Ember who looked annoyed. Janice huffed, muttering something about the perverted Nyx and continued her journey towards Kevin's quarters. She realized that she didn't have much to give him on their anniversary so she did what she could. Kevin always appreciated her company, that and the Synapse rifle he gave her was really freaking awesome. She had been frying Corpus Crewmen left and right with the thing all week long.


Their relationship was very stable and Janice appreciated the fact that Kevin was a calming presence in her life. For a Tenno loyalty to one's comrades was an important part of their lives. Forming an even stronger bond with significant other was seen as a good thing, though Janice had some doubts of being a mother. Still  they were young, they were happy and for her that was what mattered.


She turned left and stood in front of Kevin's door. "It's me Kevin." She called out.


"Come in." was the answer.


When the door opened Janice found Kevin sitting at his desk watching a recording from his helmet feed of a solo mission he embarked on a Grineer colony.

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Why do I feel Viking's continuum and the Aequitas Continuum are getting further and further apart? Maybe that's just my personal opinion though since I've never much liked anything involving screwing with the timeline (Doctor Who is FIXING the timeline, there is a difference.)


By the way Aj...shocker and feels all in one...the feels I feel. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEELLLLLSSSSSSS....


In other news, the Project will be done shortly after a certain Ash and smart-mouthing Shade are dealt with.

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